Chapter 345 Am I dying?

"But behind you is the entire Pei family. You are the only blood of the Pei family. The Pei family has been passed down to this day. Do you think you alone can decide whether to live or not?"

"You sound good. Find a collateral line. Is the Pei family going to die now? Find a collateral line."

The old man was really furious, and he said harsh words to him: "Pei Jiuyin, I told you today, whether you like it or not, you have to get me a child."

Hearing the old man's scolding, Pei Jiuyin maintained a straight posture, his eyes were still, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Suddenly he knelt down on his knees with a plop: "Grandpa, I know I am unfilial, but heirs are impossible."

Mr. Pei was so angry that he blushed and his neck was thick. He stood up abruptly and pointed at his nose with trembling fingers: "You want to piss me off, don't you?"

Pei Jiuyin's face was tense, he lowered his head and said nothing.

"Believe it or not, I withdrew your position."

Pei Jiuyin raised his head, opened his mouth and threw out two words: "Whatever."

The old man looked at it with hatred, his chest rose and fell sharply, suddenly he clutched his heart, his eyes began to lose sight, and his body became precarious.

Pei Jiuyin's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he immediately got up to support him, with a rare look of nervousness on his face: "Grandpa."

Seeing this, the nurse at home promptly took a reassurance pill from his body and gave him one.

"Young master, the old man's heart has not been very good recently, so you should talk less and don't be angry with him."

Pei Jiuyin frowned.

After taking the medicine, the old man's breathing calmed down, and the complexion on his face also slowly recovered.

After recovering, the old man raised his hand and slapped Pei Jiuyin's hand: "Don't touch me, you unfilial son, I have worked so hard to raise you so big, do you think it's easy for me? Now I just let you Is it so difficult to have a child? If you don't want to raise it, I will raise it, and if you don't want to teach me to teach myself."

"Even if the little girl can't give birth, there are still many ways in this world?"

"I don't object to you two being together, as long as you like it, I don't have any opinions. I gave that little girl so many opinions yesterday, but she didn't accept any of them."

"No life, no life, what do you want me to do? How do you want me to face the ancestors of the Pei family after I die."

"How can I let the blood of the Pei family be cut off in my generation?"

Pei Jiuyin lowered his eyes and remained silent.

The old man also knew his knot, sighed helplessly, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Otherwise, I'll take a step back, and it's okay for you two to have no children, but you have to hand over a piece of gold..."

Pei Jiuyin's Adam's apple trembled slightly, and the disgust on his face was undisguised: "Impossible..."

How is his behavior different from Guan Shangyi's?

At the thought of that kind of thing happening, every pore in his body exuded a breath of resistance.

According to his own proposal, the old man was rejected again, and he frowned again: "You can't do this, and you can't do that, what do you say, don't forget that your surname is Pei, and you are in Pei's family. The reproduction of offspring is the most basic thing. You can’t just look out for yourself.”

Pei Jiuyin was stunned, his Adam's apple rolled twice, he thought for a long time, and finally said: "Anyway, I can't, or I'll go find your son."

The old man's complexion changed several times. This grandson really dared to say that his father had sterilized himself cruelly in order to prevent Guan Shangyi from succeeding.

Now look for the stubborn one. If there is a 30% possibility for the grandson, then the possibility for his father is less than 1%.

That is equal to impossible.

What the hell did his Pei family do, and how did they get rid of these things.

He couldn't help thinking, if he could have had another son back then, would he need to beg for help now?

After returning home at night, Pei Jiuyin took Tong Li to tell about today's record, and even shamelessly asked Tong Li if there was any way for his father to have another one.

Tong Li looked at him as if he was insane: "Your father? He is five or sixty years old."

"Well, my grandfather is right. From his standpoint, the Pei family really cannot be cut off."

The only way is to toss his father.

"However, he had a ligation operation when he was young, so it should still be possible to do recanalization."

Tong Li stared at him with shining eyes, and realized that he was really not joking.

Pei Jiuyin met her eyes expectantly: "Is there any?"

Tong Li covered her forehead.

"Tongtong, I know this kind of trivial matter will definitely not trouble you."

Tong Li said hesitantly, "Yes, yes."

"But will your father agree?"

"I don't know, let the old man figure it out by himself."

He didn't want this kind of trouble to occupy the time of the two of them.

"By the way, when are we going to leave?" He began to look forward to the journey that belonged to the two of them.

Tong Li said: "It's two days, I'm going to help look after a child tomorrow, have you arranged your affairs?"

"It's almost there. Some time ago, I left some things to Lao Liu, and I can leave whenever I want."

Tong Li nodded: "Yes."

She was thinking about what she needed for this trip when a low voice called from beside her.

Suddenly the mouth was hot, a heat source approached, and finally leaned forward.

Suddenly the people above froze, and Tong Li wondered why you, a man, stopped suddenly.

But seeing Pei Jiuyin clutching his heart with his right hand, his face also turned pale, and thin cold sweat broke out instantly on his smooth forehead. This state was obviously abnormal at first glance.

She helped him sit up, and her expression changed: "What's going on?"

"I..." Pei Jiuyin gasped for breath, the pain in his heart made him unable to speak a word.

Tong Li held his hand, felt his pulse, and frowned deeply. His pulse was not abnormal except for a faster heart rate.

But his reaction was not fake.

what happened?
Tong Li let go of his pulse, put his little hand on his heart without even thinking about it, and slowly channeled the spiritual energy into the heart.

With the input of spiritual energy, Pei Jiuyin felt a burst of coolness in his heart, and the pain gradually weakened and finally disappeared.

It took only a few minutes for the pain to subside, but he seemed to have experienced a century.

He raised his hand to hold Tong Li's wrist, and said weakly: "Okay, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Tong Li withdrew his hand, and felt his pulse again, but still couldn't find anything abnormal: "What's going on with you?"

Pei Jiuyin sat upright: "I don't know, it just hurts inexplicably."

"Has it been this painful before?"

"No, it hurt a little before, and it hurts more and more. It will be fine after taking the medicine."

"But these two times, there was severe pain all at once, without any warning." He almost thought his heart was going to explode just now, it was really painful.

Tong Li could hear the difference in his words: "Did it appear only recently?"

"Yeah." Pei Jiuyin lay on his back on the sofa, holding Tong Li's palm tightly, and the two of them clasped their fingers tightly.

"Tongtong, am I dying soon?"

(End of this chapter)

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