The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 317 Sister-in-law 9 is here, brother 9, please ask for blessings

Chapter 317 Sister-in-law Nine is here, brother Nine, please ask for blessings
Qu Lanxin's eyes darkened, her red lips were slightly pursed, she moved closer to Pei Jiuyin, and then stretched out her phone.

As if he was afraid that he would not be able to hear him, he deliberately raised his voice: "Brother Jiu, do you think this person looks a bit like Tong Li?"

Then he pretended to defend her: "But I don't think it's her, how could she be with Jing Beichen?"

Jing Beichen's reputation in their circle is not good, except for those who flatter him, no one wants to be associated with him.

Du Zhibai gave Qu Lanxin a hard look, and knew that this woman was doing something bad. How could this video be shown to Brother Jiu.

If there is a misunderstanding between the two of them, seeing this video is not equivalent to adding fuel to the fire.

Sure enough, when Pei Jiuyin heard the word Tong Li, he stopped drinking.

Although he drank a little too much, he wasn't blind yet, the person inside not only looks like him, this is him, okay?

The above video just played when Tong Li took the red wine from Jing Beichen's hand and drank it in one gulp, then the video ended here.

In an instant, the temperature in the entire private room dropped sharply, and the bursts of coolness were like gangrene, so cold that everyone couldn't help shivering.

Except for the soothing music around, no one dared to breathe.

Qu Lanxin saw that Pei Jiuyin's face became more and more ugly. She felt that the fire was not burning enough, so she continued to offer fire: "This place seems to be in this bar, it seems to be upstairs."

"Brother Jiu, are we going to call Miss Tong down?"

Pei Jiuyin's head hurts, especially when there is a voice next to his ear that is chattering non-stop.

He raised his head sharply, his cold eyes met Qu Lanxin: "Shut up."

How could Qu Lanxin have seen Pei Jiuyin's eyes before? Her heart, which was triumphant just now, was instantly frozen by a gust of cold frost, making her mind go blank.

This look seems to be...

How could it be, she must have misread it, although Brother Jiu would not let her get close, but after all, we all grew up together, it is absolutely impossible.

She must have read it wrong.

She wanted to say something more, but Pei Jiuyin's eyes made her unable to say anything.

Du Zhibai stepped forward and pulled her away, and sat next to Pei Jiuyin to explain him: "Brother Jiu, maybe sister-in-law Jiu has something to talk to Jing Beichen about, so don't think too much about it, just go back later and ask sister-in-law Jiu." Understood."

Pei Jiuyin lowered his eyes, looked at the wine glass on the table disheartened, and couldn't help laughing at himself: Ask clearly?What right does he have to ask others, she doesn't belong to him at all.

It just happened last night, so why don't you go home now?


Pei Jiuyin's heart was cold and painful, and he wanted to kill someone in pain, but on the surface he pretended to be indifferent: "Wherever she goes is her freedom, what she wants to do..."

not my business.

But he couldn't say it, how could he not care, but what's the use of him caring, this relationship will never come to the end.

In the end, he still had to leave, to leave him forever. When he thought that this could only be the result in the end, his heart felt like someone had been torn apart, and the pain pierced his bones.

Pei Jiuyin picked up a bottle of wine and filled the empty wine glass. Just as he lifted it to his mouth, he stopped suddenly, then put down the wine glass heavily, stood up and walked out.

"Where are you going, Brother Ninth?" Du Zhibai thought he was going to find Tong Li, so he quickly followed.

Maybe he drank a little too much, walking wobbly, as if he was about to fall in the next second, which made him terrified.

Qu Lanxin didn't even need to shout, Pei Jiuyin's eyes were so clear just now, she just hated her, but she still licked her face and followed her out.

Pei Jiuyin didn't go upstairs, but went downstairs directly. Du Zhibai thought he was going back, so he took out his mobile phone and asked the driver to drive over.

Unexpectedly, after arriving on the first floor, Pei Jiuyin grabbed two bottles of wine from the wine rack, found a place to sit down and did not leave.

Is this going to continue drinking on the 1st floor?
Du Zhibai was so tired, he sighed, walked to sit beside him with long legs and sat down: "Brother Jiu, did you quarrel with Sister-in-law Jiu?"

Pei Jiuyin remained silent and continued drinking.

Du Zhibai immediately turned into a confidant younger brother, he is best at arguing with boyfriend and girlfriend: "It seems that I guessed correctly."

"Why did brother Jiu fight with sister-in-law Jiu? Can you tell me a little bit?"

Pei Jiuyin didn't say a word, and continued to drink in silence, this is the rhythm of drinking himself to death
"Although I don't know why you two are arguing, we should be more generous as men."

"Ninth brother coaxing girls to find me, this is my strong point."

Pei Jiuyin sneered inwardly, coaxing, if only coaxing...

Thinking of what happened that night, his eyes were slightly sour, and he picked up his glass and continued to drink heavily.

Qu Lanxin also came down at some point and sat on the sofa on the other side.

Although Pei Jiuyin was indifferent to her, she still hoped that he would take a look at her. She was really unwilling to reconcile her years of relationship to collapse just because of this woman who suddenly intervened.

Du Zhibai knew what she was thinking, but he felt that Qu Lanxin was really not good enough for Brother Jiu.

At the beginning, he looked down on Tong Li because he didn't know her well, but since she went through her murderous methods, he felt that she was the only one.

Only she is worthy of his ninth brother.

He also wanted Brother Ninth to marry someone back home, and then he would make more connections. In the future, there would be a discount for someone with a broken arm and a lame leg, so don't trick him so badly.

While he was drinking, Tong Li upstairs got the answer he wanted and didn't linger in it, just shook his face and left.

She walked back along the same road that the wine boy had just led, and when she came to the elevator, she realized that she had to press a card to open the door of the elevator. She looked around, but there was no one else around. She didn't have a card, so she could only take the stairs.

When I came to the stairs, I found that it was also locked up.

Tong Li frowned slightly, kicked the door lock very violently, and with a click, the two door leaves swung back and forth.

Apart from the fact that the Vajra Indestructible Gate can withstand her kick, this kind of gate is really not good enough.

The stairwell inside was empty, and the cold wind poured back and forth inside, making it look gloomy.

But who is Tong Li, how can these things prevent her from going downstairs.

Tap, tap, the only sound of her steps in the corridor.

When she got down to the first floor, she seemed to find something, and her footsteps paused.

She immediately pushed open the door of the stairs, her eyes darting back and forth across the booths, as if she was looking for something.

Du Zhibai couldn't persuade people, so he didn't try to persuade him. He poked there with his mobile phone in every possible way, and suddenly felt a coolness behind him. He turned around inadvertently, and saw the familiar figure behind him.

Sister-in-law Nine is here and walking slowly.

He abruptly withdrew his gaze and moved it to Pei Jiuyin, who was drinking sullenly, and kept smacking and winking at him.

But the man was so absorbed in drinking that he didn't even see the corners of his eyes that were about to cramp.

(End of this chapter)

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