The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 305 Youyou year, the soul returns here

Chapter 305

He briefly checked his body and found nothing wrong before looking outside.

Looking at the trees without leaving any grass, he didn't need to think about what was going on, which made him even more worried.

He took a step forward and wanted to find Tong Li, but facing the scorched earth, he didn't know which direction to look for.

The little bug appeared in his mind, he searched around, and found a little ice silkworm lying softly under a leaf.

"Take me to Tongtong."

The little ice silkworm got up, held its head high, and looked in a certain direction, there was not only Tong Li's breath, but also that big villain's breath there.

Pei Jiuyin looked in the direction it was looking, understood, and was about to turn around, but saw the little ice silkworm biting his trouser leg, as if he didn't want him to go that way.

He moved his feet, but found that he couldn't move, thinking that this little thing looks small, but it has a lot of strength.

Pei Jiuyin bent down to pick up the little bug, met his sharp eyes with those big eyes that turned around, and asked it, "What are you doing?"

Little Bingcan pretends to look around and pretends to be stupid.

Seeing its evasive appearance, Pei Jiuyin's eyes darkened, and he conjectured in his heart: "You won't let me go?"

Little Iceworm continued to play dumb.

He looked to one side, his eyebrows twitched, don't think it's done without making a sound, there must be something here, otherwise why wouldn't it let itself pass.

If that's the case, then he has to go.

Regardless of Xiao Bingcan's obstruction, Pei Jiuyin resolutely embarked on the road of finding his wife, but he only had a general direction, not a precise route, and Xiao Bingcan didn't help him, he just followed his instinct.

When he came to the foot of a mountain, his foot suddenly sprained, as if telling him not to go any further, but to go up.

Pei Jiuyin looked up at the small hill full of needle fir trees, and began to observe the surroundings carefully. Basically, no one came here. If someone walked by, they would definitely leave traces.

Sure enough, not far away, he saw a trail that had just been stepped on, and there were still sparse blood stains on it.

His heart tightened, and he didn't know who those blood stains belonged to. When he saw that the faint footprints on it were similar to Tong Li's footprints, his mind instantly became even more flustered.

Tong Li had indeed gone up the mountain, and she might have been injured.

Pei Jiuyin didn't care about the pain in his ankle, and ran up the hill in three steps at a time.

The mountain is not high, and there are a lot of unknown weeds, many of which have sharp thorns. He accidentally cut a few wounds on his hands and face by the thorns, but at this moment, he only cares about Tong Tong. Li, didn't care about these small wounds at all.

He ran to the top of the mountain at the fastest speed, and he was still out of breath. The scene in front of him made his pupils shrink twice rapidly, and his whole heart fell to the bottom of the valley, feeling cold and cold.

There were two figures sitting on the ground in front, the man's head was still leaning on the girl.

Obviously the two are hostile, why didn't his Tongtong push the man away?Instead, let him rely on it.

There was an indescribable pain in Pei Jiuyin's heart, and the hands hanging below were tightly clenched, he was afraid that he would go up and tear the two of them apart on impulse.

When he saw the blood oozing from the man's back, he still held back his steps.

As the breeze blew, a strong smell of blood drifted past the tip of his nose along with the breeze.

Chu Mo opened his eyes hard, looking at the red clouds appearing in the sky, the sun will rise soon, and he should be able to hold on.

Chu Mo hooked the corners of his lips, and whispered: "Master..."


The person next to him didn't respond, so he continued to shout.


Tong Li: "Yeah"

Chu Mo smiled, his persistence was finally exchanged for a promise, she still wants to be his master, otherwise she wouldn't answer him, would she?
However, the last dialogue between the pair of master and apprentice stopped at this sentence of master.

Chu Mo didn't wait for Chen Xi, but he knew from the corner of his slightly curved mouth that he had no regrets.

It was at this time that the sun was rising, and the gray mist was lifted by it, slowly emitting dazzling rays of light.

Everything in the world ushered in vigor, hope, and light.

Also sent away others.

She has never been an emotional person, but for some reason, her heart is so heavy at this moment. The scenery in front of her is gradually becoming hazy, and it becomes clearer after a few blinks.

She adjusted her emotions, moved her shoulders, and said to the person next to her, "Chu Mo... the sunrise is here."

She kept her word and gained weight.

The person next to him didn't answer, everything was self-evident.

Tong Li didn't know how long she had been sitting here, the sun was already high, and the scorching sun warmed up her cold body, but her legs were a little numb.

She let out a deep breath, got down from the stone, without any extra expression on her face, picked up the person with her eyes closed, and when she turned around, she saw Pei Jiuyin who had been standing there for an unknown amount of time.

His eyes were quite complicated, he wanted to ask something but didn't know where to start, or he wanted to wait for her to say something.

Tong Li didn't say anything, he didn't ask anything.

The two went down the mountain tacitly one after the other.

During the period, Pei Jiuyin asked him to hug her, but Tong Li didn't agree, so he had no choice but to let it go.

After descending the mountain, Tong Li hugged the person and walked forward for a while, when he came to a small steep slope, he stopped suddenly, and said to the people behind without looking back: "You go back first."

Tong Li's tone was very calm, without too much explanation, and the emotion on his face was unclear.

Pei Jiuyin pursed her lips, realizing that her voice was filled with pain, and it was still because of the man in her arms.

He didn't know what happened, so he felt very uncomfortable, especially now that he was told not to follow.


"it is good."

He didn't know how much effort he had to use to say the word, but he finally said it.

Tong Li continued to walk forward with the people as if nothing had happened. After her figure disappeared, Pei Jiuyin walked back along the way he came in in a daze.


Tong Li carried her to that river, the current was still turbulent.

Although she didn't want to bring him here, she had to bring him here.

He has been quiet for thousands of years, has harmed countless people, and has been guarded by the evils of the previous life in this life. He should return his soul here.

Otherwise, how would the soul that had been brutally murdered by him rest in peace.

Tong Li looked at his ashen face, and said in a low voice: "Just wait here, and when I pay off your karmic debts, you can reincarnate properly, ten lives and ten lives, don't do evil."

She carried the man to the river, squatted down slowly, no matter how helpless she felt, she could only put the man in her hands into the water in the end.

She watched Chu Mo's body slowly being submerged by the cold water until he sank to the bottom of the river, and all the bones that had been trapped at the bottom of the river all year round also surfaced at this moment.

The densely packed skeletons directly covered the entire surface of the river, and the number was quite spectacular, making one's scalp numb.

Tong Li sighed silently, came to a big rock, sat down on the floor with his legs rolled up, and began to save these undead who died in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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