Chapter 304

"I know I'm not good enough, but I've worked hard and tried to do my best. I dream of becoming yours one day."


But those are all empty talk now, and it is meaningless to say more.

Chu Mo raised his hand tremblingly, with a glimmer of hope in his pupils, and his tone was pitiful and humble: "Master, can you hold my hand again, just like when you were a child, you held me to get rid of demons together."

"Let's go to gather medicine together."

"Take me home."

His last wish was so trivial.

Can you promise him?

Tong Li looked at him shaking his bloody hand slightly, his cold heart was touched slightly, and he slowly raised his hand, holding that big hand full of expectations.

Only then did he realize that his hands were as cold as ice, no longer having the temperature of a normal person.

Recalling the first time I held him, he was only 5 years old, a very small one, now...

Chu Mo squeezed the hand he dreamed of tightly with all his strength, and a happy smile appeared on his thin face. This was his heartfelt smile for so long.

"Sure enough, Master's hand is the same as when he held me for the first time, soft and warm."

At that time, he felt that as long as he held this hand, he would not be afraid of anything.

Chu Mo coughed twice, suppressing the blood that was about to burst out of his throat, and continued weakly: "Master, don't be angry with me, please, I know I was wrong."

"I didn't do anything evil other than wanting their vitality. In order to reduce the consumption of my own vitality, I would sleep when I could. Unless my body was really at the end of its strength, I would absorb some to maintain my lifespan."

Tong Li: "..."

Chu Mo chuckled: "However, it's wrong after all, so it's wrong."

"Master, the only thing I do right is to help you continue the Tong family from generation to generation."

"But I am not qualified to teach them Taoism. I, a demon, am not worthy to teach you morality."

This is a kind of defilement to him.

It is also a kind of protection for the Tong family.

If a family wants to pass it on from generation to generation, it is best not to touch those things. As long as there is no contact, they will not be able to understand the secrets inside, and there will be ambitions that should not exist.

Chu Mo's gaze was fixed on her: "Master, do you think I did this right?"

Tong Li pursed her lips tightly and said nothing.

Cough cough cough...

Chu Mo coughed up another big mouthful of blood. He knew that he didn't have much time, so he finally opened up his heart. He still had a lot of things to say to Master, but the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't say it.

He knew it would be futile to say more now.

After thinking about it, Chu Mo showed a relieved smile, and made his last request: "Master, I'm so cold, can you hug me?"

That's what he's been longing for.

Tong Li looked at him without moving.

Chu Mo's eyes dimmed a bit, and two tears accumulated in the corners of his eyes fell quietly.

Is it really a luxury?

However, he still wanted to make another effort: "Master, when you saved me, you hugged me and left the mountain. When I died... can you also hug me and leave like before."

He made such a request when he was dying.

Tong Li sighed slightly in her heart, she was her disciple after all, seeing him begging so humblely, she couldn't remain indifferent.

"it is good."

Chu Mo blinked his eyes lightly, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth into a smile. Today is really a happy day. The wish hidden in his heart can be fulfilled when he is dying. For him, this trip is worth it up.

Tong Li's eyelids were lightly closed, and she avoided his gaze intentionally or unintentionally, her eyes fell on the sword on his chest, her lips moved, but she still didn't say anything in the end.

She took back the sharp sword on his chest, and a gust of blood spurted out. Tong Li immediately mobilized a trace of spiritual energy in his body to stop the blood flow in his chest, and also found that his internal organs and eight veins had all been shattered.

This is no possibility of survival.

Her stiff arms passed through his armpit, and one hand passed through the hollow of his knee, holding him firmly.

Chu Mo's height is close to 1.9 meters, and her weight is generally about [-]. She hasn't exerted any strength yet, but she hugs him easily.

Tong Li stared at him for a moment, the weight was estimated to be less than fifty.

Chu Mo didn't care about these, he finally achieved his goal, the smiling mouth never stopped from the beginning: "Master has really changed."

"No matter how much I begged you before, I would not give you a hug or a back."

"Now I'll just say a few words..."

Cough, cough, cough... Chu Mo spewed out another big stream of blood.

The dazzling blood stained his clothes red, and also her clothes red
He looked at the dark clouds that were dissipating in the sky. It was almost dawn.

"Master, can we go to the top of the mountain to watch the sunrise again?"

Although there is a little bit of an inch.

"I was bitten by a snake once while collecting medicine. Although the poison was not fatal, it was very painful. I cried for a long time, but you didn't coax me."

"Later you thought I was noisy and scolded me, so I took the opportunity to propose that as long as you accompany me to watch the sunrise, I won't cry. In order to solve my trouble, you agreed."

Chu Mo's eyes felt a little wronged: "You promised me to accompany me to watch the sunrise, but after so many years, you didn't accompany me there, Master, you are the most trustworthy person, you won't lose your word to me, right? "

Tong Li looked down into his eyes as if trying to see if he was lying, she had no impression of this at all.

But it's impossible for such a trivial matter to be in her memory.

Tong Li didn't speak, hugged the feather-light man, and easily jumped out of the [-]-meter sinkhole.

After the earth-shaking upheaval they just made outside, it has become devastated, and it does not look like the green hills and trees before.

Her gaze subconsciously fell into the depths of the woods.

Chu Mo knew that the man was there, and was afraid that she would abandon him, so he grabbed her clothes with all his strength, and said in a pleading tone, "Master..."

Tong Li withdrew his gaze, and turned his gaze to Chu Mo's forehead in his arms. His lifeline was getting shorter and shorter. If he went there, it might be too late.

After some consideration, she decided to take the man up the mountain first.

Not long after she left, Pei Jiuyin who was lying on the ground woke up quickly with the help of Xiaoyoubao.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the dark clouds had completely dissipated, and the sun seemed to be slowly rising. He sat up slowly and found himself in a devastated forest.

He looked at him as if he didn't know where he was.

It wasn't until seeing the little ice silkworm jumping non-stop that he realized that he was looking for Tong Li.

Pei Jiuyin stood up from the ground and raised his hand to pat the dust off his body, but he couldn't get it clean.

He has a serious obsession with cleanliness, and when he sees himself dirty, he frowns, but at the moment this situation can only be tolerated temporarily.

(End of this chapter)

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