Chapter 312 A Stomach-Aching Date

High mountains and flowing water, pavilions and pavilions.

On the round table in the middle of the water lake, two figures were sitting on each side, the lady was eating quietly, while the man had a cool handsome face, and diligently deboned his vegetables without saying a word.

This seemingly warm and harmonious picture is a bit weird.

In fact, the most aggrieved of the two is Pei Jiuyin. He is full of anticipation to prepare for tonight's date. He spent the whole afternoon looking up the most popular dating spots at the moment. Right now, this floating restaurant is a holy place sought after by many women.

He asked people to clear the place early, knowing that she likes the elements of the ancient style, so he asked people to temporarily build many antique beauties to make this place more romantic and more beautiful.

Then they can eat while admiring the beautiful scenery, and after eating, they can cuddle up to each other and swim in the lake, talking about love in front of the vast sky.

However, all this was disturbed by something in the afternoon.

The more Pei Jiuyin thought about it, the more irritable he became, he took a fork and angrily picked out the meat from the lobster one by one, and put them on Tong Li's bowl.

After picking one, he picked up another piece of fish. Although he was not happy, he still carefully removed the fish bones inside, and put it in front of Tong Li after shaving.

"Okay, that's enough, you eat by yourself." Tong Li put down his chopsticks, looked at the bowls piled up like a hill in front of him, and was completely speechless. What's wrong with this man?If she doesn't stop, he can still stack up.

Pei Jiuyin turned his eyes away from the food, and when he saw the food in her bowl, he felt that it seemed a bit too much.

However, he didn't stop there. She didn't want to eat it, so she shaved it and put it aside.

Anyway, he can't be idle now, and he will think wildly when he is free, so he can only find something to divert his attention, otherwise, he is afraid that he will pounce on someone and bite someone.

Hmph... So far, he has given birth for most of the day, but the woman in front of him is indifferent to his stinky face, she should eat and drink.

He just wants to choose, and no one can stop him.

Tong Li looked at his temperamental appearance, but thought it was a bit cute. She held back her smile, picked up the water glass and drank a couple of sips of water, and then asked, "Do you have anything to ask me?"

The movements in Pei Jiuyin's hands paused, and he blinked his eyelashes lightly. He raised his arrogant face slightly, and put down the knife and fork in his hand. Since the other party asked, he reluctantly asked.

"What's your relationship with that Chu Mo?"

Touching the bead in her hand, Tong Li knew that he cared about it: "He is my apprentice."

Pei Jiuyin: "."


that person?
How is it possible, that is not a big devil, how could it be.

and many more…….

With Pei Jiuyin's clever mind, Tong Li's words have been analyzed thousands of times in just ten seconds.

His dark pupils were wide open. He seemed to think of a very incredible thing.

Directly beyond the scope of his cognition.

Pei Jiuyin's voice was distorted and stretched unconsciously: " are really not from here?"

Tong Li looked at him unsatisfactorily with eyes like clear water, and then nodded slowly under his astonished gaze.

Pei Jiuyin's heart shrank violently. At first he had already guessed something, but when he got the confirmation from her mouth, he was still extremely shocked: "Then you? You are really over 200 years old."

Tong Li: "Yes."

Kang dang
Pei Jiuyin's hand accidentally bumped into the knife and fork on the table, and the handle of the knife collided with the marble to make a harsh sound.

"Then what are you doing?"

"What's up?"

Pei Jiuyin clenched his fist and hesitated to speak, but finally he didn't ask: "Nothing?"

But his whole body was like a frost-beaten eggplant, wilted, how could it be nothing.

He originally thought that Tong Li was just a little more powerful magician, but he never expected...

This also explains why her temper was so strange at the beginning.

Is it because of this that she doesn't want to marry him or have a baby with him, is she ready to leave at any time?
Just thinking about it might make him feel bad.

Pei Jiuyin looked at her with extremely complicated eyes. If so, what did she think of him?
If you invite it, it will come, and if you wave it, it will go?
Tong Li looked slightly dodged: "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Pei Jiuyin's heart was shaking now, and he shook his head lightly. He hadn't digested these things well, and even if there were, he didn't dare to ask. Who knew if something shocking would come out of her mouth.

"Then eat quickly and go back after eating."

Tong Li picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat, but Pei Jiuyin didn't have any appetite at all, and even felt a little cramping in his stomach.

He was full of thoughts that Tong Li would leave one day.

Now recalling her lukewarm, even indifferent attitude towards him before, she didn't care for him, so she should have been ready to withdraw and leave long ago.

Unexpectedly, Pei Jiuyin's heart throbbed even more.

Tong Li glanced across his face faintly, seeing that his expression was not right: "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

Pei Jiuyin lowered his eyes to hide the uneasiness in his eyes, and did not respond to Tong Li's concern.

Tong Li subconsciously reached out to help him feel his pulse.

Just as her hand was about to touch him, his hand escaped.

"I'm fine." Pei Jiuyin answered three words indifferently.

Tong Li didn't know why, but when he thought of the avoiding hand, his heart felt like a stone was blocked.


Pei Jiuyin pulled his hand back and regretted it the next second, but he couldn't have stretched out his hand while licking his face.

Sure enough, he didn't trust him, so he took his hand away. Could it be that she couldn't hold on a little longer, maybe he would agree in the next second.

But Pei Jiuyin was disappointed, Tong Li really sat in her seat honestly, and didn't look at him anymore, in Pei Jiuyin's opinion, she didn't care about him at all.

He touched the small box in his trouser pocket. This is the latest locator made for her. It is exactly the same as the ring on his hand. It can be said to be a pair of couple rings, but is it meaningful to give it away now?

Now I don't have him in my heart at all.

Pei Jiuyin's body was filled with a dull aura, and he was even thinking that if he was destined to leave, why did he...

"Will you leave?" Pei Jiuyin's voice was as thin as a mosquito, so small that only he could hear these words clearly.

Maybe he didn't have the courage to ask loudly: Will you go?

He was afraid that he would not be able to accept Tong Li's answer.

"What?" Tong Li frowned slightly, the other party's voice was too low, she couldn't hear what he was asking.

"It's nothing." Pei Jiuyin's tone was sarcasm. He felt that he was being cheap. He knew that this relationship might not go far, but he still didn't want to let go.

Tong Li felt that Pei Jiuyin was very strange today, and he had told him the information just now, but he didn't believe it himself, and now he just restated the facts.

What is he messing with?
The two of them had their own thoughts and sat quietly, neither eating nor speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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