The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 313 Heartbroken, Dating Becomes a Breakup

Chapter 313 Heartbroken, Dating Becomes a Breakup

Pei Jiuyin felt that his eye sockets were a little hot, and a gust of cool wind blew in, and when he closed his eyes, the stinging pain in his eyes became more obvious.

It seemed like something flew into it just now.

Pei Jiuyin raised his hand to cover his eyes, and rubbed them twice. His eyes hurt even more, and he couldn't help but shed a few physical tears from the corners of his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Tong Li stood up and walked to his side, naturally seeing the tears welling from the corners of his eyes.

Pei Jiuyin was afraid that she might misunderstand, so he quickly explained: "It's nothing, something flew in."

"Let me see."

Tong Li pulled off his hand and held his face, but the man in front of him got angry again and turned his face away to prevent her from seeing it.

Tong Li's face was rather displeased, an inexplicable emotion surged up in his heart, he opened his mouth, but said nothing.

She felt that Pei Jiuyin was resisting her and didn't want her to touch him.

she does not know.

Since he doesn't want her to touch it, then she just doesn't want to touch it.

Tong Li thumped her hands and turned around to walk back to her position. Just after taking two steps, her hand was tightly grasped by a big hand.

Tong Li looked back at him puzzled.

Pei Jiuyin's throat was dry, and he finally said, "Help me."

"it is good."

Tong Li walked to his side and bent slightly, her eyes fixed on his one eye.

Pei Jiuyin closed his eyes, and his nose was filled with the delicate fragrance of her body. This cold and pity fragrance directly slowed down the reaction in his brain by half a beat.

After reacting, her slender fingers had opened the eyelids, and she was carefully checking his eye sockets.

In fact, she didn't care about him at all, right.

Tong Li looked at the bloodshot eyeball and frowned: "Does it hurt?"


Tong Li searched for a while, and finally saw a small black dot at the corner of her eye. She blew a breath towards the eye socket, blowing the small black dot out of the eye socket.

"All right."

Pei Jiuyin blinked, feeling that the ball was still very dry and astringent, and the tears couldn't stop flowing.

Suddenly, a warm touch covered the eyelids, and a burst of coldness spread in the eyeballs, which was very comfortable. She was kissing him, but soon the touch left, and Pei Jiuyin felt a little lost in his heart.

"Open it and see if you feel uncomfortable."

Pei Jiuyin covered his right eye, and saw the tension on Tong Li's face with the other eye, and suddenly felt that this tension was a bit ironic to him, and he was obviously ready to leave at any time, who was she showing her nervous appearance to? ?

Tong Li didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would definitely give him a big slap, and kindly help you.

"Why, aren't you alright?"

"Let me see."

Speaking of Tong Li, she wanted to pull his hand down, but Pei Jiuyin grabbed her wrist with one hand and pulled her into her arms. Tong Li fell down without noticing, and Pei Jiuyin took advantage of the situation to wrap her arms around her waist, pulling her into her arms. Take control in your arms.

Tong Li frowned slightly, put her hands on his chest, and her eyes naturally fell on her slightly cold eyes.

"What are you doing?" She didn't like this kind of surprise attack very much, and she couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't accidentally hurt him.

Pei Jiuyin's eyes were more serious than ever. This matter will affect their future: "Can I ask one more thing?"


Pei Jiuyin pursed his lips lightly, his heart clenched into a hemp rope, two voices kept fighting in his head, one told him not to ask, the answer he got after asking would cause him a lifetime of pain.

A man named Shi Jin told him that there should be no concealment between couples, and that if there are problems, they should be discussed and resolved together.

So he was extremely entangled in his heart, whether to say it or not to say it.

This prone position made Tong Li very uncomfortable, she exerted a little force on her wrist, and was about to stand up, but Pei Jiuyin held her hands tightly to prevent her from leaving.

Out of the mouth hurriedly: "Will you leave me? Will you go?"

Tong Li was taken aback, she didn't expect Pei Jiuyin to ask this question.

Whether to leave or not, she also thought about this question, and she couldn't give her definite answer at that time.

Now that he asked, she still couldn't give him an answer.

Seeing her expression, Pei Jiuyin's eyes immediately dimmed, and his voice was a little hesitant: "You will leave, right?"

The annoying voice in his mind was mocking him: Yes, she came here to recuperate, maybe she will leave one day after recovering, you are just a stepping stone for her, when she leaves you will nothing.

Pei Jiuyin's brain was in pain, he didn't want to hear that annoying voice, the more he didn't think about it, the more it haunted him.

Pei Jiuyin took a deep breath, relaxed his palms a little, and said in a weak voice, "Tongtong, have you never thought about our future?"

Before she could answer, Pei Jiuyin said to himself, "You didn't want to marry me last time, are you planning to withdraw at any time?"

To be honest, Pei Jiuyin was very angry, but he was not a barbarian, he knew that he loved Tong Li very much, but if she was ready to leave at any time, then he would rather not have this feeling.

He doesn't want anything...he doesn't want her either.

Pei Jiuyin observed Tong Li's expression, maybe she hid it so well that he couldn't see anything.

But this way at least he still has a little hope in his heart, as long as she doesn't open his mouth, he has at least half the chance.

"Tongtong must have a conscience. I have treated you like this. You can feel it yourself. From the beginning, you just used me as your ladder."

"I said that I don't mind, but the premise is that you have to stay by my side instead of throwing me away after using me."

Tong Li remained silent.

Pei Jiuyin's heart was completely cold, Tong Li's attitude said it all, did he lose even one last hope?

That being the case...

He pushed Tong Li away, stood up and straightened the wrinkles on his clothes, and put away the humbleness on his face, and put on his proud face of Young Master Pei.

"I still have something to do, you can eat by yourself."

After speaking, he bypassed Tong Li and walked towards the exit. After walking a few steps, he stopped again, perhaps waiting for Tong Li to stop him.

But Tong Li didn't say a word, what was her posture before, and what posture she is now.

Pei Jiuyin grasped the box with his trouser pocket, loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened, and finally decided not to give it away. The ring meant nothing to her at all.

Pei Jiuyin left, but Tong Li didn't keep her. She observed the surroundings silently, every scene here was arranged just right, every food here was her favorite, and every bite she ate was carefully prepared for her by him. .

He is really good to her, yes, he can give her everything in the future, but she has no way to respond to him.

Tong Li walked to a chair and sat down, looking at the light fountain by the lake and lost in thought.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye, and Tong Li sat in one position for a full two hours.

The food on the table had already cooled down, only the light was still flickering.

Tong Li looked at the bright moon with a hint of melancholy in her eyes, and she has not been able to give an answer so far.

She went outside with a heavy heart and saw that Pei Jiuyin had left her a driver.

But can she still enjoy the convenience he provided for granted?

(End of this chapter)

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