Chapter 323

Qu Lanxin's tone became a little excited: "What's so good about that girl named Tong? She is beautiful, and I am not bad. I have a better personality than her, and my family is better than her. I can still help you in your career." Help me, that guy named Tong has nothing, and looks like he's aloof all day long."

"Ninth Brother, look at me. I'm really better than Tong Li and more suitable for you than her. Would you choose me?"

Hearing her nonsense, Pei Jiuyin frowned, feeling disgusted in his heart, and just said a word in a cold voice, which decided the end of the matter.

"You are not worthy to compare with her."

Qu Lanxin: "..."

I have to say it was murderous.

She has done so much, in exchange for one sentence, she is not worthy of being compared with her.

Qu Lanxin lowered her head and sneered, a hint of ruthlessness flashed under her eyes, don't you deserve it?
You must know that she is also the hottest number one person in the celebrity circle, but in his eyes, she is nothing more than an idle liar.

Sure enough, the favored will be favored no matter what they do.

"I'll give you another chance to get the stuff out."

Qu Lanxin put away the fierceness in her eyes, and replaced it with a pitiful face, coupled with her delicate and beautiful makeup, she instantly turned into a look that I still feel pity for, anyone who saw it would feel soft-hearted.

But in Pei Jiuyin's eyes, there was only disgust.

Qu Lanxin bit her red lips lightly, she couldn't see the slightest bit of pity from him, now that things have come to this point, she is willing to go all out, what she can't get, no one else can get it, her tender and pitiful gaze became firm: " I won't take it."

Pei Jiuyin: "..."

In that case
He took two steps back and waved to the bodyguard at the door.

The bodyguard ordered them to start searching the Qu family with a detector in their hands.

Mother Qu had been watching from the side of the kitchen. Seeing that something was wrong, she ran out quickly, still yelling: "Jiu Yin, what's the matter, if you have anything to say, please say it."

"What are you looking for?"

"Jiuyin, Xinxin has been spoiled by me since she was a child. If she does something wrong, you should worry about it and don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Pei Jiuyin glanced at Qu Lanxin nonchalantly: "Auntie, I'm sorry, Miss Qu took something from me, and now she doesn't want to return it. That thing is very important to me. Since she won't return it, I can only find it myself." .”

Mother Qu raised her hand to stop him, "Don't, don't... They're all from my own family, it doesn't look good to do this."

"I'll talk to Lan Xin."

Mother Qu walked over and tugged at Qu Lanxin's arm: "Xinxin, you took something from your Ninth Brother, take it out quickly, did you get angry without seeing your Ninth Brother?"

Qu Lanxin's eyes were reddish, and there were two tears hanging from the corners of her eyes. She looked very wronged, and those who didn't know thought who was bullying her.

Mother Qu looked back at Pei Jiuyin, wanting to ask him what it was, but seeing his gloomy face, ouch, she was shocked.

She knew that this baby was not easy to mess with before, sometimes she didn't dare to meet his eyes, and now she was even more frightened by his indifferent and almost emotionless eyes.

It seems that this thing is really important to him, so she can only continue to persuade her daughter earnestly: "Xinxin, listen to Mom, take out the things first, don't delay your Ninth Brother's business, we will talk about it later if there is any problem."

But Qu Lan was determined, don't take it out, she wouldn't listen to anyone's words, she turned her head away arrogantly, she just didn't want to give it.

Mother Qu also got angry: "Hey, you damn girl, you want to piss me off, don't you?"

She smiled embarrassedly at Pei Jiuyin, and pulled Qu Lanxin aside forcefully, and the two of them were whispering in the corner.

After 3 minutes, Qu Lanxin was finally persuaded. Although he was reluctant, he still took action.

She walked slowly in front of Pei Jiuyin, and looked affectionately at the man in front of her.

She has liked him for so many years. Although she knew that he was cold and heartless, it was his cold and arrogant temperament that attracted her deeply.

He was so special and excellent in her eyes, and she thought at that time that the girl he liked with his temperament would have two results.

One is cold and does not understand love, and the other is pampering like a sea.

She thinks it will be a little more pampering, because she knows that Pei Jiuyin is as dedicated as he is cold, and once he likes a girl, he will only have that girl in his eyes.

Sure enough, she guessed right, he was really all about the girl he liked.

It's just that the girl isn't her.

"Xinxin..." Mother Qu reminded her from the side.

Qu Lanxin recovered, walked to the sofa with deep unwillingness, took out the ring from the gap, and handed it to Pei Jiuyin.

"Give you."

Even if there is too much reluctance, it is not my own, and it is still not my own.

Pei Jiuyin just glanced down, and the bodyguard next to him took out a handkerchief from his body with interest, and took the ring from Qu Lanxin's hand.

Qu Lanxin's face froze suddenly. The bodyguard's behavior was fine, but his actions were somewhat insulting.

Does this mean she is dirty?

After Pei Jiuyin finished taking the things, he turned around and left without even saying hello.

Mother Qu had to smile and send him out the door.

After she couldn't see Pei Jiuyin's back, she turned around and walked towards Qu Lanxin.

She had to talk to her daughter carefully, how could she be able to do well in a wealthy family with such a narrow mind.


Sitting in the car, Pei Jiuyin looked at the ring that was exactly the same as his own.

The expression on his face is both distasteful and regretful. The manufacturing process of this ring is cumbersome and the materials are scarce. It is not easy to make one, but this one has been worn by others, how can it be worn by his Tongtong? .

It's all his fault, otherwise the ring would have been worn by Tong Tong long ago.

Right now, we can only arrange to make another one over there, but we will have to wait some more time.


Tong Li and Yi Jianzhou had already boarded the bus to do business in the next city. Besides the two of them, Yi Jianzhou also brought a secretary.

None of the three people in the car spoke, and Tong Li closed her eyes in the back to rest her mind. Suddenly, she felt a burst of cold air attacking from all directions.

With a whimper, Tong Li sensed something unusual and opened his eyes abruptly.

The scene in front of him raised his eyebrows slightly.

The original road turned into a gloomy void, surrounded by darkness, and the visibility was extremely low. This cold and biting yin energy could not be blocked even by the closed car windows.

Just as she was guessing where this place was, there was a clicking sound coming from the front.

It was the running of horseshoes, and the sound of rolling carriages.

At this?

Tong Li stared forward, her pupils shrank again and again, and the things in the distance appeared vaguely in front of her eyes.

In the dark ahead, there are two lanterns emitting green light, and a handsome horse with two heads is running at a constant speed.

Every sound of horseshoes was rhythmic. If she hadn't been determined enough, she would have been confused by the sound of her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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