Chapter 359 What a scary little bug.

"Miss Tong, where are you going?"

Tong Li looked at the torrential rain outside, and said in a deep voice: "I'm going out to find something, you all watch him, don't run around before you come back."

After thinking for a while, she took out the box on her body: "The ice silkworm is left for you, you will not be in danger with it, just stay here and wait for my return."

A bodyguard disagreed, and his voice changed in a hurry: "But it's dangerous to go out now."

As they walked all the way just now, they were almost washed away by the rushing water. Doesn't going out now mean death?

If Tong Li were to go out, their master would wake up and kill them with one shot.

Tong Li looked up at the sky, the dark clouds gathered together, and the thunder was still ringing, it seemed that the situation was getting worse and worse.

She doesn't know that it is dangerous to go out now, but there is a kind of medicine that likes to emerge in the rain, she must find it.

Maybe this rain is just in time.

In the end, the bodyguard still didn't stop Tong Li.

In the storm, a figure in a raincoat shuttled back and forth in the heavy rain. She stopped and walked, and no one knew what she was looking for.

Tong Li jumped onto a big tree, watching the heavy rain turn the jungle into a vast ocean, the sky was full of thunder, and the sound of landslides made people feel chills down their spines!
There are deadly dangers everywhere in the jungle, and many small animals who have no time to go home are washed everywhere with the river.

And what she needed was there... a hill that had just slipped down.

When Pei Jiuyin woke up, it was already the morning of the second day. At this time, the heavy rain was still falling, but it was not as heavy as yesterday.

Yesterday's flat land has become a prison of water and purgatory, and they are trapped in this small cave.

Pei Jiuyin rubbed his stinging temples, and slowly got up from the sleeping mat.

His cold eyes scanned the inside and outside of the cave, not one bodyguard was missing, but his girl was missing.

His heart sank, and there was a bad premonition in his mind.

"Where's Tong Li?"

The captain of the bodyguard knew that this moment would come eventually, so he walked up to Pei Jiuyin, lowered his head and said in a muffled voice, "Miss Tong said that she is going out to find something, let us wait here for her return."

"What did you say?" Pei Jiuyin's pupils trembled and his voice was like winter ice and snow, his scalp tightened.

"It's raining so heavily outside, and you actually let her go out by herself?"

The bodyguards kept silent. Everyone knew that it was dangerous outside, but Miss Tong was going out, could they stop her?


Pei Jiuyin glared at them angrily. In fact, he also knew this truth in his heart. He was angry with himself. Why did he sleep so dead? He didn't know why he ran out.

Pei Jiuyin grabbed the raincoat on the side and put it on, ready to go out.

Several bodyguards standing at the entrance of the cave saw his posture, regardless of whether it was the following offense or not, they all stood up and blocked the entrance of the cave: "Master, it's dangerous outside, you can't go out."

Pei Jiuyin stared at them viciously, and said coldly, "Go away."

"Master, the jungle is so big, you don't know where she went, and you can't find Miss Tong now. Miss Tong is so powerful, she will definitely come back safely."

In fact, to put it bluntly, it doesn't take more than one kilometer for Pei Jiuyin to go out, and he probably won't even be able to find the corpse.

Of course, they didn't dare to say these words, so they could only persuade him tactfully: "What if Miss Tong doesn't see you when you leave?"

"Yes, master, Miss Tong will be back soon after going out for one night, let's wait a little longer, we can't go out even with the rain."

Everyone persuaded Pei Jiuyin that in this situation, he would die if he went out, and no matter whether Tong Li could come back safely, their master must not go out.

Look at the rushing river outside, are they standing still?Moreover, some highly poisonous snakes often appear on the river surface, and there may be unknown bacterial viruses in them. The chance of surviving once they go out is very slim.

The little ice silkworm, who was soundly asleep, was woken up by them, and roughly understood what they meant. It also jumped up and stood in front of Pei Jiuyin with its chubby body, raised its head high, as if telling him: You can't go out.

In the end, Pei Jiuyin was obstructed by many parties, so he didn't take half a step out of the cave entrance, but just sat in front of the cave entrance in a daze and watched the heavy rain, to see if there was Tong Li in the heavy rain.

During the heavy rain, many unnamed poisonous snakes and pests rushed in, but they couldn't even step into the hole, so they were dealt with by You Bao.

They also know that You Bao can really eat things that are dozens of times, hundreds or even thousands of times larger than its size.

A horrible little bug indeed.

They waited for three days without waiting for Tong Li to come back.

For three days, Pei Jiuyin was so worried that he didn't close his eyes once, and just looked outside stupidly, and the bodyguards refused to listen to his persuasion.

Seeing his situation, if Tong Li doesn't come back, he won't fall asleep.

If possible, the bodyguards wanted to knock him out, because they were afraid that after he passed out, the master would ask them to settle the score, and they couldn't bear the consequences.

At night, the rain gradually subsided, and Tong Li was drenched in the rain for three days on the top of the mountain, and finally waited for the moment when the target came out of the water.

tick tock...

In a small pool, a ripple of icy water is quietly emerging from the ground, cautiously sensing the danger outside.

Tong Li hid in the tree and held her breath, staring at the movement underwater.


An arm-thin vein of ice exuded wing-wing crystal light, and the surrounding muddy water began to slowly become clear.

The purification ability of this thing is more powerful than anything else.

On the ice vein, a bud quietly stretched out a few branches, and then grew rapidly. The leaves became bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the buds were forming rapidly. After several changes, the ice veins bloomed into ice blue flowers. Colorful flowers, very pretty.

When the water drips on the petals, the petals will sway happily like a child.

It was at this moment that they were able to come out to take a breather, and of course they had to have fun.

At this moment, Tong Li took advantage of his unpreparedness and swooped down, pulled back and fished out the whole ice vein from the pool.

Before Bingmai realized what was going on, he was already in the hands of others.

It seemed to feel threatened, the newly grown flowers shrank back in fear, and the leaves rolled up to protect themselves tightly.

It wants to run, but without water, it is just like an ordinary flower vine, it can't go anywhere.

The luster on the ice veins is gradually fading, this is the rhythm of self-destruction.

Tong Li took out the dagger, cut open the ice vein swiftly, and took out the shining Bing Xin inside.

Her goal is precisely this heart, and purification depends on it.

The corners of Tong Li's mouth twitched slightly: "Finally found you, it's worthwhile for me to wait for you here for three days."

After Tong Li got the things in her hands, she hurried back. In the past, when she came out alone, time was nothing to her, but this time she came out in a hurry and didn't tell Pei Jiuyin that after so many days, that man might explode hair.

(End of this chapter)

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