Chapter 319 Brother Jiu is also a scheming boy

He didn't understand what Tong Li meant by not leaving at all, and he couldn't figure it out in his current situation.

Tong Li smiled, with a rare gentle tone: "Then can I go back now?"

"Go back?" Pei Jiuyin murmured softly, lying on her shoulder.

"If you don't go back, it's here." He didn't want to go anywhere.

Tong Li's forehead twitched: "If you don't go back, then I will go back, and you are here by yourself."

When Pei Jiuyin heard that she was going to leave by herself, she stood up straight as if she had suddenly come back to life, and squeezed her arms tightly with her palms, and a cold light burst out from the red eyes: "I can't go, you said I can't go."

In the next second, Pei Jiuyin slightly bent his mouth, showing aggrieved, "You lied to me again."

Tong Li laughed angrily, obviously he didn't want to go back, why did he rely on her again, just when he was about to explain clearly to him, suddenly his lips became hot, and a lip full of wine smelled down.

Although the imposing manner was menacing, his movements were extremely gentle, as if he was protecting her like a treasure, he was reluctant to use half of his strength, but it still made people feel his passionate love.

The original intention was good, but Tong Li didn't like the smell of wine, so he took two steps back. Pei Jiuyin sensed that she wanted to run away, and instead of holding her arms, he put his arms around her small waist, turning the crowd into a circle. In his arms, let her escape.

Pei Jiuyin stayed on Tong Li's lips for about a minute, and a few whistles sounded around him, and Pei Jiuyin released him as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Blame him, he was in a daze just now, and then he remembered that he was outside and let those people watch.

"Go home, let's go home."

Only he can see his daughter-in-law.

Tong Li: "Yes."

Pei Jiuyin smirked, let go of her waist, and turned to hold her hand. After taking two steps, suddenly her eyes darkened, and her body fell forward uncontrollably.

Tong Li's eyes were quick and quick, and he lifted his arm to stabilize him.

"Why..." Tong Li saw that his eyes were closed tightly, and his breath was steady and strong, probably because he drank too much and fell asleep.

Sigh... I don't know how much I drank with the smell of alcohol.

I will settle accounts with him tomorrow.

Tong Li helped him to walk outside, and the wine boy who had been watching from the side came over to help her.

But even Pei Jiuyin with his eyes closed would subconsciously resist being touched by strangers.

"I don't need to do it myself." Tong Li refused Jiu Tong's kindness, and she supported herself.

Besides, this man is very picky.

The wine boy was a little embarrassed, and looked towards the manager, mainly because he saw that the customer was drunk and unable to walk, if he didn't help, he would be punished.

He didn't return until he got the manager's nod.

Tong Li supported the drunk Pei Jiuyin and walked slowly towards the bar gate.

And Du Zhibai, who had been peeking on the first floor, patted his chest: "Sure enough, only Sister-in-law Nine can cure Brother Nine, Brother Nine dare not fart in front of Sister-in-law Jiu, tsk tsk tsk, it's really embarrassing for a man .”

But he was finally sent away, he was safe, next time brother Jiu called him again, even if he was killed, he would not come out.

However, he always felt that something was wrong. Ninth brother obviously drank well on it, why suddenly...

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he said in his heart... and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, it turned out that Brother Jiu is also a scheming boy.

Alas... there is no such thing as a pure man in this world.

Du Zhibai was very satisfied, raised his hand to straighten his collar, and turned his eyes to the dejected Qu Lanxin, with his nose turned to the sky: "Miss Qu, you also saw my ninth brother, life is going well now, I hope you are doing well Live your own life, don't always have thoughts about what you have and what you don't."

Qu Lan's eyes were filled with unwillingness: "Why?"

"I'm the one who grew up with Brother Jiu. I'm the only one who knows him best and is the most suitable for him."

Du Zhibai's face turned cold, and he snorted, "suitable? Where do you fit with Brother Jiu? In terms of appearance, you can't compare with Sister Jiu, and in terms of medical skills, you can't compare with Sister Jiu. In terms of weight in Brother Jiu's heart... you have nothing at all. Bar."

It's not that he wants to laugh at her: "Apart from your identity, what is more suitable for you than Sister-in-law Jiu?"

"Qu Lanxin, you are also quite beautiful. There are so many high-quality men in this circle, why do you have to insist on Brother Jiu?"

"And let me tell you, you'd better be honest, don't think badly, don't say Brother Nine will let you go, I'll be the first to say no."

Qu Lanxin looked up at him: "Didn't you also like Tong Li at the beginning? How did it take so long for her to buy you?"

"Hmph, but he's also a superficial man."

Du Zhi gave her a blank look: "Why do you talk like a woman? You are not superficial, so what do you like about Brother Jiu?"

"His face? His money? Or his short-lived appearance?"


Qu Lanxin was speechless by his words, and it was impossible to talk to this kind of person who didn't understand emotions.

The two were arguing with each other.

A sinister gaze from upstairs followed Tong Li's figure closely.

Naturally, he also saw Tong Li's tender and doting eyes on Pei Jiuyin, and knew that her face not only had cold eyes, but she could also be tender-hearted and weak-boned, and she would also show tenderness and love in her eyes.

It just depends on who it's facing.

Jing Beichen clenched his fists tightly, the kiss just now really made people angry.

"It's just a sick man." He saw that he wanted to see how long the sick man could live.

If he doesn't die, he will kill him too

On the other hand, Tong Li was exhausted bringing people back to Pei's house. She never knew that dealing with alcoholics would be so tiring.

Especially tonight, Pei Jiuyin is almost like a three-year-old child, it hurts for a while, it hurts for a while, she wants to kiss or touch, she can't stand this temperamental Pei Jiuyin.

No, throw him on the sofa as soon as you get home.

"Tongtong..." Pei Jiuyin lay on the sofa with his eyes closed, even if he was unable to stand up, he kept calling Tong Li's name.

"Tongtong, I want to vomit..."

Tong Li frowned, and before she had time to react, she suddenly heard a crash from the opposite side.

An indescribable smell permeated the hall.

Tong Li's head instantly swelled up, and the nerves in his brain were throbbing with pain. For the first time, a deep feeling of powerlessness appeared in his heart.

Pei Jiuyin who spit it out felt much more comfortable, and began to say Tong Li's name again.

Seeing his dying appearance, Tong Li couldn't take it anymore, went upstairs directly, took out a pill from the drawer, came to Pei Jiuyin, and stuffed the pill into his mouth roughly.

Pei Jiuyin frowned, smacked his mouth twice, and the frown deepened. The medicine was so bitter that it was hard to tell. He wanted to spit it out, but after rolling his tongue for a long time, nothing was rolled.

About 3 minutes later, the effect of the medicine was fully exerted, and Pei Jiuyin became more and more conscious. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the filthy thing he had just vomited.

Everything in front of him made him a little dazed, he was obviously drinking in the bar, why is he at home?
His head doesn't hurt, but he seems to have forgotten something.

Pei Jiuyin felt a chill in his back, and slowly turned his head, and saw Tong Li with a dark face, his skin tightened, and he felt as if he had done something wrong.

Then the memories in my head began to seamlessly connect little by little, and I became more panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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