The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 318 Sister-in-law Jiu, brother Jiu is weak, take it easy.

Chapter 318 Sister-in-law Nine, brother Nine is weak, take it easy.

After seeing Du Zhibai's strange movements, Qu Lanxin also looked behind her. When she saw Tong Li walking over, her heart tightened, her brows frowned slightly, and there was a hint of disgust in her eyes.

It can be seen that she doesn't like Tong Li's arrival very much.

Because as long as she is there, Brother Jiu's eyes will all fall on her.

Tong Li walked behind Pei Jiuyin, and in the ten seconds since she walked over, he had already drank three glasses of wine, and the people next to him did not stop him.

Tong Li's cold eyes fell on Du Zhibai, as if he was asking him why he made Pei Jiuyin drink so much.

Du Zhibai shrugged helplessly, there was nothing he could do about it, this elder brother didn't listen to persuasion at all.

No one dared to snatch the wine glass from him, they could only ensure that he returned home safe and sound, and that was their best ability.

Either way it's wrong.

Du Zhibai sighed and stood up, patted Pei Jiuyin on the shoulder, and walked out of the booth.

Brother Jiu, sister-in-law Jiu's complexion is very ugly, please ask for blessings.

He came to Tong Li with a dry smile: "Sister-in-law Jiu, brother Jiu is weak, take it easy, don't be as knowledgeable as him, talk well if you have something to say, don't move your mouth if you can."

"Then what, you guys talk first, and I'll retire when I'm done."

Du Zhibai patted his buttocks and took two steps forward, suddenly remembered something, and stopped again.

Looking back, Qu Lanxin was still staring there, and he couldn't understand why she kept meddling in the couple's affairs.

Du Zhibai called her, but Qu Lan was indifferent.

Du Zhibai called her again, but she just gave him a cold look, and continued to sit on her seat.

Hey... This woman's ass is stuck to the stool, right? She can't leave without shouting.

As soon as he got impatient, he picked her up from the seat and dragged her outside regardless of whether she agreed or not.

"What are you doing?" Qu Lanxin was caught off guard by being pulled, her feet sprained, her face turned pale with fright.

Even so, she struggled to leave.

But a woman's strength is far inferior to a man's. She couldn't break free from Du Zhibai's trap at all, and in the end she could only be carried out by Du Zhibai like a chicken.

Pei Jiuyin had already noticed the strangeness behind him, he knew who was behind him, but he didn't stop drinking, he still drank on his own, and drank even more urgently than before.

It's just that his wine glass just touched his lips, and the next second his hand was empty, and the wine glass disappeared.

Pei Jiuyin froze for a few seconds, pursed his thin lips, ignored the glass, picked up a new bottle of wine from the table, and continued pouring.

The next moment, the bottle of wine in his hand disappeared.

Pei Jiuyin seemed to be antagonizing the person behind him, and reached for the wine bottle on the table again.

Tong Li jumped over the booth, stood directly opposite him, and grabbed the disobedient hand: "Have you had enough trouble, drinking so much wine?"

Pei Jiuyin lowered his head. Although he had drunk too much, he knew who caught him, but didn't this woman want him?What does it matter to her how much he drinks.

Tong Li's face was very ugly, he hadn't seen him for a day, he was really promising, and he even ran over to get drunk.

Pei Jiuyin raised his head, looked at the woman holding his hand with drunk eyes, struggled twice, how could he break free from Tong Li's hand with his strength.

"It's none of your business what I drink." Pei Jiuyin's tone was cold and hard, with a hint of anger.

What she meant yesterday was very clear, didn't she just want to
Humph, he is not rare.

"It's none of my business?" Tong Li sneered, let go of his hand, seeing him blushing from drinking, besides being distressed, he was also a little angry, because he didn't care about his body so much because of such a little thing.

"Drinking hurts your body, don't you know?"

Pei Jiuyin remained silent, and he didn't dare to look at her again. With just that one glance, he wished he could catch her, give up all principles, and rub her into his bones.

Even if she wants to leave in the future, he will...

Tong Li didn't want to stay longer in this place where the smell of alcohol rose to heaven, so she held out her hand to him and said in a deep voice, "Go, go back."

Pei Jiuyin clenched his fists tightly, his body remained motionless, without any movement to leave, but he silently answered in his heart, where are we going back?
What are you doing back, he wants to leave, leave this heartless woman.

But the real thought of the body is that it can't wait to reach out, hold it tightly, and go home together.

Tong Lihong pursed her lips slightly and handed it out for a minute, but the other party was still indifferent. She is not such a patient person, so let it be if she doesn't want to.

"If you like drinking so much, just drink enough here."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave. She didn't know how to coax people, and she didn't want to coax people. This man was drinking here regardless of his health. She was already angry enough to let him go back, but he was still losing his temper there.

Where does such a temper come from.

However, Tong Li turned around and walked a few steps when suddenly her whole body was firmly locked by the person behind her.

Pei Jiuyin hugged her tightly, not giving her a chance to escape, and sprayed her warm breath on her neck, making the fine hair on her neck sway slightly.

"Don't go, Tongtong, don't go, I beg you, don't go, don't leave me alone." He didn't see her all night, and he felt like he was going crazy thinking about her.

Since last night, he has used alcohol to numb himself, telling him not to think about her or anything.

As long as he drank himself enough and his mind didn't belong to him, he wouldn't miss her.

But as soon as he heard her voice, saw her appearance, and smelled her breath, no matter how strong his willpower was, he would collapse in an ant's nest.

Holding her now, feeling her body temperature, feeling her heartbeat, she is completely mine at this moment.

At this moment, he decided that even if they couldn't get together in the end, he would cherish every day in the future.

He knew that he couldn't leave her.

"Tongtong, I give up." Give up his remaining bottom line, and keep her by his side, he doesn't want to see her with any man, he can't bear it, he will go crazy.

"Don't leave me, I won't make trouble anymore."

Tong Li sighed inaudibly, and patted his arm: "Let me go first."

Pei Jiuyin didn't want to, but hugged her even tighter.

Tong Li was dumbfounded by him: "You are strangling me."

When Pei Jiuyin heard that it hurt her, he gradually let go of his arms, but not completely, at least not to let her run away.


Pei Jiuyin shook his head: "No, let go and run away."

"I want to hold, keep holding, I can't run away if I hold you, you are mine." Pei Jiuyin's voice was hoarse and his tone was erratic, and a certain word was still flying directly, which showed that he was not lightly drunk.

In fact, Tong Li could break free on her own at this level, but she didn't do that, instead she turned around and met those dazed eyes.

"Well, yours, don't go."

Pei Jiuyin's head was a bit heavy, and he staggered to find a fulcrum, put his head on Tong Li's shoulder, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Well, mine, I can't go."

(End of this chapter)

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