Chapter 303 His Endgame: Master... Sorry
And the Tianhong Sword in the Sky City is also following Tong Li's command, drawing a sixteen palace eight trigrams formation with golden light.

This formation has a lot of internal friction on the body, but it can be said to be 100% lethal to monsters. She never thought that this formation would be used on her apprentice.

Such a villain appeared in her own door, and she had to clean up the door herself and give an explanation to the world.

Hum... There was a short pause in the surrounding air, and an invisible substance was slowly forming. The leaves, flowers and plants were constantly trembling strangely.

Standing in the woods, Pei Jiuyin could clearly feel the ground trembling under his feet, as if it was a precursor to the impending earthquake.

His heart became more disturbed.

On the other side, an up and down formation was formed, and Tong Li mobilized the spiritual power of her body to combine the two into one, but her appearance seemed to be powerless.

She spent a lot of mana in that river before, and she had a lot of entanglement with Chu Mo when she came here, and it was a bit difficult to force the two formations into one.

The jade crown on Chu Mo's head has long since disappeared, and his long hair is fluttering in the wind. He watched everything she did with quiet eyes, showing a weird smile, as if laughing at everything she did. Just in vain.

Tong Li just glanced at it and then looked away.

Just when she wanted to call in more aura, Ying Qianzhu suddenly burst out countless vitality like thunder. Facing a demon that hurt them, they spared no effort to get rid of this demon who was angry with both humans and gods.

With the help of that vitality, Tong Li's formation movements became much smoother.

The Tianhong sword spun in the air for a while, and finally when the two formations touched each other slowly, it immediately reversed direction and fell into the eye of the formation at an instant speed. Puncture in general.

The sixteenth house in the formation rotates rapidly, as long as you look up, you can see that the sky above rotates and changes with the direction of the sixteenth house.

Tong Li's body gradually moved away from the leaves, her hands slowly opened up to the sky, and she slowly manipulated the Tianhong Sword. The eyes she looked at Chu Mo became extremely complicated, and there was no possibility of stopping the matter at this point.

Chu Mo also accumulated half of the evil spirit, and the gloomy evil spirit should not be underestimated.

I don't know who will win the battle between the two sides.

The two sides looked at each other, and the two figures rushed straight up like extremely fast laser lines.

Pei Jiuyin came near the destination, but hadn't reached the center yet, what he saw could only be described as shock.

Not far away, a piece of woods was completely destroyed, with dead branches and leaves in sight, the ground cracked, the valley sank, and the corpses of various animals seemed to be suspended in mid-air by some kind of magnetic field. middle.

What is certain is that there has just been a devastating battle here.

What about the people he cares about most?
Pei Jiuyin suppressed the surprise in his heart, and slowly stepped forward. Just after taking two steps, he found that there was a lot of resistance in the road ahead, making it difficult for people to move an inch.

He wanted to continue walking in, but found that his footsteps involuntarily retreated.

He didn't know what was going on, he felt like his hands and feet were being controlled by someone, the more he wanted to go in, the more he retreated.

Finally turned around and ran.

This was not the result he wanted.

Bang, bang, bang... An extremely destructive explosion exploded in the air, and the trees within a radius of ten miles were shattered by the shock.

Before Pei Jiuyin could react, he was thrown to the ground by the powerful impact. After falling down, he silently called Tong Li's name, and finally passed out.

Xiao Youbao also crawled out of his pocket, looking at everything in front of him.

The aftermath of the explosion was still humming, and a huge sinkhole appeared on the flat ground in the distance.

The endless darkness shrouded the tiankeng, making it difficult for people to see the appearance inside.

With the sound of the explosion, this disparate battle seemed to be over, but it was not completely over.

The sword in Tong Li's hand in Tiankeng pierced Chu Mo's chest impartially, right in the heart, and was injured by the Tianhong sword.

Winning or losing this battle is obvious.

The redness in Chu Mo's eyes dissipated, and the corners of his upturned mouth kept overflowing with blood, and he didn't feel any surprise about the sword.

He ignored the sword in his heart, but looked at Tong Li who was bowing down above him with eyes that were extremely gentle and full of love.

He can finally look at her without any consideration or cover-up, even if this feeling is fleeting...


Cough...he coughed twice just after he said those two words, and large streams of blood gushed out of his mouth.

A few drops accidentally splashed onto Tong Li's face, adding a touch of rosiness to her pale face.

Chu Mo's eye sockets gradually became moist and red. This was not the bloody redness of the demon, but the conjunctival congestion caused by emotional stimulation of the lacrimal gland reflex: "Master... I'm sorry."

Hearing this sorry, Tong Li knew that the person in front of her was completely awake, but now everything is a foregone conclusion
Chu Mo smiled: "Actually, you don't have to work so hard. My life is yours. As long as you say it, I will give it unconditionally."

"It's just a little bit reconciled."

"Sure enough, people can't be too greedy. I have persisted in this world alone for so long, just to see you again. I have always believed that you are still alive, and maybe one day we will meet again."

"You know? Since the day you disappeared, the scene of our meeting will appear in my mind every day."

"Hehe... Even though there are thousands of possibilities, this one is the worst one."

If he didn't know those things, and Master killed demons only because of demons, then he would die willingly.

No... now is not the time to talk about this.

He discarded these superfluous thoughts, and focused his eyes on her. Some words had been pressed in his heart for a long time, so long that he didn't know how long, and now he finally had a chance, the only chance for him to say it.

"Master, I have always liked you, not between master and apprentice, but between a man and a woman, but I never dared to say it, I didn't even dare to hint, I was afraid, I was afraid that you would drive me down the mountain because of this, I just dared to keep silent Watching you behind you, guarding you."

"Later, it gradually became a habit, and then I thought it was good to be like this. We get along very harmoniously. You teach me the spells, and I help you deal with all the affairs in the meditation. It's great, isn't it? "

"If you hadn't disappeared at that time, it would be great, we could go on like that forever."

Chu Mo smiled self-deprecatingly: "I used to think that Master was a cold-hearted person. Except for your way, there is nothing you can appreciate, and it's the same with what you show."

"I know you don't love anyone, as long as you don't love anyone, I can do whatever I want, but why, you choose an ordinary mortal."

"If that's the case, then what did I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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