The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 301 The more you protect him, the more damned he is.

Chapter 301 The more you protect him, the more damned he is.

Tong Li stared fixedly at the demonized Chu Mo, or in other words, he was no longer Chu Mo.

She has already started to think about whether this person should stay.

Chu Mo also noticed the murderous intent on Tong Li, but he didn't think it mattered, anyway, he has become a demon, and this fact can't be changed in any way, if the master wants his life, he can give it.

But the premise is that the man must die.

"What does Chu Mo want to do?" Tong Li snorted, after all, she was the apprentice she brought up, and to her, she had only been away for less than half a year, and the relationship with him as a teacher and apprentice could not be finished.

If there is a chance to bring someone back, she will work hard to bring him back.

After all, she has to bear half of the responsibility for him becoming like this. It was she who didn't teach him well and let him go astray.

But if he's still obsessed with it, it's not her fault.

Although Chu Mo has been demonized, but his consciousness is still there, who can fight and who can't?He is very clear.

Chu Mo pursed his lips, with a trace of pain on his face: "Master, get out of the way, I...I killed that man, I'm going to kill him."

Tong Li's hand tightened, and the Baihong sword was in his hand.

Chu Mo looked at the sword she summoned, and his pupils trembled. He had never seen his master use this sword before, and he didn't know where it came from, but he could feel the domineering power of that sword just by standing here. Holding a sword is definitely not easy.

"Oh, master, do you have to protect this man?"

"Chu Mo, be obedient, and stop immediately." Tong Li's tone was stricter than usual. Apart from being a celestial master, she was also his master, and she couldn't let him make the same mistakes again and again.

Chu Mo's obsession was too deep, and he could no longer listen to any persuasion, nor could he hear Tong Li's intention to let him go. He just had one thought now, to kill Pei Jiuyin, the man who took his master away.

When his body was completely fused with the devil's energy, he stopped waiting and flew straight to Pei Jiuyin.

Just half a step away, Tong Li stopped him.

Chu Mo has been demonized, and there is only one thought in his mind, that is to kill Pei Jiuyin, whoever dares to protect him...

Pei Jiuyin was forcibly pulled out by Ning Xuesheng. While looking at him, he had to deal with the evil spirits that were attacking him from all directions.

These things are all-pervasive, and they are so powerful that he struggled a bit.

Ning Xuesheng took advantage of the gap to look back at Tong Li.

What about people?

I saw Tong Li and that man here just now, where did he go in the blink of an eye?
Pei Jiuyin looked around in a panic, but his eyes were fixed, that is, the speed of those two people was not visible to the naked eye at all.

"I say you……"

"Be careful." Ning Xuesheng saw several evil spirits attacking behind Pei Jiuyin.

But he is a little far away from Pei Jiuyin...

When he thought that Pei Jiuyin was dead, he still stood there safe and sound.

"Are you okay?" Ning Xuesheng circled around him, he had clearly seen the evil energy pass through his body just now, how could he be okay.

He touched the arm that was scratched by the evil spirit just now, and now it hurts to the point of death, how come he is fine now?

Pei Jiuyin touched his body, and it was really painless, and he didn't know what was going on.

However, the little Youbao who was on his body ate with incomparable joy.

Ning Xuesheng saw that these things couldn't hurt him, so he ignored him and focused on saving his life.

He is not the Tong family, he has never been to this place, he did not expect the Tong family to raise an evil spirit full of evil in the forbidden area.

This is completely different from the Tong family who has always described itself as a virtuous image.

what happened?

Tong Li forced Chu Mo out of the castle, and she would not let Chu Mo hurt Pei Jiuyin anyway.
The two stood facing each other at the top of the tree, thin beads of sweat appeared on Tong Li's forehead, and his eyes were frighteningly cold.

Her strength is indeed not as good as before, but Chu Mo in front of her is obviously much stronger than before.

Especially the evil spirit that is continuously supplied to him, do you want to defeat him...

Chu Mo's left arm was cut, and the blood was red. He had just changed into white clothes, but compared to the heart-piercing pain, this pain was nothing.

However, this wound made him more conscious. After the fight just now, he also discovered one thing.

"Master, why did your strength retreat so much?"

It stands to reason that if...

He seemed to think of something, panic flashed across his face: "Couldn't you..."


"You must be negligent in your practice, and your skills have regressed." It must not be what he thought.

"You are not that kind of person. How could you abandon your own practice for the sake of a man?"

If her emotions and desires have not been let go, then what is his persistence for so many years?
He met Shang Tongli's eyes and couldn't help but see the aura of her Yuanyin.

Really no more.

With a bang, Chu Mo's long-held belief collapsed, and his emotions collapsed: "Master, tell me if that man forced you."

"Sure enough, that man deserves to die. I must kill him."

He refused to admit it, but he knew in his heart that his master was not an ordinary person. Without her approval, how could that man touch her.

"Master, why." Chu Mo covered his head with his hands, crying and shouting, his sanity began to become confused, and countless voices sounded in his mind, some good and some bad, he couldn't tell who was right and who was wrong.

"It's so cold." It was as if he was thrown into a bone-chilling cold pool. The icy river water slowly filled his whole body, so cold that he couldn't breathe.

He didn't know what to do.

"Master save me, I am in great pain."

The next second he said again: "Tell me, why?"

Tong Limei couldn't feel his pain, and she could only say one sentence to his questioning: "My business has nothing to do with you."

"Irrelevant?" Chu Mo raised his head, the pain in his heart had nowhere to vent, his body was shaking, and he was about to fall.

"Master...couldn't...I'm better than him?" In the end, he still said the tens of thousands of words that were suppressed in his heart.

But it was too late.

Tong Li frowned, as if realizing something.

"What nonsense are you talking about."

In late autumn and September, the sky changed suddenly, and it snowed suddenly in the dark night.

Chu Mo's pupils were out of focus.

The master is no longer the master I know, she has become no different from ordinary people, she has heart and affection, but the person she is facing is not him.

He has also changed, he is no longer the elder brother that everyone respects in Tianqi Mountain, now he is a demon that everyone can get and punish.

"Hahaha..." Chu Mo laughed with his head up, and shed two tears of blood.

"It's all so ridiculous."

"You must not be my master, my master is not like this."

Chu Mo seemed to have found a reasonable excuse for himself.

He turned the magic energy into a sword, and asked the person opposite him in a cold voice: "Say, who are you? Why are you pretending to be my master?"

Tong Li didn't say a word, her face darkened, obviously completely disappointed in him.

She made seals quickly with her fingers, no matter what, she must first catch him first, and she cannot allow his demons to become evil again.

Chu Mo's pupils were once again covered in jet black, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly to sneer: "If you dare to pretend to be my master, I want you... to die."

(End of this chapter)

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