Chapter 324 Yin officials?
In an instant, the two-headed horse that was far away in the sky before appeared in front of it.

Behind it is dragging a mysterious carriage, the carriage is tightly sealed, nothing can be seen.

But the smoldering flames surrounding the carriage, and a large amount of violent yin energy hovering over the roof, she knew that there were no humans in front of it.

But what it was, she hadn't figured it out yet.

It would not be an easy thing to get her here quietly.

Tong Li's eyes were sharp and sharp, staring at the carriage in front of her tightly, her hands clenched tightly, and her back subconsciously straightened.

The horse began to slow slowly, and the carriage was about to reach her.

The appearance of the two-headed horse can be seen more clearly.

Let’s just talk about the size of this horse, which is a full three meters high. The body of the horse is covered with irregular runes, and the aurora blue flames flow on the runes. These blue flames look not only beautiful, but also extremely beautiful. danger.

This thing not only confuses other people's minds, but also has great lethality. As long as ordinary human beings touch it a little, they will be reduced to ashes in an instant. Dazed.

It can be seen how lethal this horse is, and it is not difficult to imagine how valuable the status of a person who can own such a poisonous mount will be.

It's close.

Tong Li's nerves were tense, she held her breath, and her heart rose to her throat. She didn't know what this mysterious adult was asking her for.

Just when she thought the carriage would stop, the horse ran over slowly, without staying beside her for half a second, let alone looking at her.

Just passing by?

She couldn't help but wonder, isn't it the lord who asked her to come here?That's who brought her here.

Tong Li pressed down on the car window and poked her head out to look at the jet-black carriage, but the carriage was so tightly sealed that she could only vaguely see a human figure sitting inside.

Yin officials?
No, it should be stronger.

It is impossible for ordinary yin officials to have such a powerful mount.

After a while, the carriage completely disappeared behind him, leaving only a few thuds and hooves in his ears.

Knowing that they had left, Tong Li breathed a sigh of relief.

She closed the car window, leaned back on the back chair, and frowned slightly. If it wasn't the person who asked her to get down just now, who would it be?
Tong Li shook her little hand, only to realize that at some point, her palms were completely covered in cold sweat, not only her palms, but also her back.

She looked at the dark world outside, and recalled the powerful carriage just now.
So who the hell got her here.

Just as he was thinking, a small black scroll appeared in his hand in the next second.

Tong Li's hand tightened, and the scroll in her hand suddenly turned into a wisp of green smoke, which flashed past her eyes, and a terrifying image suddenly appeared in her mind.

She stood in the middle of a dilapidated avenue, surrounded by flames, the sky was filled with dust and smoke, and there was a pungent smell.

The bright and shiny cars were overturned and burned, leaving only empty shells, and the surrounding trees were also uprooted.

Immediately after her hearing was turned on, wailing and shrill screams resounded through the sky, the ground was covered with blood, and there were stumps and corpses everywhere, some of them were still alive, regardless of whether they were missing arms or legs, they kept on desperately Climb forward.

Every scene here is so shocking, even a person like her, who has seen life and death, will feel uncomfortable when seeing this scene.

She must have stepped into purgatory on earth.

That's when she found this road, and it seemed that she was driving on the road.

Boom, there was a deafening explosion suddenly in front, the ground shook violently, and a big gap was opened on the road.

Is it an earthquake?
It does not seem.

There was another violent bang, and the tunnel ahead and the mountain were bombed and collapsed.

A dazzling light radiated to the surroundings, Tong Li raised his hand subconsciously to cover his eyes, and a powerful shock wave hit.

She saw rocks beside her, vehicles, and some charred corpses. Anyway, everything above three feet above the ground was taken away by this powerful impact.

Those wailing sounds disappeared completely.

No, it should be said that those people were all dead, and the villages near this road were also razed to the ground by the force just now.

Only her sense of consciousness is still watching.

There was nothing on the ground except some dirt.

What the hell is going on?

With doubts, Tong Li slowly floated forward.

A huge tiankeng was blown out in front, and the closer it was, the stronger the pungent smell became.

When she came to the top of the tiankeng, she could clearly see green smoke rising from the tiankeng, scorched black soil everywhere, and a sizzling sound from below.

Is it venom?
What venom is so poisonous?so much?

Tong Li watched the poisonous gas drift with the wind, and wherever the poisonous gas went, the green vegetation corroded and changed its color.

Tong Li knew that this was a big trouble.

If it is an explosion, it will be gone after the explosion, but if it is a highly toxic gas liquid, excluding the damage caused by the explosion, the damage caused by the poison in the later stage will not be less than the damage caused by the explosion.

Not long after, the scene in front of her changed, the place was still the same place, but a large number of souls gathered on the road, and they wandered aimlessly on the road.

These people are all souls who died under the explosion and poisonous gas, densely packed in a large area, and it is conservatively estimated that there are thousands of people.

It stands to reason that there are not many people on that road except for driving, and even if the nearby villages are added, it is impossible to reach thousands of people, which is so many now.

She supposed to be a victim of the venom spreading.

Did so many people die?
Tong Li looked at these ghosts who had nowhere to go, and she seemed to guess what that person wanted to do.


Tong Li returned to the void with deep yin.

The scroll in his hand was gone, but there was a black box.

Tong Li opened the box full of doubts, and there was a brown ball in the box.

She took it out and put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it. It was soundless and odorless, and there was no explanation. She didn't know what it was.

But since the other party can take it, it must not be an ordinary pill.

If she didn't guess wrong, they should want her to stop the big explosion and prevent a large number of unowned souls from appearing.

After all, so many people who shouldn't die have died, and the following will be a headache.

With a slap, Tong Li closed the box. She had already guessed the matter in all directions. It is not impossible to stop this explosion, but...

Tong Li's eyes darkened, she thought for a few seconds, and towards the open space in front of her, Sen said coldly: "I want to record the merits of this time on Chu Mo."

If this kind of great merit is recorded on Chu Mo, it can help him offset a large amount of evil debts. Compared with a little bit of endless accumulation, this time is obviously a very good opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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