The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 316 Trapped by love, using wine to drown sorrows.

Chapter 316 Trapped by love, using wine to drown sorrows.

Tong Li walked towards Jing Beichen with a cold face. Those people thought it was a little girl who wanted to get sugar daddy, but they didn't stop them, after all, there were not a few such people.

Sugar daddy is fine, but her target person chooses Jing Shao, whom no one dares to get close to.

I have to say she has good eyesight.

Tut tut, that's a pity.

If she chooses anyone other than that person, she has a 90.00% success rate, but she chooses that person


Everyone looked at Tong Li with a happy face, and some secretly took out their mobile phones to take pictures. They really wanted to see what kind of results would happen if their family background was poor.

Accept it, or humiliate it?
They couldn't wait to take pictures of the terrified, ashamed and angry expressions on the beauty's face.

Tong Li stood in front of Jing Beichen, and said without much nonsense, "Where are people?"

Jing Beichen looked at her with great interest, thinking that the little servant was really useful, and could make this cold, proud and beautiful woman come over.

Not bad.

Ten seconds later, he put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up and picked up a new glass next to him, and then picked up a bottle of foreign wine next to it and filled it with seven points.

Finally, it was handed to Tong Li, and she smiled very meanly: "Little Li'er has rushed here so hard, let's have a drink to quench his thirst, what's the matter, we will talk about it later."

The person next to him groaned in his heart. It turned out that the two knew each other, and it was a great honor for Jing Shao to pour wine for her himself.

They were even more curious about what would happen next.

A few pairs of big eyes stared at the two of them, but the beauty on the opposite side didn't seem to appreciate it, she didn't even move her eyebrows, let alone take the glass of wine.

Jing Beichen chuckled, leaned over to Tong Li's ear and whispered a few words.

There was a look of disgust in Tong Li's eyes, and she took a few steps back.

She shifted her gaze to the glass of wine in Jing Beichen's hand, usually the wine she saw was as pure as water, but this glass was as red as blood.

Jing Beichen saw Tong Li looking at the glass of red wine in his hand as if looking at poison, and laughed aloud: "Don't worry, I didn't poison, and I have no choice but to."

In the next second, Tong Li directly picked up the wine glass and choked down half of the wine in one gulp.

She seldom touched this kind of thing, and when he drank it, he was ready to be hard to swallow. Who knew that this wine had a smooth mouthfeel, a strong aroma, and a taste of fruit and alcohol.

She doesn't know how to make it, but it's not bad to drink anyway.

"Drink." Tong Li unceremoniously threw the empty cup at him.

Jing Beichen didn't pick it up, and the cup rolled down onto the carpet, making a muffled sound.

The few people who were eating melons gasped, looking terrified, and silently lit three candles for the woman in their hearts, they had never seen anyone who dared to hit Young Master Jing and was able to escape unscathed.

They waited for the fury to appear on Jing Beichen's face, but they were disappointed.

There was no anger on Jing Beichen's face, but he laughed out loud, then looked down at the place where he was hit, and raised his hand to pat it.

"Girls are so rude, it will be difficult to marry in the future, Xiao Li'er will change her temper in the future."

"Where are people?" Tong Li still had that cold face, but this time there was a slight anger in her eyes. She didn't come here to chat with him. She had already drunk the wine. If this man dared to tease her, she would definitely He beat him until his mother didn't even recognize him.

Seeing the threat in her eyes, Jing Beichen was not afraid.

"What are you in such a rush for? Sit down and eat something, we have plenty of time tonight." Jing Beichen sat on the sofa and adjusted his position slightly, signaling Tong Li to sit down too.

Tong Li frowned, obviously impatient.

Jing Beichen didn't want to tell the matter so easily, because the feeling of being able to control Tong Li's behavior was very cool.

Although Tong Li was unwilling, but in order to get the news of the demon fox, she could only sit down against her will.

There are a few who have never met Tong Li, but they know that Jing Beichen is pestering a girl, so they also guessed about it.

This should be the girl Jing Beichen has been pestering all this time, that is...

Some watched the excitement and forwarded the recorded video to the group.

There are all kinds of people in this large group of fish and dragons. Many people see that the protagonist in it is Jing Beichen, and they keep praising them there.

It is simply exaggerated that there is nothing in the sky and nothing on the earth, as much as you want.

On the other side, the same location, but a different box.

This is a place that makes people happy and happy, but the atmosphere inside is extremely dull.

The box was brightly lit, and no one spoke except for the music.

Pei Jiuyin in the middle of the sofa looked extremely cold. There were empty bottles in front of him, and he was still drinking glass after glass of wine.

Du Zhibai's face was full of sadness. Others drink slowly and appreciate it quietly, but he is like drinking plain water.

Brother, that's wine, no one can drink like this, it will kill you.

But this man's temper is too stubborn, he can't be persuaded at all, and he doesn't know what happened to make this man who has never touched alcohol drink wine like boiling water.

"Brother Jiu, stop drinking."

He drank so hard, he was afraid.

You must know that Pei Jiuyin's health has never been very good. If he drank so much today, what should he do if something happens to him?

I don't know which heartless person called Qu Lanxin over. I don't know if Brother Jiu doesn't like people other than sister-in-law Jiu to approach?
But he can also understand his brother's kindness, Qu Lanxin is a doctor, and if Pei Jiuyin gets into an accident, there is an emergency.

Du Zhibai sighed at the wine glass, if he had known this was the case, he would not have come out.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the corner, several people whispered with their mobile phones, and from time to time they looked at Pei Jiuyin who was drowning his worries with wine.

Du Zhibai saw that the eyes of those people were not right, so he came to them and took the phone.

"Fuck me."

The content played in it made his mouth open in fright, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

He fixed his eyes on the screen, he knew the woman inside who had turned into ashes, and that place seemed familiar.

Isn't that where they are?
Brother Jiu was drinking alone here, but sister-in-law Jiu ran to drink with other men.

What is this operation?
Du Zhibai turned off the phone, and his gaze was fixed on Pei Jiuyin, as if he could guess why he was drinking so much to drown his sorrows.

I'm afraid the two of them had a quarrel, so they ran over to get drunk, otherwise, what else could make a man who doesn't drink alcohol wantonly use alcohol to numb himself.

Does Brother Jiu know that Sister-in-law Jiu is here, and she is still drinking with others.

Qu Lanxin noticed the strange look in Du Zhibai's eyes, and she also took out her mobile phone to check.

Finally, I saw the video about Tong Li in my private group.

Seeing this, she was overjoyed. Before that, he suspected that Brother Jiu came here to drink because of a quarrel with Tong Li. Seeing the situation, it was more than just a quarrel.

(End of this chapter)

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