Chapter 360

On a thunderstorm night, thunder, heavy rain, and strong wind all came together. Pei Jiuyin stood upright like a young poplar, and his handsome face couldn't conceal the exhaustion on his face.

Now it was raining harder and the wind was blowing harder, but the man still didn't come back, he was afraid and terrified.

He didn't know how he got here these few days. There was only one thought in his mind, that Tong Li would come back safely, but as time went by, the uneasiness in his heart became a sea, and he couldn't hold on any longer. Run out and find someone.

Suddenly his pupils were fixed, and the ultimate vision in his eyes was opened to the maximum. There seemed to be a figure in front of him. Could it be her?

Is it his girl?

As the tiny figure got closer and closer, he could see it more and more clearly.

Tong Li is like a little grasshopper, using her strength to fly up and down the tree, her figure looks like a chivalrous woman on TV, her feet never touch the water on the ground.

She stopped on a tree in the distance, and also saw Pei Jiuyin waiting for her with a stretched neck.

Seeing the man running down regardless of the flood ahead, Tong Li frowned and jumped towards him.

The two met unexpectedly on the way.

"Tongtong, you're finally back." Pei Jiuyin was overjoyed, and hugged him, not caring that the water had already overflowed his thighs.

It was so torturous, and finally came back safely.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it was hard to open his eyes. Tong Li hugged this cold man, feeling a little angry in his heart: "What are you doing out here?"

Such a large current can wash people away in one go.

Tong Li broke free from his hands, pulled him and walked back.

When the two returned safely to the entrance of the cave, Pei Jiuyin's anxious expression turned gloomy, and the accumulated emotions these days couldn't help but burst out: "It should be me who asked you why you ran out without permission. You know it's dangerous, so if you still run around, do you know that I'm worried about you here."

Pei Jiuyin was so angry that she was so angry that she helped her untie the raincoat with slippery hands.

This person went out for a few days, and the raincoat was as if she hadn't worn it. The clothes and hair on her body seemed to be soaked in water. Anyway, no part of her body was dry, and it was still so cold outside. How did she spend these three days? ?

I feel sorry for him.

Tong Li raised her hands to wipe off the water droplets on her face: "I'll be fine."

She took out the Bing Xin she found and handed it to him: "This is one of the medicines that cures you, and you are almost ready to find all of them."

The movements of Pei Jiuyin's hands froze, and when he looked at the almost transparent thing, his eyes became extremely complicated, as if a big stone had been crushed in his heart, which made him a little breathless, and said in a hoarse voice: "You are just looking for this .”

"Well, this one only comes out when it rains, I waited three days for it to come out."

Pei Jiuyin pursed his lips lightly, feeling depressed: "I'm sorry."


"I lost my temper at you just now."

She went out at the risk because of him, but he lost his temper with her just now, what right does he have, he is too worthless.

The bodyguard at the side found a towel from his bag and handed it to Pei Jiuyin.

Pei Jiuyin took it and helped her wipe off the water droplets on her face and her hair.

"Is it cold? Change your wet clothes."

The others consciously ran to the entrance of the cave to avoid suspicion.

Pei Jiuyin dragged her to the fire, helped her find her clothes, undressed her, and wiped off every drop of water on her body.

When she saw a scar on her arm, her heart ached.

Tong Li didn't know when her skin was cut, she paused: "A little injury."

"Yeah." Pei Jiuyin hummed lightly, and quickly helped her put on her clothes in case she caught a cold.

After putting it on, he brought a dry towel to help her dry her hair carefully.

Neither of them spoke, only the crackling sound of the fire in the quiet space.

The atmosphere is inexplicably warm,

After Pei Jiuyin dried her hair, he found compressed biscuits from his backpack and soaked them for her.

"eat something."

Thinking that she didn't even have to eat outside these days, it made her feel even more distressed.

Tong Li took the disposable bowl in his hand, looked at the mushy thing in the bowl, and gently picked it up and put it into his mouth.

As soon as the food came into her mouth, she immediately frowned. The food was quite fragrant, but it was not the original fragrance of food, and the taste was a bit astringent, which was not tasty.

Seeing the disgust on her face, Pei Jiuyin also knew that this food was not good, but there was no good food in the current situation.

Pei Jiuyin stroked her hair, and said warmly, "When the rain subsides, I'll send someone to find you something delicious."

Tong Li looked outside: "The rain should stop soon."

Just hold on tight, she's afraid she won't be able to go back.

Suddenly, the spoon in Tong Li's hand shot at the stone next to Pei Jiuyin, and the little ice silkworm, which was quietly trying to open its mouth, was bounced by the stone, and it immediately closed its mouth in pain.

Pei Jiuyin took a look and knew that this little thing must want to take the medicine, so he quickly picked it up and stared at it with a serious face: "You dare to steal it."

This thing was brought back by Tongtong of his family after he suffered a great crime, and he dared to steal it.

Seeing the eyes of the two eating silkworms, the little ice silkworm collapsed back again and again in fright, and only let out a breath after hiding in the crevice of the rock to make sure it was safe.

It's so scary, it's just looking at the beautiful thing, it must be delicious, it just wants to taste a little bit, and it's not like eating it all.


Pei Jiuyin loves to check whether Bing Xin has been bitten by insects like a treasure. Fortunately, nothing has been touched.


"It's better for you to put it away, or it will come out and eat it later."

Tong Li felt a little funny: "Well, I'll put it away."

Several people stayed in the cave for another two days, and the weather really picked up.

Looking at the clear sky and the fading flood, everyone was happy, but then going out became the biggest problem.

The trees outside are swaying here and there, it's wet everywhere, and you can go down a mud hole, but you have to go, which is really a tortured journey.

Moreover, the sun after the rain was particularly vicious, making the environment inside the clump humid and stuffy, and they were about to explode.

After a few days, everyone except Tong Li was tortured to the point of inhumanity, but no one dared to complain.

Everyone walked and stopped until the No. 17 day when they entered the forest. After all their hard work and overcoming various difficulties, they finally found the rare medicinal materials that Tong Li needed.

What the hell is, with the same itinerary, Tong Li is still the clean and spotless Tong Li. As for the others, they can only be described as unkempt and inhumane.

But it was finally possible to go back. After this time, Pei Jiuyin guessed that he was killed and didn't want to come back to the jungle again. It was too much.

If Tong Li hadn't been there, they wouldn't have known if they would have been killed.

"Master, there's no signal here, we have to go outside for a while to see if people outside can receive the signal."

(End of this chapter)

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