Chapter 328

When Pei Jiuyin saw the news, it was already two hours later.

He knew that the expressway was Tong Li's only way, and the unsolved mysteries mentioned in the report were a bit like Tong Li's handwriting.

Although he didn't see her in the camera, he confirmed that it was what Tong Li did.

Oil tank trucks, chemical gas, things that are so dangerous to her, they didn't even mention a word.

Very good.

Pei Jiuyin held back his anger, angrily picked up the phone and dialed Tong Li's number.

Tong Li was about to get off the highway intersection when the vehicle in front began to slow down slowly.

A traffic policeman walked up to their car, waved a warning stick in his hand, and signaled Tong Li to pull over.

"Master Tong, listen to them, it's just an inspection."

Tong Li glanced at the phone, then parked the car at the place designated by the traffic police.

As soon as the car stopped, the man came over, first took a look inside, and after making sure that the people were not overloaded, he asked Tong Li to show his driver's license and driving license.

Tong Li looked at Yi Jianzhou in confusion, she didn't know what kind of driver's license and driving license it was.

For some reason, when Yi Jianzhou saw Tong Li's eyes, his heart skipped a beat.

Shouldn't it be...

Yi Jianzhou took a deep breath, opened the door and got out of the car, went to the co-pilot, took out the driving license on the frame, and handed it to the traffic police uncle.

The traffic police checked the driving license and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Driver's license." He continued to ask Tong Li.

"No." Tong Li replied calmly without changing his face.

The traffic police on the side didn't sound right, no driver's license?
"Come down first."

Tong Li glanced at her mobile phone, Pei Jiuyin made four or five calls persistently, but she kept calling him if she didn't answer him, as if urging her to die.

Yi Jianzhou dejectedly came to Tong Li's side: "Pick it up first, I'll take care of it here, Boss Pei should be in a hurry later."

Nothing can delay Boss Pei's call.

"Yeah." Tong Li walked aside with her phone.


Today's itinerary was repeatedly blocked, Tong Li's face was quite irritable, she should have made a fortune for herself before going out, if she knew so many troubles, she would not come.

"Tongtong, did you handle the expressway matter?" Pei Jiuyin's deep voice was extremely low, and anyone who heard it knew that this was the rhythm of getting angry.

If Pei Jiuyin hadn't thought that the two had just reconciled, he would have scolded her.

"Well, it's me."

Pei Jiuyin: "..."

So honest.

"Do you know that it's dangerous?" Pei Jiuyin was really angry, but when he thought of the dangerous scene, he couldn't help worrying. When will this woman think about herself and him? These things are not afraid of one day Ten thousand, just in case.

"It's okay." It was resolved without much effort.

Hearing that flat tone, Pei Jiuyin was so angry that his teeth itch.

But he was not by his side, otherwise he would have to sneak him back.

Pei Jiuyin took three deep breaths and told himself not to be angry, but to be gentle: "Don't do such a dangerous thing in the future."

"No." Tong Li refused because he could not understand Pei Jiuyin's intentions.

"If I hadn't intervened, this explosion would have killed thousands of people, not to mention other losses."

Pei Jiuyin: "..."

The woman opposite obviously regarded herself as a savior.

"But you should judge before you save someone..." Pei Jiuyin's voice stopped abruptly at this point.

For ordinary people, this is indeed a devastating explosion, but for Tong Li, it is no different from everyday life.

She can perfectly solve anyone's problems without getting hurt.



Pei Jiuyin sighed weakly.

This is the gap between them.

He changed his tone and changed the subject: "Have you arrived yet?"

Tong Li glanced at Yi Jianzhou, Yi Jianzhou was crying, and the traffic policeman was holding a notebook and didn't know what he was writing.

"No, I was stopped by the traffic police."

Pei Jiuyin: "What happened?"

Tong Li: "They asked me for a driver's license."

She didn't.

Pei Jiuyin: "Are you driving?"


He knew that Tong Li didn't have a driver's license, and this woman drove too fast, so he didn't want to give it to her.

It just so happens that this will stop people, so she doesn't have to go.

"Do you have a solution?" Tong Li didn't know what was going on there, she thought that with Pei Jiuyin's ability, she should be able to solve it, and she couldn't waste so much time anymore.

This... Pei Jiuyin's chest was raised slightly, and the daughter-in-law spoke up, as if it would be bad if she didn't help.

"Yes, yes."

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

"Yeah." Tong Li took down the phone and hung up the phone.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the phone that was hung up. He just wanted to make a call and ask Secretary Qiao to go. Why did my wife hang up on him?

Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, he didn't dare to delay the matter, and immediately asked Secretary Qiao to deal with it.

However, Yi Jianzhou was holding the punishment sheet in his hand, and he was told to leave.

Yi Jianzhou glanced at Tong Li, don't think about it, President Pei must be helping, so why can't it be a second earlier, at least not to issue a punishment letter.

His score...

"Let's go." Tong Li ignored him, opened the cab, and wanted to get in.

Yi Jianzhou has sharp eyesight and quick hands to block the car door.

Hehe smiled: "Master Tong, let me open it."

For a driver who doesn't even have a driver's license, it's fine if they don't know, how dare they drive for her if they know.

Tong Li didn't care, walked around the front of the car and sat on the co-pilot.

Pei Jiuyin called as soon as he sat down, the connection was really seamless.

Tong Li pressed the phone, and now she was much calmer, and her tone was much better: "Hello."


When Yi Jianzhou's car came to the town, it was five o'clock in the afternoon, and the weather was still sunny at noon, and it would become cloudy.

"Is it going to rain?"

Tong Li looked at the dark cloud and didn't speak.

On the contrary, this ancient town, with blue bricks and red tiles, looks old. The people in this town are quite particular. At the entrance of the town, they built a tall and wide gate of vermilion. The gate depicts green dragons and white tigers. Suzaku, Xuanwu.

They were all door-guard spirit beasts, and she glanced at Hengbian again, which depicted a Gochenteng snake with XX ancient town written on it.

Tong Li frowned slightly.

Yi Jianzhou didn't understand this, but he only felt that this door was so domineering and mighty.

"Stop." Tong Li suddenly said.

Yi Jianzhou lightly braked and stopped beside a big tree.

"what happened?"

Tong Li opened the door and got out of the car!

This ancient town is well protected by them. The water is clear and the scenery is not too commercial. There is a sense of peace at home, but why is there no one on the side of the road with such a beautiful scenery.

Moreover, this small town area is located in a high place, the air is circulated in the world, the mountains and rivers, and the beasts at the gate repel evil spirits.

She turned her head and looked at Yi Jianzhou who was following her: "Are you sure you want to see Feng Shui?"

(End of this chapter)

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