The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 311 A Man's Intuition 'This Man Is Not Simple'

Chapter 311 A Man's Intuition 'This Man Is Not Simple'

Half an hour later, the people inside finally finished talking.

As soon as the guest left, he followed closely behind.

"Master Tong, you are really busier than the president, and seeing you is even more difficult than climbing to the sky." Yi Jianzhou teased and said, the two have known each other for so long, and their conversation has become more casual.

"Well, it's been a bit busy this time."

"Check how much money is in my account, and donate it all to me for charity."

Yi Jianzhou paused when he sat down, thinking he heard it wrong: "What?"



He didn't expect Tong Li to ask him to come here for this matter.

Tong Li had no expression on her face: "Don't ask too many questions, just do it for me."

Yi Jianzhou frowned and couldn't understand, but obediently took out his mobile phone, opened his bank account, and transferred all the company's bills to her.

When he saw the balance in it, his little heart shrank. This amount of money is not a small amount. Doesn't it feel bad to donate it like this?

Besides, this is the money she worked so hard to earn back.

And didn't you say that you were short of money before, how long did it take to lose all the money?It is really incomprehensible.

Tong Li squinted her eyes and looked at the strings of zeros behind that.

I read it over and over again in my heart, [-] million?

so much?A little out of her expectation.

She doesn't seem to have accepted a few orders.

Is it so profitable?
Yi Jianzhou sighed slightly, and took the phone back: "Do you still want to donate such a large sum of money?"

Tong Li picked up a pen, pulled out a piece of paper, and wrote a person's name on it, with a very firm tone: "Donate, donate all, donate in this person's name."

Yi Jianzhou took the paper in her hand in a daze, and softly read the name of the person on it, "Chu Mo?"

Who is this person?

Three hundred million, all donated in this person's name?How stupid is this to do something.

Yi Jianzhou moved his lips, wanting to ask if he was cheated by someone, after all, liars nowadays are very rampant.

But thinking of her, if the liar dared to lie to her, she would probably tear him apart.

Forget it, whatever the big boss decides, he will execute.

"Do you have a direction in which you want to donate more?"

Tong Li shook her head, she just wanted to accumulate good deeds for Chu Mo and eliminate his evil obstacles: "No, just distribute the money as soon as possible."

Yi Jianzhou looked at the paper, and became even more curious about the people on it. You must know that Tong Li is Pei Shao's girlfriend. If he is not a liar, is it really okay for the boss to do this?
He is so worried, he can't control this matter.

Yi Jianzhou thought for a while and gave his pertinent opinion: "If you want to say that the easiest way to spread money is medical care. Many poor families have no money to treat some emergencies and serious illnesses, so they can only go home and wait for death."

"And it's like a bottomless pit. There's not enough money to spend. If you decide to donate, I can spend all the money within a week."

Tong Li nodded: "Yes, the premise is that all the money must be allocated to the patient."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this." He knows that it's easy to loose money in this kind of gap, and it's easy to lose money without blinking an eye. If the supervision is not in place, the money will disappear without a trace, so he must keep an eye on it.

"Okay." Tong Li was very relieved of his work.

The matter has been discussed, but Yi Jianzhou is still sitting in his seat, and has no intention of leaving.

Tong Li looked at his frowning expression: "What else is there?"

Yi Jianzhou smiled at her knowingly: "It's just that you have been idle for such a long time, when will you resume taking orders normally?"

"I have a few lists under my hands. If you are free, I will."

Tong Li looked at the pen in her hand, and fell into a short thought. If she had to say nothing, she definitely didn't have it, but she also wanted to accumulate more blessings for Chu Mo. In this way, her affairs had to be pushed back.

After thinking about it, she calmly said: "Take a few, not too many."

Yi Jianzhou smiled happily and quickly responded: "Okay, just two or three high-quality ones."

"I'll go back tonight and sort out the materials, and I'll bring them to you tomorrow."

Yi Jianzhou felt at ease now, his butt was finally willing to leave the stool, he came and left happily.

Looking at this appearance, he is happier than he signed tens of millions of orders.

After returning, he immediately contacted major medical institutions to provide high-quality help to those patients who could not afford the medical expenses and were ready to cut off treatment.

In order to prevent some people with ulterior motives, he also dispatched his own staff to investigate the background of the user who used the money. If there is one item that does not meet the requirements, the qualification will be disqualified immediately, and every penny will be used wisely.

But just as he got in touch with him, the company's account suddenly had an extra [-] million in turnover, and he was really shocked to see this amount.

The money didn't pass through his hands, he didn't know where the money came from, so after thinking about it, he asked Tong Li.

Fortunately, I asked, otherwise he would spend the money and be finished.

Looking at the account where the money was transferred, he checked it with his hands a lot, and when he found out the origin of the other party, he was frightened and trembled all over.

I have to say that his boss is old and powerful. She seems to be a little girl, and secretly meets rich and noble people. He dare not even think about these people. Complaining and remitting the money.

He had already admired his boss so much, he swore that he would absolutely follow her lead in the future without any complaints.

After Tong Li's side calmed down, she took out the paper, pen and ink from the drawer and began to recite the scriptures of past lives.

It was nothing more than because of Chu Mo, who couldn't stop after copying like this.

She didn't stop until Pei Jiuyin found her after dark.

"What are you writing? I didn't answer your phone call." Pei Jiuyin walked up to her side with a steady posture. When he saw the scriptures on the table, he picked them up curiously to have a look.

When I saw that the person who signed the money was a man named Chu Mo, I felt choked up for no reason.

"who is this?"

The man's intuition told him that this person was not simple.

Tong Li glanced there, his eyes flickered involuntarily, and said in a rather indifferent tone: "A deceased person."

Pei Jiuyin heard that he was a deceased person, and instead of being in a good mood, he felt even more uncomfortable. Tong Li didn't have any friends here, and the name was obviously a man.

He thought for a while and said his guess: "Is this the man from last time?"

For a moment, Tong Li's tidying movements stopped, and the air became stagnant.

Pei Jiuyin's heart also rose to his throat.

"Well." Tong Li's mood suddenly became dull, and she folded up the scriptures of the past life one by one and stuffed them into her bag.

Pei Jiuyin watched her movements, opened his mouth, and finally didn't ask anything.

"Clean up first, I'll wait for you outside."

He turned his head and went out muffled.


With the sound of closing the door, Pei Jiuyin disappeared into this room.

Tong Li looked up at the closed door, all her helplessness turned into a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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