Chapter 326
The world was spinning for a while, and the pain hit. The driver quickly came back to his senses under the stimulation of pain nerves, and he found his body stuck under the front of the car.

He tried to move his body, but he couldn't move after trying for a long time. He felt that his feet were pressed by something, and his head hurt. In the next second, a stream of warm and bright red blood trickled down from the top of his head. In seconds, his eyes were covered with blood, his vision became blurred, and the sound of brakes and whistles surrounded his ears.

Gollum Gollum Gollum...

He also heard something coming out, couldn't see it, but smelled a strong smell of gasoline, and thought of what he was pulling, he knew what it was.

The driver was heartbroken and gave up struggling, he knew that he was really going to be completely finished now.

As soon as Tong Li walked halfway, she heard a loud noise behind her. She turned her head and looked at the car that she had forced to stop just now, and now it had fallen straight on the ground.

There was also a yellow car with a skull logo on it, which knocked the tanker to the ground?

There were two drivers in the yellow car, their bodies limp and motionless in the cab, obviously unconscious.

There is also that tanker truck, which has started to emit gasoline non-stop. At this time, if it is lit again, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Tong Li saw that his head was getting bigger. He had obviously stopped the vehicle from entering the tunnel, and logically, he had changed the direction of the vehicle. The matter should stop here. Why did the direction of the matter not change at all?

She also felt that things were not that simple.

Regardless, the vehicle must be prevented from exploding now.

The vehicles on both sides saw white smoke rising from the front of the oil tanker, and regardless of the traffic rules, they all turned around on the spot, cursed and left the place as quickly as possible.

All of a sudden, there were all kinds of sharp and piercing whistles and the sound of brakes. In just a dozen seconds, all the cars on the roads on both sides ran away.

This speed is fast enough.

Right now the tank truck is still pumping out gasoline, when everyone backs up, only Tong Li runs forward, everyone thinks that the girl in front is crazy, otherwise how could anyone run to that dangerous place.

Tong Li came to the tanker at the fastest speed, and it was obvious that there was a big hole in the body of the tanker, and orange gasoline was flowing out of the gap, and the road was covered with gasoline after a while.

At this very moment, the head of the car slammed, and a cluster of small flames ignited. When the flames touched the gasoline, the roar ignited. In just one second, the car was surrounded by raging fire.

"Master Tong, run quickly." Yi Jianzhou's eager shout came from a distance, he was about to be scared to death by Tong Li's reckless behavior.

The car was on fire, and it was about to explode. Everyone else was running outside, but she dared to go in. Did she think her life was too long?

Tong Li withdrew from the fire circle, she really didn't expect this thing to burn so fast.


She thought of Little Youbao in her pocket, touched her body, and took out the bug.

"Uuuuuuuu put out the fire and freeze it."

Urba opened his mouth wide and let out a huff. The area that was still on fire just now was covered by a gust of frost, and the oil tank was surrounded by ice cubes, but the gasoline did not stop burning because of the ice. The gasoline under the ice seemed to be burning more intensely. up.

Yi Jianzhou ran to Tong Li as fast as he could in his life, without even breathing, "Master Tong... run, it's dangerous here."

The carriage may explode at any time.

He swallowed hard, the anxiety in his eyes was self-evident.

But the scene in front of him stunned him: "Is it frozen?"

He didn't know how she did it, but: "It's useless, ice can't extinguish gasoline, and the fire is wrapped in ice, the temperature of the oil tank will rise sharply, and there is a possibility of explosion at any time, Master Tong quickly follow me .”

If you dawdle any longer, once it explodes, you won't even have a chance to run away.

Tong Li frowned, pointing at the car full of venom next to the oil tanker.

"Look at that car, it's full of venom. As long as the car explodes, that car will also explode. The poisonous gas that comes out of the car, even if you put your wings on it, you can't escape."

Yi Jianzhou looked at the yellow car that fell on the ground. There was a big skull painted on it, and there were highly toxic chemicals marked beside it.

Damn, Yi Jianzhou was shocked, how could these two cars collide.

If it explodes, is there any chance of survival?
Tong Li looked at the gasoline inside and continued to think: "Why doesn't this freeze?"

Yi Jianzhou had a finished expression, and he was really going to die now: "Gasoline won't freeze, even if it freezes, it has to be at -75 degrees. It is impossible for us to reach this temperature here."

So if you want to extinguish gas oil by cooling down, you don't even think about it.

"-75 degrees?"

"Can Youbao do it?"

Xiao Youbao tilted his head and thought for a while, obviously he didn't know how low -75 degrees is.

It jumped down from Tong Li's hand, came to the ground, pouted and breathed out a breath of ice at the small pinch of gasoline on the ground. Although the ground was frozen, the gasoline inside was still in a liquid state.

It stored energy to lower the temperature even lower, but the gasoline still had no intention of extinguishing it.

Xiao Youbao returned in vain, jumped back into Tong Li's hand and shook his head, expressing that he was helpless.

Tong Li looked at the raging fire with deep eyes, and the ice lump began to melt slowly, but water could not extinguish the gasoline fire.

It will be a matter of time before this continues.

If the two cars are not to be transformed into each other, one must disappear.

But it is too laborious to make a car disappear out of thin air, and the gain outweighs the loss.

But there is another way.

She looked at the yellow vehicle lying there motionless.

"Master Tong, let's leave quickly. The oil tank inside is starting to deform and is about to explode. If we don't leave, it will be too late."

When Yi Jianzhou saw that she was still calm and composed, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Tong Li took a deep look at the car, and then said, "You Bao, go and freeze that venom car, and I will control it here."

Then he turned his head and said to the anxious Yi Jianzhou, "Let's go now, as far as you can go."

Yi Jianzhou: "?"

Seeing that he didn't move at all, Tong Li growled at him again: "Go."

Yi Jianzhou was startled by her aura, turned around and ran back regardless.

Tong Li threw Xiaoyoubao onto the venom car, Youbao was very powerful, and immediately sprayed a thick layer of icy air over, and the yellow car was instantly covered by a thick layer of ice.

Tong Li glanced at it lightly, and then turned her attention to the fuel tank truck. The fuel tank inside had reached the critical point of explosion. She stood up with both hands, using the car body as the boundary, to set up an anti-explosion barrier.

Under the scorching sun, there was a refreshing cool breeze. After Tong Li completed a barrier, she felt unsafe. In view of the power of the explosion she had seen before, she added another barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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