The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 358 See no evil, do not listen to evil

Chapter 358 See no evil, do not listen to evil

Everyone was stunned for a moment: "Miss Tong is so early."

They didn't realize at all that Tong Li had already gone out, did they become less vigilant?
"Hmm." Tong Li ignored the surprise in their eyes, and threw the prey and freshly picked mushrooms over.

"Clean it up and stew it."

Holding a few prey in his arms, the man foolishly agreed: "Ah, yes."

Behind her was a jumping little worm, looking at the chubby belly it ate, you could tell how happy it was when it went out.

Perhaps the luckiest thing in its life is to come out with Tong Li and lie down here.

You Bao has indeed gained insight, and has been stranded on the island for many years. It never imagined that there is such a blessed place outside.

It's not too good to be a bug.

Tong Li walked to her tent, observed Pei Jiuyin's complexion carefully, and suddenly thought of teasing him: "I slept well yesterday."

Pei Jiuyin's heart froze, thinking of the cold wind last night, he groaned in his heart.

"It's good."

Clap la la.
Tong Li moved her ears, listening to the movement in the forest, her face changed slightly, and she turned her head to look in a certain direction.

There was the sound of feet stepping on dead branches and leaves not far away. Hearing the powerful footsteps, it was judged that what appeared in front was a large animal.

Others also sensed that something was wrong, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense. They subconsciously put their hands on the handles of their guns at their waists. Before they could make a move, You Bao, who had just jumped into the box, ran faster than anyone else.

In the blink of an eye it disappears.

After about 3 minutes, there was a commotion in front of them. They were just getting ready to act, but the sound disappeared again.

What's even weirder is that the small animals around are silent, as if they are afraid of something.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, completely unaware of what was going on, and the whole jungle was eerily quiet.

Later, I saw Youbao bouncing back swaggeringly.

It seems to have done something, and it seems to have done nothing.

It did run over just now, and the danger disappeared because of it running over, so did it do anything just now?

Everyone looked at the direction it was coming back from, and together with the vigil last night, they secretly confirmed in their hearts that this is an extraordinary bug.

Tong Li looked at them who were still in a daze, and shouted to bring them back to their senses: "Okay, make something to eat quickly, and leave immediately after eating."

"Okay." Everyone started to work in an orderly manner.

After eating, I packed up my things and continued to go deep into the mountains.

This time Tong Li slowed down a lot. Besides taking care of this group of people, he also had to find some medicinal materials.

It has to be said that there are countless medicinal materials in the deep mountains, and the key quality is dozens of times that sold in shops outside.

It's no wonder those people tried their best to run into it, for all the things they picked, there wasn't a million dollars they couldn't get.

After half a day, the distance they traveled was less than one-fifth of yesterday's distance, and most of the time was spent collecting medicinal materials.

Although they have collected a lot of medicinal materials, there are not many that can really be kept until the end.

Think about the big stomach king behind him, with its bottomless belly, it will eat as much as you can find, and the speed of finding it will never be as fast as the food.

But because of the existence of Youbao, basically any dangerous animals dare not appear within ten miles of them.

So this can be regarded as a gain and a loss.

At noon, after eating, they just took a rest and continued on their way.

After all, the more you stay here, the more danger you save.

In the afternoon, except for some precious medicinal materials, Tong Li basically ignored it, and the schedule was much faster.

Just as they were digging up a ginseng, there was a boom... A series of thunderclaps sounded in the sky, and large swaths of dark clouds gathered above.

It looks like it's going to rain soon.

The climate in the jungle is changeable. It was sunny one second, and it was raining heavily the next.

And it came as soon as it was said, without giving others time to react.

Tick ​​tock.

The rain fell in a crackling, but the forest was lush with trees, and no matter how heavy the rain was, it would not be soaked in for a while.

Everyone took out the raincoats in their backpacks and put them on.

Getting wet in the jungle is no joke, it will freeze to death in minutes.

The rain is getting heavier and the temperature is starting to drop sharply!

Tong Li held Pei Jiuyin's hand, and what she was most worried about was the man's body: "Are you okay?"

Pei Jiuyin was a little bit cold, but he could bear it: "It's okay."

Tong Li looked up at the sky, seeing how long the rain would last: "Find a place to hide from the rain first."

"it is good."

The rain is still falling, and the originally dry grass has become muddy. You can take a pair of shoes with water every step you take, and the visibility of the scenery ahead is gradually decreasing.

In order for them to keep up, Tong Li set the speed to the slowest.

They staggered and supported each other to move forward.

After walking for nearly 20 minutes, I found a small cave.

Pei Jiuyin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the cave: It was raining heavily and thundering outside, it was too dangerous, if we continue walking, what if something happens.

As soon as they entered the cave, there was a strong howling wind blowing outside, and a strong gust of wind poured into the cave. The people inside were caught off guard and staggered a few steps before they stood still.

"Be careful."

The wind blowing in the jungle should not be underestimated.

"Is it cold?" Tong Li took off the rain on her body, most of her clothes were wet, and her shoes were full of water.

Pei Jiuyin's situation is similar.

"It's okay." As soon as he finished speaking, he sneezed loudly.

Pei Jiuyin was once again deeply aware of how poor his physique was, and he caught a cold after only being drenched in the rain for a while.

"I'm fine..." As soon as he finished speaking, he sneezed again.

Tong Li put down her backpack and walked towards him, holding his hand: it was a bit cold.

"Master, come here and enjoy the fire." The bodyguards came in and collected some dry firewood, which would just start the fire.

The warm fire swayed non-stop in the cold cave, like a fire of life, warming everyone's hearts.

The two walked to the fire and sat down. The warm fire light dispelled the chill from their bodies, and suddenly another gust of cold wind came in, and Pei Jiuyin couldn't help shrinking back.

Seeing this, Tong Li picked out a few herbs from the ones she just pulled out, and handed them to those people: "Wash it, then make a pot of medicinal soup, and share it with everyone to avoid catching a cold."

"it is good."

The heavy rain outside is still going on. Judging by the situation, it will not stop for a while. It is the worst weather to encounter wind and rain when entering the jungle. Even if the rain stops, the road will become extremely difficult to walk, and the people in the jungle The rain doesn't end in an instant.

Beside the fire, Pei Jiuyin held Tong Li in his arms, feeling inexplicable: "It will be much warmer this way."

Tong Li looked at his slightly red cheeks, but didn't stop his shameless behavior.

The eyes of the others were extremely low, seeing no evil, hearing no evil, seeing no evil, listening no evil, and some were pretending to organize their things, trying to ignore the two of them.

After the potion was finished, Tong Li asked Pei Jiuyin to drink two large bowls before giving up.

Maybe it was because of the cold, or maybe it was the effect of the medicine. Half an hour after drinking it, Pei Jiuyin felt dizzy and drowsy.

The cave was too small, long enough but not wide enough to fit a tent, so they simply laid out something so that Pei Jiuyin could sleep in it.

After Pei Jiuyin fell asleep, Tong Li put on a raincoat.

(End of this chapter)

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