The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 346 The yin and yang eyes opened by mistake.

Chapter 346 The yin and yang eyes opened by mistake.

That's right, since he met Tong Tong, his life has been so happy that he almost forgot that he is a dying person.

Tong Li frowned, held his hand back, and said in a very firm tone: "No, as long as I'm here, I won't let you."

Pei Jiuyin slowly moved his head to Tong Li's shoulder, smiled and said with incomparable nostalgia, "My Tong Tong is so nice."

"I'm a little sleepy." I just felt pain for a while, but my physical strength seems to be exhausted, and it's very difficult to open my eyes now.

"Take a nap when you're tired."

Pei Jiuyin didn't have the strength to go upstairs, so he lay down on a slant, resting his head on Tong Li's lap, but he was too tall and could only curl his legs up, although it was still a little uncomfortable, but it was very happy to be able to lie in this position .

Just closing his eyes for less than 10 seconds, he fell asleep directly.

Tong Li's eyes fell on Pei Jiuyin's handsome face, seeing that his brows and eyes were still full of exhaustion, he was obviously very tired, but he pretended to be very relaxed in front of her, this man...

Her slender jade fingers gently stroked the cold lines of his face, smoothing the wrinkles between his brows.

Pei Jiuyin's body became more and more strange, and now she was not sure if she could cure him after finding all the herbs.

"You Bao..."

You Bao, who had been sleeping late under the table, heard Tong Li's voice and jumped up and down.

Tong Li pointed at Pei Jiuyin, Youbao understood what she meant, shook his head, and said that there was nothing he could do about Pei Jiuyin's situation.

Tong Li's eyes dimmed a little, and she sighed faintly: Forget it, let's figure it out by myself.


The next day, after Pei Jiuyin woke up, there was no abnormality in his body and spirit, and he was full of energy, as if he was the weak and dying person yesterday.

It was already 10:00, he was the only one left in the room, Tong Li should have gone out, but her fragrance still lingered on the bed.

Pei Jiuyin moved to her position, hugged the pillow and took a deep breath, fantasizing that she was still by his side, he covered his chest and whispered: "Give me a little more time."

He wanted to spend more time with Tongtong.


Tong Li came to the suburbs early in the morning, and had to say that the air in the suburbs was indeed much fresher than that in the city.

She walked forward along the path, the willow trees on both sides fluttered with the wind, and the gentle sunlight refracted through the willow leaves on the ground, flashing silver lights, which looked extremely beautiful.

There were two people standing in a gazebo not far away, one was a young man in a guard uniform, and the other was a handsome and elegant young man.

Judging from this situation, the identity of this family is not simple.

Tong Li walked forward slowly and walked in front of them.

"Hi, I'm Tong Li. I made an appointment with you earlier to come and see a child."

The man looked at Tong Li with piercing eyes, and introduced himself gently: "Hello, Yao Chen."

Yao Chen didn't beat around the bush, and said bluntly, "Before Miss Tong goes in, I want to explain something to you."

"Please say."

Yao Chen winked at the person behind him.

The person behind handed her the prepared papers: "Miss Tong, I'm sorry, but before you understand the matter, you need to sign a non-disclosure agreement. No matter what you see or know, you are not allowed to spread it to the outside world."

"If you understand everything, please sign it."

Tong Li just hesitated for a moment, then took the pen from him and signed his name.

Yao Chen smiled like a spring breeze: "Thank you, Miss Tong, for your understanding."

"Please." Yao Chen turned slightly sideways, and made a gentle gesture of invitation.

Tong Li followed them to a courtyard.

The yard is quite large, and there is a swimming pool not far away. The swimming pool is covered with ice, and a child's head protrudes from it.

With so many ice cubes, the temperature of the swimming pool is at least below zero. Although it is a hot day, the body must not be able to bear being in the cold and bitter water.

Yao Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he led Tong Li to the edge of the swimming pool.

The little girl grinned when she saw him.

"Cousin, you are here."


"Miss Tong, this is Ruqi. She is 9 years old this year. She had an accident three months ago when she went up the mountain with her family to worship her ancestors."

Yao Chen briefly told her the whole story: "There was nothing wrong with her when she first came back, but a week later she would have a lot of rashes for no reason. We suspected that she was allergic, so we took her to the doctor and took her Numerous anti-allergic drugs are useless."

"Later we discovered that the rash on her body would disappear only in an environment below 0 degrees."

"She has been living in the freezer during this time. Although the symptoms have disappeared, she has recently experienced nosebleeds, which are inexplicable nosebleeds."

"She also said that many children came to her to play at night, and she was coaxed out of the icehouse by the children she said several times."

"She can't live in a normal environment. It is conceivable that those few times almost killed her."

"Afterwards, we checked all the surveillance cameras at home, but we didn't see the child she mentioned."

But her description was too clear, and the image was fake: "So Miss Tong, the kid she said..."

"We just want to ask you to come and see if my cousin has been hit by something evil."

Tong Li nodded to show her understanding, and she looked around the swimming pool: This girl has uneven facial bones, three white eyes, and very obvious sky lines. , I didn't have too much panic about what I encountered.

"I see."

Yao Chen raised his eyebrows, so quickly, just by looking around, can the disease be confirmed?
He couldn't believe it.

"Miss Tong, I don't know why my cousin is like this?"

Tong Li said: "She just opened her yin and yang eyes by chance and saw some unclean things."

"Once the yin and yang eyes are opened and dirty things are seen, the righteousness will be easily damaged, which will lead to physical problems. In addition, she should often come into contact with some evil spirits, and she has not protected herself well. It is normal for her body to react."

Yao Chen frowned, and looked at Tong Li hesitantly: "Is that so?"

"How to deal with that?"

Tong Li: "Close her yin and yang, turn her back into an ordinary person, and her life will naturally recover."

"If it is not closed, she thinks she can become a yin woman. It is best to find a yin woman to take her to avoid the current situation."

But seeing that this girl has a good family background, she doesn't need to rely on this aspect to live, and the yin woman is easy to lose her life. If she had a choice, she would generally not choose this path.

Without even thinking about it, Yao Chen immediately said, "Turn it off."

"No." The little girl immersed in the ice water refused excitedly.

There was great excitement in her eyes: "Cousin, this skill is so powerful, I like me so much, don't turn it off."

"And I can see things that ordinary people can't see, don't you think it's cool?"

Yao Chen frowned: "No."

What a yin woman, doesn't sound like a normal person.

(End of this chapter)

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