Chapter 306
The sun rises and the moon sets, the stars and the moon shine, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Tong Liye spent three days exercising her day after day, but it made her very tired.

Last time, she tried her best to use all the spiritual power in her body to fight against the Tianfu formation. After all, Chu Mo's demon power is not low.

Originally, he was fully prepared, but who would have thought that he would make such a big fuss just to wait for her final blow.

The last sword was not so much pierced by her as it was hit by him himself.

The moment she was stabbed, she was stunned for a moment, she didn't know why he did this.

Obviously at that time, wasn't it completely demonized?
At that time, she saw his mouth moving, but she didn't pay attention to what he said.

But it's useless to say anything now.

People die and two perish.

Tong Li took a deep breath, raised her hands slowly upwards, and calmed down her breath. After a few breaths, she suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her heart. I feel very uncomfortable.

"'re awake." Pei Jiuyin's pleasantly surprised voice came from not far away.

He had just finished eating the food delivered by the bodyguard when he saw Tong Li wake up.

The past few days have been hard enough for him, in order to guard Tong Li, he directly set up camp here.

He is very fortunate now that he didn't get angry and went back that day, otherwise, if she was exposed to the wind and sun, he would be so distressed.

But when he found this place and saw the bones that covered the river, he was really shocked. How many people would have to die to cover the river?How is it different from Wanguhe?
Although Tong Li didn't tell him anything, he knew that the man must be the person behind the wig case, and only this kind of demon would do such crooked things, and he really deserved to die.

Tong Li tilted her head to look at the figure who had been running all the way, she stood up with the help of the stone beside her, it took a lot of effort to get over the speed, the blood supply to the brain was insufficient when she stood up, her eyes went dark, and she felt a little dizzy.

Seeing her slightly swaying body, Pei Jiuyin held her tightly.

Only then did he realize that her face had turned pale and bloodless. He thought she was meditating for so many days to adjust her breathing. In the past, she would be refreshed every time she finished meditating. Why did she become so weak this time.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the calm river. He didn't know whether the pile of skeletons sank or floated away, but they disappeared anyway, and her complexion was so ugly, he thought of a certain possibility.

His handsome face, which was blushed from mosquito bites, was extremely gloomy.

He is not an open-minded person, seeing Tong Li working so hard for them, he was angry besides angry, but there was nothing he could do about her.

Resisting the urge to scold her, Pei Jiuyin picked her up, and said in a hoarse voice, "Why don't you cherish your body so much?"

Every time I say it, every time I don't listen.

Tong Li is physically and mentally exhausted now, she doesn't want to say a word, but just rubs against him vainly.

Chu Mo is her apprentice, he did something wrong, how can she ignore it as a master, she should do what she can for him, so that he can get rid of his karma as soon as possible and have a good pregnancy as soon as possible.

Pei Jiuyin gently stroked her forehead with his chin, her body temperature was still normal, but it was this weak appearance that made her feel so sorry for him.

"Let's go, let's go home." Get out of this unlucky place quickly.


Tong Li felt sleepy for a while, and yawned lightly. She was so sleepy, but before she closed her eyes, there was one more thing to explain.

She whispered in his ear: "Take Tong Heng with you before you go back."

That child probably knows why she became like this.

Pei Jiuyin frowned, what is that sick child doing with him?
He wanted to ask back, but the person in his arms was obviously asleep, and he couldn't ask if he wanted to.

Pei Jiuyin took him back to the Tong's Manor, and after taking him back to the villa and settling him down, he went to find the owner of the Tong's family.

Before leaving, she must finish what Tong Li told her.

Tong Hongzhi has had trouble sleeping and eating these days, worrying every day, and after a few days, the hair on his temples has grown white.

It's not that he didn't hear the movement that day, but he couldn't interfere.

It's true, the gods fight, and they bring disaster to mortals like them.

Tianzun is the god worshiped by their Tong family in the past. He is immortal. The Tong family can have everything now, and Tianzun has contributed a lot.

The old ancestors are back, they are very happy, but what Xuesheng means is that the Tianzun they have been supporting is actually a big devil who kills people without spit out bones. No one can accept this fairy becoming a big devil, right? .

In fact, he has only been there twice, the place is indeed quite gloomy, the devil is the devil, at least he didn't harm the Tong family.

Who would have thought that the ancestor came back this time just to get rid of the demon Tianzun.

Alas... what did you ask him to do?Nothing is right.

I have been waiting for the past few days to see who can get out of the forest alive, that is who wins.

The moment he finally saw his ancestor come back, he was inexplicably relieved, maybe this was his innate blood, after all, he was from his own family.

Not long after he stopped, he heard the report from the people below: The man from the ancestors was looking for him.

Tong Hongzhi immediately arranged for him to be placed in the main hall, and he should not be neglected in the slightest.

Not to mention that he is an ancestor man, his own identity should not be underestimated.

It's also his fault that he was blind and didn't check clearly before, and left people alone all the time. Now that he knows that he must be careful, this Buddha should not be offended at will.

At this moment, Pei Jiuyin had just been ushered into the hall when Tong Hongzhi arrived in a hurry.

"Mr. Pei, I've been waiting for a long time." Tong Hongzhi was dressed in formal attire, with a kind smile on his face.

Pei Jiuyin didn't think too much about his changed attitude, and directly stated the purpose of coming this time: "Patriarch Tong, I came here this time because I have something to tell you."

Tong Hongzhi saw that his serious appearance was more mature than him, and for some reason, cold sweat began to break out in his palms: "It's easy to say."

"Tongtong said that we will take Tong Heng away when we go back. We plan to go back tomorrow. Please arrange it here."

Pei Jiuyin knew what Tong Li wanted to do, and it was because he knew that he was in a bad mood, and it would take a lot of effort to save that sick child even if he came back.

But I only met once, why should I be so concerned.

Tong Hongzhi: "?"

"What?" Take his precious son back?

The next second he realized, he wanted to scratch his ears.

"Old ancestor..." Tong Hongzhi immediately stopped talking after shouting two words. The old ancestor had instructed not to publicize this matter to others.

Although the person in front of him shouldn't be considered someone else, forget it, if you don't say it, don't say it.

"Is it Ms. Tong who wants to treat my Tong Heng?" If so, then his son will be saved.

He tried his best to raise him until he was 18 years old, and he was about to die, and he was worried about what to find to keep him alive.

Unexpectedly, the ancestors came back.

"All right... Just take it with you." Tong Hongzhi smiled from ear to ear, if you want to take it, you can take it, or you don't have to return it.

(End of this chapter)

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