Chapter 349
Soon her grandson will be free from the curse of eternal life, and now she can't wait to confess Tong Li.

Tong Li didn't move. She likes to do things quickly, and she doesn't like to be polite: "No, go directly to the place. Are you ready for everything I want you to prepare?"

The old lady nodded: "It's all ready."

"Okay, let's go."


A group of people surrounded the old lady of the Qin family and walked out, and the grandson was an important person so naturally he couldn't be left behind.

The Qin family's ancestral grave is not far away. After walking through the back mountain area, and then walking forward for half an hour on the mountain road, you can see the approximate location by standing on the slope.

Tong Li looked at the surrounding terrain, and Pei Jiuyin held a sun umbrella to help her shade. He didn't understand Feng Shui, but the air here was pretty good.

"Thirsty? Do you want some water?"

Tong Li shook his head.

"Master Tong, that's over there." Mrs. Qin moved closer to Tong Li, pointing to a certain direction for her to see.

Tong Li looked at the location of the tomb in the distance, which can store wind and gather energy. The mountain on the left is shaped like tiger sand. If the right is Longsha, it is definitely a good crypt, but on the right is a mountain like a phoenix with wings spread. The holy energy that was about to gather on the left was discharged in full, and after a busy meal, it was like rushing to nothing.

Tong Li shook his head in his heart, this acupoint looks good, but it is a bit self-deceiving, if it is changed, it can become a good acupoint for Wangfu's descendants.

Everyone continued to move forward. The mountains here are connected to the mountains, and the road down is not easy. We stumbled and came to the cemetery of our ancestors under the scorching sun.

The old lady stood in front of the tombstone, clasped her hands together, and bowed reverently three times to the front, whispering something in her mouth, not knowing what she was talking about.

The bodyguards brought in began to set up altars and offerings, and some people pressed talisman papers around the cemetery. Everything was going on in an orderly manner.

In fact, Tong Li doesn't pay much attention to these formal things, but these are their customs, and she can only pretend on the surface, otherwise she really wants to dig directly.

It was far away just now, but after getting closer, she really saw that something was wrong with the tomb. She looked around, and there was a rustling sound from the bushes.

It was a very normal scene, and no one noticed anything unusual.

The old lady took a pile of incense paper and incense wood from Steward Wang, and after burning three sticks of incense, she threw the incense paper into a small pit: "Old Ancestor, don't blame me for disturbing your old man's peace today. It is really helpless, it has been so many years, this curse still harms the descendants of the Qin family, the Qin family..."

The old lady hesitated to speak, and tried her best to control her emotions. She took a deep breath and continued, "As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I don't want to let it go."

"I can only disturb you at the moment, old man. We just need to check and put you back immediately if there is no problem. Please forgive me, Amitabha."

After the old lady recited a scripture, she lit the joss paper underneath, and the joss paper would burn when it met the fire, and her pupils reflected two clusters of small flames.

Just when the incense paper was half burned, a gust of wind suddenly blew up around the burning incense paper, and the paper ashes and flames were scattered around with the wind.

"What's going on? Is it because the ancestors were angry and refused to open the grave?"

"do not know."

A few murmurs came from behind. Although the voice was small, everyone who should have heard it heard it.

The old lady frowned and looked at Tong Li, as if asking for her opinion.

Tong Li didn't think so.


The old lady hesitated for more than ten seconds and let people continue.

After the paper was burned, everything returned to normal.

"Old lady, everything has been done, and the next step is to dig the grave."

There will be no chance of regretting this move.

The old lady looked at the tombstone, and said with a hard heart: "Dig it."

"Okay." Steward Wang got the order and began to order people to dig away the layer of cement above.

Clinking and clanging, everyone held their breath, watching these people digging with hoes and shovels, they couldn't express their feelings.

In less than 10 minutes, the grave was dug up. When the bodyguard hit the muffled sound with a hoe, he shouted: "Dug it."

"So fast?" The old lady didn't believe it, she just dug up the small semicircle on the grave, how could it be dug so quickly.

The bodyguards dug a few more shovels, and indeed they touched the coffin, and the top of the coffin was dug out. Normally, coffins are placed horizontally, but this one is obviously vertical.

The old lady ran over to take a look, was startled, and asked Tong Li for help in a panic: "Master Tong, this"

Tong Li's face darkened: "Continue, dig."

The bodyguard had no choice but to continue digging.

The old lady saw that the coffin was exposed little by little, and her whole heart was pulled. She only knew that the coffin was buried horizontally, but didn't know what it meant to be vertical. Just this difference scared her heart.

Maybe now I am lucky to come here to dig the grave, otherwise I would never know what their ancestral grave has become like this.

What crime did their Qin family do to torture them like this.

Not long after, the entire coffin was dug out. It was a very intact coffin for a thousand years. The old lady looked at the coffin that had not rotted for a thousand years, and asked tremblingly, "Master Tong, this wood."

Crashing, a group of crows flew from the sky, and a large number of crows covered them tightly, as if covering the sky and the sun. The hoarse and ugly crows of the crows kept coming to the ears, which made the scalp numb.

A clan representative came to the old lady, and he was also scared when he saw this situation: "Old lady, are you sure it's okay to open such a wicked door? The old ancestor is angry, or you should bury it back."

"And this little girl, are you sure you can be relied on?" This person still expressed his concerns, and generally opening ancestral graves requires reciting scriptures. Since this girl came here, she hasn't opened her mouth much. It doesn't look real in any way.

Tong Li picked up a stone from the ground, and stared sharply at a group of crows in the sky. After locking on to one, the stone in his hand shot out and hit it.

The crow didn't even have time to call, and fell straight down.

The other crows scattered without their leader, and the sky returned to normal in an instant.

The old lady was inexplicably relieved, and her eyes became more determined. She must open this coffin. For her grandson, she has no way to turn back: "Open."

The bodyguard was ordered to pry open the coffin with an iron awl. When the coffin was opened, everything inside the coffin shocked everyone present.

"This..." the old lady's eyes were wide open, her face was full of incredulity.

"How could this be?"

There were also bursts of exclamations around.

The condition of the coffin is indeed very shocking. The one inside, no, it is half, the half of the skeleton is not decomposed, and it is in the state of a mummy.

They are not very afraid of the mummy, but why is there only half of it and the bottom half?

(End of this chapter)

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