The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 314 She didn't sleep this night, and he didn't sleep this night.

Chapter 314 She didn't sleep this night, and he didn't return this night.

Tong Li finally got into the driver's car, and it was already ten o'clock when he got home.

The house was empty and quiet, Pei Jiuyin was not at home, and she was the only one in the huge house, which seemed particularly deserted and lonely.

Tong Li leisurely walked to the sofa and sat down, looking at the house, her heart seemed to be bitten off by something, it didn't hurt, but it always felt that something was missing, which made people very uncomfortable.

She just sat on the sofa in a daze, staring at the coffee table in a daze. When she came back to her senses again, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Her gaze fell on the closed door, but there was no movement at the door, and the man still didn't come home.

Tong Li couldn't help thinking back to the low and smoldering aura on his body when he left, probably because he was disappointed in her.

Come to think of it.

Tong Li pinched the corners of her tired eyes, sighed again, and finally got up from the sofa and walked upstairs.


next day
The sun rises, and the warm morning light dispels the darkness of night,

On the balcony of a tall building, a petite figure stood there for a whole night without moving.

That pair of cool and beautiful eyes quietly stared at the gray-white sky, watching the dim sunlight penetrate the faint mist and rise little by little.

She didn't sleep that night, and he didn't return that night.

Tong Li blinked her eyelids lightly, and moved her stiff feet. One night passed, and she still couldn't figure out some things. Maybe it was too complicated for her, and she was always stuck in a certain section and couldn't figure it out.

Unable to figure it out, she simply stopped thinking about it and turned back to her room.

After washing up, I went downstairs to go to the company.

As soon as I arrived downstairs, I saw that the servants had prepared a hearty breakfast.

Seeing Tong Li come down, the servant smiled and nodded to her: "Miss Tong, breakfast is ready."

Tong Li looked at the dining table, a large table was full, and there were some dishes that she had never seen before.

She couldn't help thinking: Today's breakfast seems extraordinarily rich.

The servant glanced at Tong Li, then glanced behind her twice, as if trying to spot someone again.

After all, today's meal was specially prepared by the young master. Many ingredients were airlifted from all over the place, and they were very fresh.

She didn't know why only one person went downstairs now.

Tong Li's footsteps were originally going to the door, but when she saw the little lotus-shaped pastry, she suddenly wanted to try it.

The servant didn't see the second person, and didn't dare to ask more questions, so he lowered his head and retreated.

Tong Li walked slowly to the seat. Normally, someone would pull the chair away for her considerately, let her sit down with a smile, and then hold the bag for her. Although they were all insignificant things, they fell in her mind. deep imprint.

Tong Li sat down, her eyes habitually fell to the side seat, there should be another person there, but now the seat was empty, she felt that the seat was particularly glaring.

Suddenly there was a stabbing pain in her temple, Tong Li raised her hand and pressed it, and when the stabbing pain gradually eased, she lost her appetite.

In the end, Tong Li didn't touch anything, and went to the company as if escaping.

She came early today, but there was someone earlier than her.

Yi Jianzhou was already waiting inside when she arrived. Yesterday he finished the documents overnight, and he came to block people early this morning. He was afraid that Tong Li would be quite troublesome if he repented and refused to accept.

After all, those people didn't just offend them casually, and playing around with them like this would cause serious trouble.

It's better to come early, pick up early and get things done early.

"Master Tong, you are here." Yi Jianzhou seemed to be coming, and immediately raised a big smiling face, quickly invited her to the seat, poured her a glass of water, and served her clearly.

Seeing that her complexion was not good, Yi Jianzhou asked casually, "Is Master Tong feeling unwell today?"

Tong Li didn't understand, so she glanced at him: Is she acting so obvious?She thought she was quite normal.

Seeing that she didn't want to say anything, Yi Jianzhou smiled, and handed her the folder in his hand: "Master Tong, take a look, I've organized this for you."

He secretly observed Tong Li's expression, and then briefly introduced the general situation to her: "The first one is that there is something wrong with the Feng Shui in the town next door, and they want to invite someone to take a look."

"This one looks easier."

"Although the matter is small, the people who invited us are not low-status. When the time comes, try not to offend them when you go."

Tong Li's temper is very stubborn, he is afraid that she will offend others by being stubborn, and it will not end well.

After thinking about it, he still felt something was wrong: "I'll go with you when the time comes, those people are not easy to talk to."

In fact, he was afraid that Tong Li would not speak well.

Tong Li flipped through the things in his hands expressionlessly, neither agreeing nor objecting to Yi Jianzhou's proposal.

Yi Jianzhou smiled embarrassingly, and continued to introduce the second and third situations to him. After he had finished talking about the situation, Tong Li on the opposite side still didn't respond.

He even began to wonder if the person on the opposite side was listening to him. Today Tong Li is really a bit strange. Although she is usually quite indifferent, today she is obviously absent-minded, as if she is troubled by something.

He thought that for a person like her, there should be nothing that could trouble her.

"Master Tong, what's the matter with you?"

When Yi Jianzhou asked, he regretted it. He felt that if Tong Li was bothered by something, the thing that bothered her would definitely not be a trivial matter, and he would not be able to help her solve it if he knew about it.

Hearing his question, Tong Li looked away from the folder and looked at him with piercing eyes.

When Yi Jianzhou was stared at like this, his flesh tightened and his scalp exploded.

He didn't seem to have said anything wrong, why are you looking at him like this?The strange man made himself uncomfortable: "Hehe, I'll just ask casually, it doesn't matter if I don't say anything."

"Will you leave Mu Simin?" Tong Li blurted out, the question was so sudden that Yi Jianzhou was stunned.

"Of course not, why should I leave her."

"Xiao Min is my dearest person in this world, how could I leave her."


Tong Li felt that the question just now was wrong, and asked again: "If you find out that she is sick and has only a few years to live, will you still love her as always?"

Sick and with only a few years to live, Yi Jianzhou became nervous when she asked her about it. Tong Li is a real master, and his mouth is very accurate. Could it be that she found something wrong with Xiao Min?
"Master Tong, don't scare me, is something wrong with Xiao Min?" Yi Jianzhou's frightened mouth began to tremble.

His family, Xiao Min, was just pregnant, and if there was any problem with this, he would collapse.

Seeing the panic and fear in his eyes, Tong Li said lightly: "No, I'm just making a comparison."

Yi Jianzhou held down his trembling hand, and confirmed to her again: "Really?"

Tong Li: "Yes."

Yi Jianzhou raised his hand and patted his chest, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Being asked such a question inexplicably, he thought something was going to happen and scared him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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