Chapter 330 Their Yin

And there were bursts of scripture chanting and the sound of knocking wooden fish from a certain direction, and an invisible energy was slowly spreading around.

Tong Li looked into the distance, his pupils shrank, and he flew directly in that direction without thinking much about it.

Along the way, she found that there was not a single household in the whole town that had lights on, not even the most basic street lights.

It stands to reason that it is only twelve o'clock, which is the time for young people's activities. The lights should be brightly lit, and there should be laughter and laughter. However, it is a bit strange that one of the lights in this town is not lit.

Tong Li followed the chanting to the downstairs of a five-story building.

The city building is a solid wood building, with strange scriptures carved around it. In the dark night, those scriptures seem to come alive, changing words constantly.

Tong Li knew that these scriptures were manipulated by the people inside, she wanted to go in to find out, but found that the house was covered with an enchantment.

In this era, enchantment is not something that ordinary people can do. Who are those people inside?

She quietly looked at this enchantment in mid-air. It's not that she couldn't get in, but if she forced her way in, she would definitely startle the snake.

Tong Li thought about it for a while and didn't take any action. He just walked around the barrier and continued to observe.

The city building was tightly sealed, and there was no light, so it was impossible to see what the people inside were doing.

But no one came out to check in such a noisy environment, obviously everyone knew what these people were doing.

After half an hour, Tong Li still didn't find anything, so she was going to go back, and wanted to come back tomorrow to have a look.

As soon as she was about to leave, she saw two people coming out of the house, one of whom was the man who received them today.

"Tianyang is sure that woman's cultivation has reached the mountain residence level?"

"I'm sure, I feel more than that. That girl is very young, but her aura is very pure, and her morals are completely covered up. I can't see it, but she definitely surpasses the mountain dweller."

"Sovereign, are you sure you want to use this girl? I don't know her level, and I'm afraid I'll be overwhelmed by it."

Ruthlessness flashed across the man's face: "Don't be afraid, there are so many of us, and we have been waiting for so many years, and we finally waited for one. How can we give up this opportunity and bring that female Taoist teacher to the Hang Cave tomorrow? Everything is still the same." Follow the old rules."

"It must be done as soon as possible."

He doesn't want to have long nights and dreams.

"Sovereign, I know, I will let Lord Lu find an excuse to take that female Taoist away."

"Well, be careful, don't let people run away."

Tong Li listened to their conversation from above, and her heart sank suddenly: It seems that their goal is to get a female Taoist teacher, and they have no intention of targeting her.

It's really a new thing, she wants to see what they want to do?
The next morning, when Tong Li woke up, the servant had already prepared breakfast.

But today's servant is not the one from yesterday. This maid walks lightly, her eyes are refined and steady, and her figure looks thin, but it is not difficult to see that there are strong muscles hidden underneath her arms. She is a trainer.

"Master Tong, breakfast is ready, you can take your seat."

The maid's tone was neither humble nor overbearing, even a little arrogant, which was definitely not an expression that a maid would dare to show.

Tong Li nodded and walked towards the dining table: "Where are my two friends?"

The maid's eyes flickered: "Maybe she's still sleeping, I'll go and shout."

After speaking, she turned around and walked upstairs, Tong Li looked at her straight back, no accident, she couldn't call anyone down.

Sure enough, the little servant came down after 3 minutes, and smiled at Tong Li with ease: "Miss Tong, your two friends are still sleeping, maybe they were too tired yesterday."

"Why don't you eat first, and when the two gentlemen get up, I'll ask someone to prepare a copy for them."

Tong Li looked at her coldly: "I see."

She sat back in her seat and ate breakfast calmly. She knew that the reason why Yi Jianzhou could not wake up was entirely due to the cup of tea yesterday.

She could go and wake them up, but if they woke up, wouldn't their drama not continue.

Tong Li ate indifferently, and the servant followed her every step of the way like a monitor, as if treating her as the property of this villa.

Not long after, a man wearing a dark suit came in from the outside. He looked about 40 to [-] years old. When he saw Tong Li, a strange light flashed in his eyes, but he quickly hid it, and immediately changed into a suit. A normal face with a gentle smile on the corners of his mouth.

"This is Master Tong, I'm sorry, I'm Lu Liang, I went out on business yesterday, and I made you wait for me all night, I'm very sorry."

When Lu Liang was looking at Tong Li, Tong Li was also looking at him.

The man in front of him seems to be only 30 years old, but his age circle has already reached a centenarian. It is an irresistible law of nature that human beings grow older as the sun and moon pass by.

But this man can stay so young at a hundred years old, besides cultivating Taoism, there is only sorcery.

But he has no Taoist age, obviously he is not a person who cultivates Taoism, and he has no karma on him, nor is he a person who does evil.

So why does he maintain his youthful body?
This is a question worth pondering.


"Thank you, Ms. Tong, for understanding." Lu Liang observed Tong Li with eyes like torches: the woman in front of her had well-curved eyebrows, her brows were full of righteousness, and she had a blessing on her body. As for Dao Ling, she didn't show it on her body.

But it can be confirmed that she is a female Taoist, and her Taoism should not be low, otherwise it would be impossible to hide her Taoist age.

"I don't know if Master Tong Dao minds if I ask a few questions?"

Tong Li nodded: "Yes."

"Being presumptuous."

"Master Tong, how many years have you been cultivating?"

Tong Li: "Small age."

Lu Liang "."

"Where did Master Tong learn from?"

Tong Li frowned slightly, where did he learn from?The place where she is is not found here. If they really tell her where they are, they won't be able to find it. For the sake of unnecessary trouble, she directly burst out: "Tianfeng Mountain."

"Tianfeng Mountain." Lu Liang was taken aback. He knew all the Taoist temples in the country. The most mysterious one is Tianfeng Mountain in M ​​City. It belongs to the Tong family. The power of the Tong family is a bit complicated. People in the mountains, I am afraid that it will be more difficult to investigate when the time comes.

But they have waited for so many years for a female Taoist teacher who is suitable for Taoism. If they miss this, it will take a long time to meet them.

After thinking about it in many ways, Lu Liang gritted his teeth: Forget it, don't worry about it, let's do it first.

"Miss Tong, the thing is like this. I didn't make it clear when I told Mr. Yi on the phone. There is no problem with our town's feng shui, but there is a problem with the town's end. Not long ago, we found a pile of ancient relics on a mountain top, and there were a lot of weird things inside. It doesn't look like a normal thing."

"Plus, since we discovered those things, some strange things have always happened in our village. We are afraid that these things will affect the Feng Shui of the town, so we want to let people come and see them."

"But these things are too weird, and many people will..."

(End of this chapter)

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