Chapter 343 Your Grandpa Came To See Me Today

Seeing this, Tong Li immediately bit her finger, and quickly drew two blood symbols in mid-air.

Gusts of wind blew around for no reason, blowing the floor above the ground into the air.

Not long after the blood talisman was completed, a red light suddenly appeared, and they all flew towards the black air.

Bang... sizzling.

Wherever the golden light went, the black air quickly dissipated, and a stench permeated the small corpses.

In an instant, her blood talisman wiped out that large black evil energy.

Several corpses that were too late to be transported lay abruptly on the small plank bed.

Suddenly, a few black threads floated out of the corpse, and quickly escaped through a small skylight on the high platform.

Tong Li looked at the direction where the black air dissipated, his expression darkened, fearing that they would use the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, so he didn't chase after them.

She turned around and went to open the door. The young man was still tinkering with the lock seriously.

Suddenly there was a click, and the door opened automatically. When he looked up, he saw Tong Li's indifferent and frightening expression. What's the matter with being a little scary?

The little young man was so frightened that he stammered, "Tongtong...Miss."

She really went in?

Tong Li said coldly: "Drag out the corpses inside and burn them immediately!"

"Ah? But..." Seeing the cold eyes on Tong Li's face, the young man swallowed, and swallowed back the second half of the sentence wisely.

"Okay, I'm going to find someone to pull."

The young man turned around and ran away without looking at what was going on inside. When he found someone and came back again, he saw the mess all over the floor, and everyone froze in place.

A voice sounded in their hearts: what happened here?
Why are all the coffins lying on the ground in disorder, and why are only five of the original 48 corpses left there, and what about the others?

The colleague next to him asked, "Xiao Yang, is there a war here?"

The young man shook his head, he didn't know either.

He looked up at the monitor, but even the monitor was smashed to the ground.

"Don't worry about it, just pack those up first."

The staff confusedly packed the last few corpses in new coffins, and then pulled them to the incinerator.

Tong Li stood guard outside the whole time, without any accidents, those mummies were completely reduced to ashes with the flames igniting.

And in the sky not far away, a cloud of black mist gradually transformed into two figures, they were staring at the chimney rising from the crematorium.

"Upper left, the subordinates should be damned, those five were not brought out in time."

A male-like voice sounded from the side: "It's nothing, you can't deal with her."

"How is the matter over there, my lord?"

"Nine-tailed fox has already contacted, we will welcome soon..."

The man raised his arm slightly, interrupting what he was going to say next.

Suddenly an invisible force was flying towards them, the man's face changed, and he swung a black energy to resist that powerful force. Their strength was lost, and the two were forced to retreat again and again.

The man gave an order: "Go..."

As the voice fell, a stream of black smoke drifted away with the air, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

When Tong Li chased him out, the outside was empty and there was nothing.

She looked up at the blue sky with a very serious expression on her face, and she began to realize that things were not as simple as she imagined.

Tong Li looked at it for a while, made sure there was nothing unusual, turned around and entered the cremation, finished the matter here, and then returned to Pei's house.

After returning home, seeing that it was still early, she laid out the medicinal materials she had collected during this time.

There are still two different things after counting, Morti Vine and Xianli Blossom, these two are extremely precious in themselves, I don't know if there are any here.

She looked at her arm with deep eyes. Although the red line did not appear again, she knew that the curse mark had already taken root in her body, and if she didn't remove it, she might be...


Tong Li put away all the things, and she had to find them all. What happened recently made her feel uneasy, as if something big was about to happen.

Moreover, after the demon fox was rescued, it seemed to disappear from this world. Even if her cultivation level improved, she still couldn't figure out where the demon fox was.

But since she is in contact with Jing Beichen, then she must exist.

She can no longer sit still.

Half an hour later, Pei Jiuyin also came home from get off work, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Tong Li sitting on the sofa.

He took off his suit with light steps and threw it on the seat. The people on the sofa didn't know what they were doing. He came in for a long time, but the people inside didn't respond. According to her vigilance, it shouldn't be.

Pei Jiuyin walked behind her, bent down, put his slender arms around her neck, kissed her gently under the earlobe, and said in a hoarse voice, "You came back so early today?"

His eyes scanned the messages on her phone, his heart sank, and his face became serious.

"Yeah." Tong Li glanced back at him, then continued to reply to the messages on the phone.

She typed very slowly, and she didn't finish typing a sentence in a minute.

Pei Jiuyin was silent for a moment, then asked, "Are you going out again?"

"Well, this was picked up before, go help them open an ancestral grave."

"It's not far from Shennongjia over there. I want to go there to find two kinds of herbs."

Pei Jiuyin also thought about finding herbs, anyway, Lao Liu can help with the company's affairs now.

"I also need to go."

Tong Li replied while pressing the message: "No need, there are only those kinds..."

Suddenly, the man behind her tightened his grip on her neck, exuding dissatisfaction, and his voice was very cold: "Last time you promised to let me go, why? Do you want to go back on your word?"

Tong Li leaned back and saw Pei Jiuyin whose eyes were full of resentment: "I just don't think you need to waste your time and follow me."

"It's not a waste of time." Pei Jiuyin let go of Tong Li, jumped and sat next to Tong Li, his arms naturally stretched out to wrap around her waist, and the whole body was pressed against Tong Li as if there were no bones.

"It's a waste of time to be able to go out with my daughter-in-law. It happens that I seldom go out for a stroll. When I go out with you, I can travel along the way to relax."

Pei Jiuyin stared at Tong Li with a little threat in his deep eyes: "Do you think so?"

It seemed that as long as Tong Li said no, he would eat the person in front of him in one bite.

Tong Li received his threat, sighed silently, and pushed him up: "Okay, just go."

There is no way, this man is too noisy, if you don't let him go, you will definitely not give up, for the sake of quieting your ears, you have to agree if you don't agree.

Seeing that she agreed, Pei Jiuyin felt better, the corners of his mouth gradually raised, and he held Tong Li's hand tightly.

"By the way, I told Qu Rui before that he also wanted to go, see if you want to tell him."

"No need, he has his own affairs, and the Qu family is not peaceful recently, and I don't know how long it will take to go out this time. If it delays his affairs, it will be troublesome."

Tong Li nodded as if realizing something: "Okay."

Anyway, Tong Heng's side is inseparable from people, if they go together, it will be a little troublesome.

Just like that, the two of them left Qu Rui who was supposed to lead the way after a few words.

Suddenly Tong Li thought of something, frowned, showing embarrassment.

Pei Jiuyin keenly noticed her change: "What's wrong?"

After thinking about it, Tong Li decided to tell him: "Your grandpa came to see me today."

(End of this chapter)

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