Chapter 331 Pei Jiuyin's Uneasiness
Lu Liang hesitated to speak, pretending to be embarrassed: "To tell you the truth, everyone who went in was sick without exception. So we suspected that this pile was evil, and everyone in our town was unanimous. I decided to remove this thing, but I haven't been able to find a powerful master."

"If Master Tong can get rid of this bad luck, we will definitely not treat Master Tong badly."

Tong Li sneered in her heart, seeing the man's confident appearance, she really believed his words without knowing it, she nodded without showing any words: "It's easy to say."

Lu Liang smiled happily: "Okay, since Master Tong understands some of the dangers inside, if Master Tong has no objection, you can go there sometime."

Tong Li gave him an intriguing look: "Anytime."

"Okay, please trouble Master Tong, I will arrange it right away."

Lu Liang happily got up to make arrangements without delay. He thought it would take a lot of talking to succeed, but he didn't expect that the person opposite agreed without saying anything.

But things went too smoothly and he felt a little strange, especially Tong Li's last look, which was unspeakably weird, and he couldn't say how strange it was.

I couldn't think of anything after much deliberation, so I simply didn't think about anything, and it was important to do business.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the two cars drove towards the end of the town. Unlike yesterday, there were many people standing on both sides of the road today.

The expressions on these people's faces were very indifferent, but their eyes shone brightly when they saw Tong Li's car, especially when they saw the two cars driving towards the end of the village, their faces showed long-lost expectations, as if they were about to It's like accomplishing something big.

Tong Li took a look and then retracted her eyes. She rested her right hand on Yingqianzhu in her left hand, and her mind was spinning rapidly.

Buzzing buzzing. There were bursts of ringtones in the bag, which instantly pulled her back from her thoughts. When she called at this time, she knew who it was without even thinking about it.

Tong Li took out the phone and looked at it, hung up the phone without thinking, and then replied two words to him, and there was no more calls from there.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the word "busy" on the phone, and frowned tightly. He didn't know what was going on today, his eyelids kept twitching, and he had to calm down, feeling that something was going to happen.

I wanted to ask Tong Li if things were going well and when he would come back, who would have thought that he wouldn't answer the phone over there, which made him very depressed now.

Pei Jiuyin threw the phone on the table, frantically flipping through the files, but couldn't read any of the contents inside.

With a sudden snap, he closed the document in his hand: It's decided, he's going to find Tong Li.

Go even if you are disgusted.

Tong Li's side has reached the place.

These people took her to a bare barren mountain, surrounded by high and steep mountains, and there was only one exit when she came. If she wanted to go out, the way to come was an inevitable choice. When she came, she found that the exit was hidden in the dark. Many people, what are these people for?It goes without saying.

Tong Li looked at the entrance in front of the barren mountain. This entrance could accommodate several people at the same time. It was dark inside and looked quite gloomy.

Looking up, there is an invisible evil spirit hovering in the sky on the top of the mountain. Not only that, there is also a Liujia Qiqi formation around the mountain. You must know that the top is open and the bottom is closed. Beasts are all guarded, and they are captured as the world's disk.

It has to be said that the people who set up the formation have some strength, and this formation is ruthless enough. It is not so easy for those who enter this formation to get out safely.

They are using this formation to trap her.

Heh, do these people really think she is an ordinary person who doesn't understand anything?

Dare to plot against her?

Something that doesn't know life or death.

"Master Tong, those things are inside." Lu Liang smiled, with a hint of calculation in his eyes.

After all, they are only short of a female Taoist.

Tong Li pretended to look at the entrance of the cave thoughtfully, Lu Liang saw her start to hesitate, his heart skipped a beat, and a heart was raised: "Does Master Tong have any concerns? If the price is too low, we can discuss it again. As long as Master Tong helps us settle this matter."

He walked behind Tong Li calmly, folded his hands naturally behind his back, and then gestured to the people behind: This is all coming to an end, if she repents, then they can only use violence to invite her in .

Anyway, she must not be allowed to leave here alive today.

Tong Li twitched the corner of her mouth: "It's okay, let's go."

"it is good."

Tong Li raised her leg and stepped into the formation, and just as she stepped in, the Liujia Seven Capture Formation that was placed in the dark also started to activate the moment she entered.

Tong Li's palms felt cold, her footsteps paused slightly, and then she walked in normally.

The cave inside is very dark, and two high-power flashlights can only illuminate a little way ahead.

Tong Li slowly observed while walking.

Lu Liang sneered in his heart, let her see as she pleases, once a person enters here, don't even think about going out again.

Suddenly, an inexplicable gust of wind blew, and the flashlights in the hands of the people in front flickered.

Lu Liang walked in front, and said in a cold voice: "This is the case here. There is often an inexplicable force that makes some strange things happen around."

After a pause, he said in a wooden voice, "Just go inside."

Tong Li didn't speak, but quietly followed behind.

After walking for about 20 minutes, Tong Li looked at everything in front of her, and the bodyguards who had been following them in didn't want to wait for a second, and they all took their positions and surrounded her.

Tong Li stood with her hands behind her back, her face frighteningly cold: "Mr. Lu, what does this mean?"

As soon as Lu Liang changed his previous respectful attitude, his face instantly became extremely gloomy, "It's nothing interesting, I just want to ask Master Tong for a little favor."

Tong Li sneered: "Then please tell Mr. Lu what you want to help, after all, I came here today to help Mr. Lu?"

Seeing that she was still so calm, Lu Liang didn't know that she was too confident in her own strength.

It's a pity, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu came here today, he couldn't get out of here.

"No no no Master Tong misunderstood."

"Did you see it?"

"That is the Immortal Soul Array, a large array that can make people live forever."

"We need 49 Taoist priests to start the big formation. There are 48 Taoist priests who cultivated in the mountains. There are 45 male monks and 3 female monks. We are still short of a female monk."

"Now in this world, it is almost as difficult as going to heaven to find a female mountain dweller."

"Master Tong, do you know? We waited 150 years to meet someone like you."

"You mean so much to us."

"Don't worry, as long as you help us complete this formation and keep us out of natural life and death, we will definitely regard the Taoist masters as the originators of our town, and we will offer three sticks of incense every day to worship you."

"We will also take good care of your family. No matter what they ask, we will agree unconditionally."

(End of this chapter)

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