Chapter 352 Is this really an ice silkworm?


The old lady's excited heart beat faster, and her current mood can be described as overjoyed, she felt that she was doing well again.

"Thank you, thank you... Thank you Master Tong, without you, we would..." The old lady kept apologizing, and started crying again as she spoke.

Tong Li looked at her indifferently, and was indifferent to her crying, and even felt a little noisy, which made people wonder if this girl had a heart of stone.

The old lady was crying so pitifully, her eyes didn't fluctuate at all, she didn't even have a word of comfort, she just watched indifferently.

The old lady wiped her tears and remembered that there was still business to do: "Master, what else do you want to do now?"

Tong Li: "No, I'll just explain it to him."

"Okay, okay..." The old lady took a deep breath, trying to calm down her excitement, and retreated to her grandson.

"Don't be afraid, Linlin, big sister will soon undo the curse on you, and you will never have to follow your father's old path again."

"Our Qin family..."

After all, Linlin was a child, and the previous scene had frightened him into speechlessness, so now he just stares at Tong Li and the others.

The old lady just thought that her grandson was just scared, and didn't pay much attention. All her attention is now on Tong Li.

She secretly prayed in her heart, don't make any mistakes in the future, and it's best to solve this matter in one step.

Tong Li walked up to the mummy, took out eight talisman papers from his body, and threw them towards the mummy.

The yellow talisman fell down, and the body emitted a thick white smoke, followed by a foul smell.

The people who had been on the sidelines ran away quickly when they saw this situation, for fear that the gas would poison them to death.

Tong Li couldn't help frowning when she smelled it, and Pei Jiuyin was also very disgusted.

One can imagine how stinky that smell is.

The eight talismans were burning together, there was a creaking sound from the wooden planks, the already dry corpse trembled slightly, and something seemed to be wriggling under the tattered clothes.

Tong Li took two steps back, and it didn't take long for strangely shaped bugs the size of a thumb to crawl out of the mummy.

The surrounding gasped in shock, looking nervously at the thing crawling out, and some people were so frightened that they couldn't help shouting loudly: "It's a corpse insect!"

Corpse worms were something they had seen on TV, but they didn't expect them to exist in the real world.

And I heard that this thing is very poisonous, as long as it is bitten, it will definitely die.

Their legs backed up uncontrollably, and they began to plan to run away. They could follow and see, but they didn't want to risk their lives here.

Tong Li squinted at them, these were not corpse worms, but worms.

A worm that can sustain a curse for generations.

The upper part is the male and the lower part is the female, so they divided the person's body into two, kept the extremely evil worm in the body in the form of a curse, and then separated the two halves of the body.

The male and female worms can feel the presence of both sides, but there is no way to leave. The turmoil between the two will make the worms never sleep, and the curse on people can be extended indefinitely.

This evil thing is extremely hard to find. The right time, place and people are indispensable. For the curse of this generation, this person really took great pains.

Tong Li stretched out her hand with a cold face, gathering strength in her hand, but a small bug in the bag was faster than her.

After the little ice silkworm landed on the ground, fearing that Tong Li would take a step ahead of it, it couldn't wait to open its mouth and suck it hard. The worms that had just crawled out and gathered together were all sucked away by the sudden suction before they could figure out what was going on.

Tong Li withdrew her hand, a trace of surprise appeared in her eyes, obviously she did not expect that this little ice silkworm could also eat worms.

This can't help but make her suspicious of this worm, is this really an ice silkworm?

Although many of its habits are the same as ice silkworms, but there are too many things that are different from ice silkworms.

"Are you okay?" Pei Jiuyin walked to her side and looked at the delicious little ice silkworm. He knew that this little thing could eat anything, and he thought it was nothing to eat a corpse worm. It just so happened that it could help Tong Li solve her troubles. pretty good.

Tong Li shook his head lightly.

Pei Jiuyin pursed his lips lightly, seeing her serious expression, he didn't dare to say anything, but just silently stayed by her side.

It took the little ice silkworm 3 minutes to eat all the worms, and it jumped to Tong Li's feet with its chubby belly.

Tong Li squatted down to lift up the little ice silkworm, but only ate some worms, and the whole little body became fatter.

Eat so fat?Is this stuff nutritious?
Tong Li asked in a low voice: "Is it delicious?"

Little Iceworm stared at her round eyes, and nodded without knowing why.

Tong Li handed the ice silkworm to Pei Jiuyin's hand: "Go back."

She raised her hand slowly, and the wind moved with it. The flowers, plants and leaves swayed gently with the wind. Her hands followed the wind, and a few colored lights emerged from her fingers, automatically forming a paragraph of Sanskrit. Under Tong Li's operation, the fonts kept changing their formation as if they had come to life.

In the end, it was frozen into a sentence, and with a few clicks, they jumped into the skeleton below.

In an instant, the mummy-like corpse was blown by the wind, and when I looked closely, the corpse had turned into a black skull.

And the little boy who had been protected all this time also fell to the ground.

"Master Xiaolin, what's wrong with you?"

A servant's scream came from behind her. The old lady turned her head and saw her little grandson lying on the ground. Her expression changed greatly in anxiety: "Linlin..."

Tong Li didn't even look at it, and continued to concentrate on finishing.

She thought this spell was quite simple before, but after actually getting used to it, she still had a little trouble.

Seeing her grandson unconscious, the old lady wanted to ask Tong Li for help, but this meeting was at a critical juncture, so she didn't dare to disturb her, so she could only bear with her anxiety and continue to wait.

The surrounding air slowly calmed down, Tong Li withdrew his breath, and everything settled down.

Tong Li's expression remained unchanged, but Pei Jiuyin was still afraid of hurting her, so he asked nervously, "Tong Tong, is there anything wrong?"


"Is it all done?"


"Master Tong, come here and help me see, what's wrong with my grandson..." The old lady saw Tong Li stop, and didn't want to delay any more, she yelled for Tong Li to come and take a look.

Tong Li just glanced lightly, and said: "It's nothing, just cut off the cursed connection just now, just sleep."

"Really...really?" The old lady patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. As long as her grandson is fine, he can sleep for as long as he wants.

The old lady tightened her heart and reconfirmed: "Then, is the curse of the master coming to an end here?"

Everyone present held their breath, waiting for her answer, because for them, this was a change in the family, it was their only chance to break away from the fetters of a thousand years.

"Well, it's resolved." Tong Li's tone was indifferent, but it made people feel very relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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