Chapter 342 Seventy-seven and 49 pieces, they got it all together.

"If it doesn't work, there won't be that kind of artificial uterus now. As long as the sperm and embryos of two people are combined, a doll can be created without your intervention."

When Tong Li heard this suggestion, she frowned deeply. She hadn't heard of the life that does not need the body to conceive. She didn't know how to do this kind of anti-human feeding, but this kind of situation couldn't happen to her. .

"Old Mr. Pei, I'm sorry, I don't agree with your suggestion. If you insist on a biological grandson, I suggest you tell Pei Jiuyin that I won't delay him."

"This..." The old man was in trouble. If he could convince his grandson, would he still need to come to her?

What can I do now?The grandson didn't want it, and there was a problem with the grandson's wife.

One wave of ups and downs and another wave of ups and downs, isn't this killing him?

Tong Li didn't want to talk to him on this topic: "Old Mr. Pei, if there is nothing else, I will go to work first."

After finishing speaking, he got up and left. It was useless to say more about impossible things to her.

The old man's eyes turned pale, and he slowly looked at Tong Li's leaving back, how could he let the Pei family end in his generation, how could such a good gene be broken at will.

After Tong Li entered the office, she felt a little depressed. She held a pen in her hand and kept tapping on the table. She stared at a pot of aquatic plants on the table without blinking, and fell into deep thought.

She can understand the painstaking efforts of the old man. It is true that a big family like the Pei family does not have an heir.
Suddenly the cell phone in the bag rang, and Tong Li's thoughts were forcibly interrupted.

She took out her cell phone and saw it was a strange call.


"Hello, I'm a staff member of the crematorium in the South District." The other party reported his home as soon as he answered the phone, but the other party didn't know what happened, and his voice trembled slightly, as if he was very scared.

"what's up?"

" are Miss Tong, Mr. Pei gave me this number and said that I have something to call for you."


Tong Li breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, and said: "Before you sent 48 corpses, it was originally arranged to be cremated today, but we burned here for a long time, so... the corpses can't be burned, Mr. Pei said You can work it out, so I'll call you."

"Look, can you come here now?" Otherwise, they wouldn't even be able to get out of the gate today.

Tong Li frowned slightly, and replied coldly: "I see."

After hanging up the phone, Tong Li went directly to the crematorium in the southern district without delay.

In the car, Tong Li closed her eyes tightly and wanted to take a rest, but for some reason, the horse, the carriage, and the pill suddenly jumped out of her mind.

There was another important question. She remembered why she knew what kind of horse it was?

She had never seen it before, but why did she know the power of that horse at a glance?

too weird.

"Miss Tong's place is here." The driver's voice brought back her wandering thoughts.

"So fast?" She had just closed her eyes.

The driver didn't hear the strangeness in Tong Li's voice, and opened the car door, walked around the front of the car and went down to help her open the door.

Tong Li looked at the gate of the crematorium in front of her, and could only let go of the question she was thinking about just now. As soon as her feet landed, a young man trotted over to the gate.

There was a thin layer of sweat on the young man's forehead, and he didn't know whether it was from the heat or from being frightened.

When I saw Tong Li, I struggled for a while, and asked her weakly, "Hello, are you Miss Tong?"

Tong Li's faint eyes swept over him and nodded.


"The matter of those corpses..." The young man looked back at the gate, hesitating to speak.

Tong Li said: "Take me to see."


Just as Tong Li was about to step into the gate, her eyelids twitched suddenly. She subconsciously looked up to the sky, and a group of dark clouds was flying fast from a distance. In the blink of an eye, the group of dark clouds flew over the crematorium.

Xiaonian followed Tong Li's line of sight, afraid that she might be worried, so he explained: "The weather in these two days is very changeable, it will be sunny and dark for a while, it will be fine in a while."

Tong Li responded, "It's quite changeable."

After saying this, she quickened her pace and walked in. She didn't believe that the weather was changeable, and the weather above was not a normal change.

She is very clear why the black air came.

Tong Li walked faster and faster, and the young man behind could only trot to keep up.

But there was one thing that puzzled him. Even though the lady in front had never been to the crematorium, why was she so clear about the wiring pattern here?And this road also goes to the morgue of those corpses.

'Couldn't she have been here before? '

While he was thinking about it, Tong Li came to the gate of the morgue, but stopped when he was about to enter.

The young man stopped in time to avoid the fate of hitting him. He didn't know why the girl in front stopped suddenly: "Ms. Tong is inside..."

Tong Li raised her hand to interrupt him, Qing Ling's eyes moved.

The entire corridor was dead silent, a gust of wind blew, the young man shivered, and looked left and right with horror, he felt that it seemed particularly cool today.

Tong Li was silent for a few seconds, and her face became more and more ugly. She pressed both hands on the doorknob, and the two doors shook slightly under the calcium carbide fire.

The young man blinked: "?"

The puzzlement in his eyes was very obvious, just for a second, the person in front of him seemed to disappear with a whoosh.

He suppressed the fear in his heart, took a deep breath and shouted in a low voice: "Tong...Miss Tong."

Except for the empty hallway, no one came back to him.

The little young man took a few steps forward timidly, put his hand on the doorknob and wanted to push the door open, but at this moment something happened, the door seemed to be locked by someone, and he couldn't push it no matter how hard he pushed.

But he knew that this door could only be locked with a key, and the key was with him...

This has become extraordinarily terrifying.

And there were 48 corpses inside, no, it should be 49, seven or seven 49, they made up all of them.

A total of 49 coffins were lined up in a row. The lids of the coffins were all overturned on the ground, and each black wooden coffin was wrapped in a mass of black matter.

Tong Li's face became extremely gloomy, and a sharp sword appeared in his hand, and the small morgue suddenly felt infinitely oppressive.

"A group of evil spirits are also trying to rob people in front of me."

Tong Li mobilized the strength in her body to gather it on the sword body, and the sharp sword swung with great power towards the coffins closest to her.

With a "bang", several coffins exploded, and the coffins were split into pieces. "

But apart from a pile of light clothes in the coffin, the bones that were originally in the coffin were gone.

Tong Li took a step back, trained to gain more strength, and blasted all the coffins apart with one sword.

The last few corpses were being eaten away by a cloud of black gas, and it seemed that those few corpses were about to be eaten away.

(End of this chapter)

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