The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 344 Dare to bite me, see if I don't kill you.

Chapter 344 Dare to bite me, see if I don't kill you.

Pei Jiuyin sat up straight in an instant, and became vigilant: "What is he looking for you for?"

Tong Li didn't have much scruples about this matter, so she told the truth: "Your grandfather wants me to have a child, and I told him clearly that this is impossible."

She looked at Pei Jiuyin with complicated eyes: "If your Pei family must have one..."

The sound suddenly stopped.

The voice just now was swallowed by another lip.

1 minute... 2 minutes, 3 minutes is not over yet.

"Hmm..." Tong Li looked at his deep eyes and felt his scalp tingling for a while. Before he was suffocated, he pressed his hands against the strong chest and pushed him away forcefully.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air. This kiss had nothing to do with lust, but pure venting.

Tong Li licked her lips with the tip of her tongue, and there was a slight tingling pain on her lips. She leaned over to the table and took out two tissues to stop the blood from her lips. ?”

The man bit her again.

Tong Lixiang couldn't get angry, so she raised her foot and kicked his calf, "She restrained her strength in this kick, but the strength was not light."

Pei Jiuyin's calf was obviously tense, and it seemed to be in pain, but he still pretended to be calm: "Whatever you want to say, I want to do."

He knew what Tong Li wanted to say, so in order to avoid hearing what he didn't want to hear, he simply blocked her mouth preemptively and saw what she had to say.

"It's unreasonable." Tong Li threw out a sentence with a blank look, stood up and was about to go upstairs, but before he took two steps, he was caught by the people behind him.

The man tightly trapped her in his arms, gnashing his teeth on her side and said: "Why, if you allow me to say something that makes me angry, I won't allow me to bite you."

Tong Li took a deep breath, resisting the urge to beat him up, and stared at him: "What did I say?"

In this matter, Pei Jiuyin was not at all stage frightened: "Everything you want to say is written on your face, have you forgotten what I said?"

"I said no to the child, don't you remember? If you don't believe me, go for a vasectomy, so that the old man's thoughts will be broken."

He thinks this is also very good, just like his father, always quiet.

Tong Li was kind, she just wanted him to make another choice, so that he wouldn't rush into it: "In case you regret it later..."

Pei Jiuyin clasped the back of her head tightly, his eyes sincere and pious: "I won't, as long as you stay by my side, I will never regret it."

Tong Li seemed relieved, and struggled twice: "Okay, I understand, let go."

Pei Jiuyin quietly hugged him tightly: "No, it's comfortable to hold."

"Let me see if the bite hurts."

Pei Jiuyin held her face in both hands, and saw a small gap in the crystal red lips, and suddenly felt distressed, and his mouth was a little dry.


"Does it hurt, or you can bite me too." Pei Jiuyin closed his eyes and turned his face away.

"Just bite anywhere."

Tong Li's lips were still sore. Although this man was good-looking, he bit her again and again.

"Suck..." There was a throbbing sound of breathing in the living room.

Tong Li was really not used to him this time, so she opened her mouth and bit his cheek, neither light nor heavy, just left a tooth mark, it didn't bleed, but the mark was very deep, it is estimated that the tooth mark lasted for a few days It can't be eliminated.

Pei Jiuyin covered his face, and looked at Tong Li with aggrieved eyes: "You really bite."

Tong Li snorted and said, "Didn't you tell me to bite? It's not the first time you have bitten me. If you dare to bite me next time, I will bite you to death without you calling."

Seeing that Tong Li was really angry, Pei Jiuyin put down his hand and rubbed her back behind her, and obediently admitted his mistake: "I won't bite, next time I will bite myself."

"Let go." Tong Li slapped the troubled hand away.

Pei Jiuyin didn't dare to stop him, and reluctantly withdrew his hand to let him go.

Tong Li stood up and walked upstairs, and Pei Jiuyin also got up, followed behind like a pitiful pug, and carefully reached out to hold her little hand: "Tongtong, don't take what grandpa says to your heart. I'll talk to him about it tomorrow, don't think about it, I can decide my own affairs, if he dares to force you, I'll never end with him."

Tong Li's heart skipped a beat, she stopped, looked back at him, and nodded: "I know, this is my decision, if you insist, then don't think about it."

Pei Jiuyin looked at her coldly, he was so angry with this woman, when had he ever had other thoughts.

Tong Li felt very uncomfortable being watched by him, blinked her eyes lightly, and rubbed her fingers with a little guilt: "Okay, I'll go up and get something."

After speaking, he broke free from Pei Jiuyin's hand, and trot upstairs as if avoiding it.

Pei Jiuyin watched the figure enter the room, leaning against the stairs weakly, and slowly closed his eyes.

It was expected that his grandfather would look for Tong Li, but he didn't expect him to move so fast.

What if Tong Li didn't tell him about it, and he felt bad for him, or ran away because of the Pei family's affairs.

No, he will never allow this to happen, this matter must be resolved immediately.


Early the next morning, Pei Jiuyin went out with a tooth mark on his face. Instead of going to the company immediately, he went directly to the old man.

When the old man heard his grandson coming, he was still surprised. His grandson did not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and he came in the morning, so it was even more rare.

When Pei Jiuyin entered the hall, the old man had just finished breakfast.

When the old man saw his grandson's cold face and great resentment exuding from his body, his heart skipped a beat.

"Jiuyin is here."

Pei Jiuyin walked up to the old man, looked him straight in the eyes, suppressed the anger in his heart, and called out politely: "Grandpa."

"Well, what's the matter with your face."

Pei Jiuyin didn't answer him, but instead asked, "Did you talk to Tong Tong about something you shouldn't have said yesterday?"

The old man was taken aback. He did go to find someone yesterday, but did he say anything that shouldn't be said?

"I chatted with her for a while."

"Why can't I go find her?"

"What's your tone?"

Question him?
Pei Jiuyin looked at the voice unchanged: "Grandpa, I have already said that I don't plan to have children in this life. It doesn't matter who you look for."

"If you're worried about the heir, you can choose a good one in the family, and I'll train him to be what you're satisfied with, but don't make any more decisions about me, and you're not allowed to talk to Tongtong about it."

The old man looked at his arrogant face, picked up the milk glass on the table, and slammed it on the table, the glass collided with the marble table, making a harsh sound, his old face stretched out: "You are What attitude."

"Getting married, starting a family and having a baby is the only way in life. What's wrong with having a baby?"

"If you are an ordinary person, no one cares whether you live or not."

(End of this chapter)

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