Chapter 327 Master, You Fouled

It is equivalent to installing triple insurance on it, and the other one is the car protected by Xiaoyoubao. As long as the car is not blown up, the poisonous gas will not come out, at least not so many people will die.

At this moment, there was a sound from the front of the car that was lying on the ground, the crooked car door was pushed out, and a bloody head stuck out.

Only then did Tong Li realize that there was another person inside.

Before she had time to think about it, she swished and ran towards the front of the car.


The explosion sounded like thunder.

Those who touched the ground could obviously feel the ground shaking. The naked eye could see a big crack in the ground, and a black mushroom cloud rose into the sky. The scene was quite spectacular.

The pure blue sky suddenly turned black.

The windows of vehicles hundreds of meters away were shaken and cracked like spider webs, but how powerful is this.

But what surprised them was that apart from the symbolic mushroom cloud and the strong shock, nothing around them was damaged at all.

The tunnel of flowers, plants and trees didn't even affect the car next to it, which is very unreasonable.

Some people wanted to go up to check, but they were afraid that there would be a second wave of explosions, so they dared to look into the distance from the car, but the distance was too far, and they could not see very clearly.

Standing under the scorching sun, Yi Jianzhou felt cold all over his body, dizzy and tinnitus, unable to move his limbs, and the blood on his body seemed to be frozen.

Just now he saw Tong Li running to save the driver, and then the car exploded.

What about her?
Did you die in the flames?

This is the real end. How can he explain to President Pei that Mr. Pei will kill him.

How to do?
Yi Jianzhou walked with difficulty, like a walking dead, he wanted to confirm.
Boom, another shock, and the tanker ushered in a second wave of explosions.

The oil tanker truck burned violently, and a large wave of mushroom clouds soared into the sky. In this situation, let alone humans, even gods could not come out alive.

With a plop, Yi Jianzhou's legs were weak, and he knelt limply on the ground, looking at the fire in despair.

Wanting to cry without tears is talking about his current situation.

Just as he was about to cry and call his mother, a figure suddenly appeared behind the fire.

A petite figure dragged a half-dead blood man by its hand.

Yi Jianzhou's eye sockets were getting wet, his vision became blurred, he quickly wiped it with his hand, it was Tong Li.

Tong Li is really alive.

Yi Jianzhou's dismayed face immediately turned into weeping with joy, and his tone was extremely rejoicing: "It's okay, people are okay."

This aunt really scared him to death just now
He would definitely yell at others, but this one can't, he can't scold, he has to coax.

With a bang, another small-scale explosion occurred in that car. To be honest, he was scared, so he could only stand there and wait for Tong Li to come over.

With a cold face, Tong Li carried the driver like a bag in his hand, and quickly walked in front of Yi Jianzhou.

She looked at Yi Jianzhou who was smirking endlessly in front of her, rolled her eyes at him unconsciously, and then threw the person in her hand to him.

"Take care of it and don't let him die." Every life is a merit, and she saved it with great difficulty, so don't let the merits in your hands go away.

Yi Jianzhou was caught off guard, and the expression on his face became distorted: "It's so heavy."

How could his small body hold the chubby driver? In the end, both of them fell to the ground, and he was pinned to the ground and couldn't move.


Tong Li didn't dare to shout, so he could only howl loudly that the secretary came to help.

Although the secretary was afraid that the car would explode again, he was even more afraid of losing his job, so he could only risk his life and run there.

Tong Li looked at him and shook his head, he was too weak.

Looking back at the scorching flames of the car, she sighed slightly, finally completing the task.

Coincidentally, the beeping sound of the rescue vehicle came, Tong Li glanced at it, then stepped back and waved to Xiaoyoubao, ready to leave.

The firefighters saw the mushroom cloud rise from a long distance away, and they also knew that the car exploded. They had planned to see the scene of people dying, but the situation in front of them made them a little confused.

Everyone got out of the car and picked up the foam powder, but
Although the oil tanker exploded, it didn't hurt a single bit of the surrounding area. The chemical vehicle was lying beside it, covered with a thick layer of ice, and the melted water slowly seeped out.
However, the scorching sun was in the sky this day, so where did the ice come from? It was still partially frozen.

"Don't stand still, put out the fire first and then study."


We are not afraid of danger, we move forward firmly, and start to put out the fire with a lot of foam and dry powder

In addition, the captain sent two people to ask the witnesses, but they didn't know anything.

Obviously they are the most intuitive witnesses, but they reply that they don't know anything, and no one will believe it.

But looking at the eyes of those people did not seem to be lying, they felt that something was even more wrong.

Where did the car get the ice?It's so strange why the explosion of the oil can is so powerful, except for the mushroom cloud that lifted off, why there is no trace around it.

No matter how hard they think about it, they can't figure out the reason for this matter.

It turned out that the person in charge this time had already left by car.

But this time it was Tong Li who drove the car. The two big men in the back were so frightened that they collapsed on the seats. Have the strength to drive.

Tong Li, on the other hand, sat in the driver's seat as steadily as Mount Tai and steered the helm. Seeing her smiling, she looked in a good mood.

Yi Jianzhou couldn't understand, just came out of the gate of hell, what is there to be happy about?

As far as Yu Tongli is concerned, it is of course worth being happy that he has accumulated such a great merit with only a little bit of effort.

Tong Li glanced at the time, stepped on her foot, and started to speed up. She wasted too much time in that place just now. She planned to go to the cloud earlier to finish her work earlier, and then come back as soon as possible.

After all, there are people waiting at home.
On the highway, a black SUV was driving rapidly. In the void they couldn't see, one person and one horse stared at the visual image presented in midair.

Inside, Tong Li could clearly be seen driving a vehicle.

"Master, you made a foul." The tall and mighty horse groaned twice, expressing its opinion to the people in the carriage.

The person in the car closed the book in his hand, a pair of cold eyes flashed a cold light, and his voice was quite lazy and comfortable: "So? The enemy has assembled thousands of troops, those two people have been playing house all day long, I just Pushing along with the trend, isn’t that considered a foul?”

There was a look of worry in Ji Yanma's eyes, a foul is a foul and there is nothing to say.

It's not that they don't want to help, but they can't help. This is their calamity. Once they intervene, the nature of the matter will change. These two people are really a headache. They just talk about love every day instead of doing business.

"This girl is really stupid, but such a great merit is pushed on one..."

(End of this chapter)

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