Chapter 353 Entering the Forest Area
The old lady's heart trembled, and she wanted to believe it but couldn't believe it, because the people who had troubled them for more than ten generations were finally liberated and free, but it felt unreal.

She shifted her eyes to the pile of bones, and said tremblingly: "Okay, okay, on behalf of the ancestors of the Qin family, thank you, Master Tong."

"Thank you, Master Tong."

The old lady burst into tears and almost knelt down. She sincerely thanked Tong Li for saving them from suffering.

Tong Li curled her mouth, this old lady can cry and howl, why do she like to shed tears so much?
"What is the rest of the master to do?"

"Is it buried again?"

Tong Li looked back: "It's better to find a new grave."

"Then master, can I trouble you to find a suitable tomb for us?" She now trusts Tong Li 100%, as long as she finds it, it is definitely the best, and it is the tomb of the ancestors, so there must be no more. error.

Tong Li agreed after thinking for a while, it was not difficult anyway, and when she came back, she saw a good location for the tomb.

"There is a mountain in front, the front road is open, the mountains are surrounded by water on the left and right, and there are sand mountains, which can hide wind and gather air. There are mountains in front of water and mountains in the back. Closed, the gate of heaven is wide open, it is a rare good location."

The old lady looked in the direction Tong Li pointed, her eyes were not very good and she couldn't see clearly, but the clan members next to her saw it and said to her, "Old lady, that's Dahe Mountain."

"Daheshan? You immediately went to find someone to buy it, and buried your ancestors there as soon as possible."

"It may not be that easy. That's the hill of the Chu family." The relationship between the Chu family and their family is a bit tense, and it may be a little troublesome to buy that hill.

"Really?" The old lady hesitated.

"Master Tong, it must be that mountain."

Tong Li didn't know what relationship they had with the Chu family: "In this area, as long as the location is good, you can continue to be buried in the same place, without the blessing of the ancestors, everything will be as usual."

The old lady stopped talking.

It took a long time before he said to the man behind him, "Xiao Si, you go to the Chu family and buy that hill with a little more money, it doesn't matter if you pay more."

The main thing is to bury the ancestors comfortably, and just stop making any troubles.

"it is good."


In order to do the final burial for the Qin family, Tong Li spent seven whole days in U City. In order to rush back to the capital, she needed to find all her things three weeks before.

After completing the relocation and burial that day, they went straight to Shennongjia scenic spot overnight.

Shennongjia belongs to the country of coolness. No matter how hot it is outside, you will feel a different coolness after arriving here. It is a good place to escape the heat.

It is divided into two parts, one part belongs to the open forest area, tourists can play freely, and the other part belongs to the restricted area, no one is allowed to enter.

In addition to not wanting the forest area to be destroyed by humans, there are too many unknown dangers in it.

They also need to maintain a good growth environment for some rare animals and plants.

However, the benefits of medicinal materials in Shennongjia are too attractive. Even if they know there are dangers in it, many people still sneak into the restricted area every year for money. The lucky ones get both money and money, but most of them are not so lucky and often disappear forever. return.

So it is also named as the land of death.

Inside the hotel.

Pei Jiuyin came out of the shower with a thin mist of water on his body. Under the looming mist, the man looked even more handsome.

Who said that a woman who just came out of the shower is the most beautiful, and a man who just got out of the shower is just as handsome and captivating.

He only used a white bath towel to make a simple wrap. His shoulders were wide and his waist was narrow, and his visible abdominal muscles were rising and falling regularly. Such a charming line full of hormones was appreciated by no one except himself.

Tong Li is currently studying the detailed map of Shennongjia obtained by Pei Jiuyin. It records every mountain range, but it only records the approximate location. No one knows what is inside.

Pei Jiuyin sat beside her, stretched his long arms around Tong Li's waist, and leaned lazily on her, with a sexy and provocative voice: "How is your research going?"

Tong Li was shaken by the sudden heavy pressure, and the man's breath kept wafting into her nostrils. She had to look back from the map: "It's okay, go in and have a look tomorrow."


"Do you want to play for a few days before going in? There are many beautiful places here, and you can relax after a few days of playing." Pei Jiuyin took her hand and played with it one by one.

"No." As far as what's interesting about some scenic spots, she doesn't understand those people. What's so good about some flowers and trees?Not to mention tiring and a waste of time.

Pei Jiuyin sighed in his heart, he knew Tong Li was the answer, but he didn't want her to only see work, they finally came out together once, every time they were busy, they couldn't rest?

Then he changed the subject: "They have a mask event here tonight, let's go down and have a look."

Before Tong Li could refuse, he quickly said: "Tong Tong, work is busy and life has to go on, even if you don't want to go, just stay with me, and we don't know when we will go into the mountain tomorrow, so let's go play How about a moment?"

Tong Li: "..."

Seeing that her eyes were loosening, Pei Jiuyin continued to hold her tongue: "We always have some good memories when we go out together, don't we? It won't take much time. If it's boring, we'll come back earlier."

Tong Li looked at his warm eyes, nodded after thinking for a few seconds.

Pei Jiuyin grinned, happily picked him up from the sofa, spun around, and put him down again.

"I'll get you clothes."

After a while, Pei Jiuyin brought a long ink wash dress.

"Tongtong, you can wear this tonight." This is the skirt he personally chose for her. His family's Tongtong is not suitable for those gaudy styles, but this kind of classical and elegant ink painting is more suitable for her.

It doesn't matter to Tong Li, what she wears is the same, she took the clothes and got up and went to the clothing room to change them.

About 5 minutes later, Tong Li changed her skirt and came out. Pei Jiuyin stared blankly at Tong Li putting on the clothes he personally selected, with a simple hairstyle on his head, and using the hairpin he gave him as a fix. A few strands of hair were scattered, making her whole body softer.

His gaze was taken away by the girl in front of him, and he could only say two words in his heart, "Stunning."

Incomparably stunning.

Before, he had imagined that Tong Li would be amazing in this dress, but he didn't expect that when the clothes were actually put on her, Tuan realized that it was an indescribable beauty.

In addition to the pretty beauty brought to her by the clothes, there is also a kind of arrogance that comes from her bones, which is the kind of beauty that makes people unable to leave their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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