Chapter 348

Soon the waiter brought his wine.

Jing Beichen picked up the wine glass and shook it lightly, watching the red liquid in it swaying back and forth wantonly.

After watching it for a long time, he said with a smile: "That's why some people like to watch beautiful women eat, and it's a kind of enjoyment to just watch and not eat."

Tong Li's hand holding the food stopped, and she lost her appetite for a moment. She put down her chopsticks and looked at the man in front of her coldly.

"What's the matter with you?"

Jing Beichen put down his wine glass, propped his chin and looked at her leisurely, with deliberate gentle eyes: "I'm fine, I just want to see you, I haven't seen you for so long, I miss you."

Tong Li picked up the tissue on the table and gently wiped the corners of her mouth, with an unclear expression on her face, she beckoned the waiter to come over, planning to pay the bill and leave.

Jing Beichen said unhurriedly: "Yesterday..."

"Lu Tianxue..."

In the next second, Tong Li stared at him firmly, and her tone was a little forbearing: "She came to you?"

Jing Beichen grinned: "That's not true."

Sure enough, only that Lu Tianxue could arouse her interest.

"However, she said that the plan has changed, and the meeting will need to be postponed for a month."

Tong Li frowned, counting the time in her heart: "I know."

Jing Beichen stared at the woman in front of him quietly, and the more he looked at the woman, the more pleasing he was: "Xiao Li'er, will you be free?"

"No time." Tong Li didn't even think about it, she refused directly, and raised her hand to take the bill handed over by the waiter. She didn't even look at the amount on it, so she signed her name and took the card directly.

The waiter took the card and was about to board the plane, but Jing Beichen who was on the side quickly snatched it from the waiter.

"How can a lady pay the bill."

After speaking, he took out his wallet from his inner pocket, picked out a white card and handed it over.

The waiter gave Tong Li a slightly embarrassed look, seeing that Tong Li didn't respond, she could only accept the card in Jing Beichen's hand.

After the waiter left, Jing Beichen waved her card in his hand, then put the card under his nose and smelled it: "It smells so good."

Seeing his perverted appearance, Tong Li frowned, and instantly didn't even want Ka.

Jing Beichen smiled even more happily when he saw her disgusted delicate face.

"Little Li'er is so cute."

Tong Li really felt that this man was sick, so she stood up abruptly, picked up her bag and took the card from his hand, and walked straight out.

It was her own, why not take it back.

Jing Beichen looked at the haughty back, and the smile in his eyes gradually disappeared: "Little Li'er has too much prejudice against me, it's a little difficult to get in touch with, it's difficult to deal with."

He looked at the upper red table which had been lifted up, and sighed, his eyes became deep: "We have to think of a way."


Two days later, Pei Jiuyin made arrangements for the company. He just called the old man, and then took Tong Li to City U. He didn't even have a chance for the old man to arrest him. The old man could only sigh every day, thinking that he would never have great grandson.

On the plane, the corners of Pei Jiuyin's upturned mouth never curved since he came out. He replied to several urgent emails, and served Tong Li to eat.

After answering the email, he picks up another grape and peels it, then feeds the watery grape into Tong Li's mouth with his own hands.

Tong Li looked at her book and enjoyed his feeding, the spacious cabin was filled with happiness.

The bodyguards sitting on both sides were no strangers to it.

The flight to U City was not far away, about two hours later, after the plane landed, Pei Jiuyin held Tong's hand tightly and couldn't let go for a while.

The Qin family knew that Tong Li was coming, so they came to wait early in the morning. When they saw Tong Li, the housekeeper who had been waiting for a long time hurried up to meet her.

"Excuse me, is this Master Tong? I am the steward of the Qin family. The old lady asked me to come pick you up. You can just call me Steward Wang."

Steward Wang had a polite smile on his face, and kept looking at Tong Li with his eyes.

He had only seen Tong Li's appearance once on the old lady's mobile phone, and although he had only seen it once, her astonishing appearance had already been deeply embedded in his mind.

In fact, this face is hard to forget at first glance. When he saw the photo, he felt that this person was not simple. After getting close, she exuded a majestic aura, which made him feel the urge to be admired.

Butler Wang couldn't help nodding in his heart, thinking that the old lady would not be deceived again this time.

"Yeah." Tong Li withdrew his hand from Pei Jiuyin's hand and glared at him who was restless.

"Master, you have worked hard all the way, let me take you to the hotel first."

At this time, Pei Jiuyin, who had always been transparent, spoke up.

"No need, we will take care of food, clothing, housing and transportation by ourselves."

"This." Steward Wang frowned, feeling very embarrassed. He came here to pick up the man at the old lady's order. If he didn't pick him up, he was afraid that the old lady would blame him.

"Let's go." Pei Jiuyin didn't care about him, put his arms around Tong Li's shoulders, and passed Butler Wang. It's not that he himself is incompetent, so why should he listen to other people's arrangements.

The two saw it as soon as they got out of the door, and came to pick up their car.

Steward Wang was shocked when he saw the two of them getting into a world-class luxury car. This kind of luxury car can't be bought with money. He never thought that they could get in such a car.

Pei Jiuyin took Tong Li to a five-star hotel in this city, opened a presidential suite, and even reserved the floor below. The space on the two floors was only for the two of them, and no one could disturb them.

Once in the room, Pei Jiuyin was busy with company matters.

Tong Li looked at his back as he walked towards the balcony: Sure enough, there are still many things that have not been handled well.

She sat on the sofa, took out the five emperors' money from her bag when she had nothing to do, and made a calculation for this trip.

Tong Li threw five copper coins into the air, and the five copper coins kept flipping in mid-air until they lost all force and began to fall.

clang clang clang clang...

The five emperors' coins fell to the table in response, four were fixed, and one was twirling around on the table.

Tong Li gave up concentrating, her heart rate slowed down, and she looked at the last imperial coin fixedly, and finally watched the imperial coin freeze on the table.

Tong Li was inexplicably relieved when he saw that it was Shang Kun who was hanging out.


it is good.


The next day, Tong Li brought Pei Jiuyin to Qin's house.

The old lady of the Qin family lives in an ancient style courtyard, which is full of green trees and trees. The courtyard is located in the southwest and faces the northeast. It is built in the shape of a cornucopia.

When the old lady of the Qin family learned that Tong Li was coming, she went out to greet her in person.

"Master Tong, you're here." The old lady showed a kind smile when she saw Tong Li, and the men who came out with her saw Tong Li's childish appearance, and showed deep contempt in their eyes.

If it was normal, they would definitely come out to tease them, but they have benefited, even if the old lady invites a three-year-old child, it has nothing to do with them.

Tong Li nodded slightly towards her: "Mrs. Qin."

"Please come in quickly." The old lady Qin invited them in with a smile. She felt very honored that Tong Li could come on time.

(End of this chapter)

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