The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 368 This interesting woman can only belong to him.

Chapter 368 This interesting woman can only belong to him.

Seeing the bullet hit her heart, Jing Beichen raised his brows and blew on the muzzle proudly, very satisfied with his technique.

Tong Li waved the gun in his hand as if asking for credit: "Little Li'er, you see I killed her for you, I really have nothing to do with her."

Listening to his words, Lu Tianxue felt a chill run from her head to her toes. She could feel the temperature of her body was losing rapidly. Kill her in front of her.

"You'll regret it." After Lu Tianxue said this, she fell to the ground with a plop, her bright red blood staining her white clothes, and she couldn't close her eyes until she died.

She escaped from Tong Li's hands several times, but she didn't expect to die in Jing Beichen's hands, how could she rest in peace.

"Dead." Jing Beichen looked at the person he had just beaten to death, without any fluctuation in his heart, which could be described as cold-hearted.

Tong Li glanced out of the corner of his eye, and his heart sank: "It's just a loss of life."

Jing Beichen: "What do you mean?"

One life is not enough to die.

Tong Li went to Lu Tianxue's body and squatted down, turned her head to the side, and looked under her ear: "This demon fox still has three lifelines, except this time she still has two lives."

"Huh? What does that mean?Didn't he understand?

Fox demon?Three lives?

After confirming that the person was dead, Tong Li put the sword back, got up and turned back to the room.

And the moment she closed the door, the corpse on the ground, whoosh, turned into a fox tail, and then emitted a foul smell.

Jing Beichen covered his mouth and nose, and retreated in disgust, but he was still shocked. It was a corpse just now, but now it turned into a fox tail?
The person he killed just now was not a human being. Are there really demons in this world?
He picked up a demon and went back?
Grass... What happened today was so exciting that it directly overturned his cognition.

Jing Beichen looked at Tong Li's closed door with great interest, and the devil in his heart jumped even more joyfully.

It also made me more sure that this interesting woman could only belong to him.


The next day, Tong Li came out of her room with a tired look on her face, as if she hadn't had a good rest all night.

No, it should be said that she didn't sleep all night.

Last night, she wandered around outside all night. The world outside was full of lights, and the roads were full of traffic. Everything was so strange to her, yet so familiar.

But after visiting most of the city, she couldn't find any memory, so what happened to her.

Jing Beichen will also come out of his room now. After a whole night, when he looks at Tong Li, his eyes become even hotter, and the smile towards her radiates from the inside out, appearing particularly sincere: "Little Li'er, good morning."

Tong Li nodded towards him. She only helped her yesterday, so she couldn't face others with a cold face.

"Let me take you for a stroll today. The customs here are quite unique, and you don't usually want to come out. This time, I will take you on a tour of the wonderful landscapes of Country W. How about it?"

Tong Li met his smiling eyes and felt a different aura emanating from him. Her eyes moved slightly, trying to see through the things hidden under this beautiful skin.

Jing Beichen didn't blush and let her look at her heartbeat: "What's the matter? Don't want to go?"

He was suddenly awakened by a sentence last night. A woman's mind is very sensitive. She can tell at a glance whether a man likes her or not. How could he not have noticed his ingenuity? Maybe he was too clumsy before to annoy her.

So he decided to change another way.

Tong Li lowered her eyes and thought for a while: "Go."

On this day, Jing Beichen took Tong Li to some high-end restaurants for dinner, took a beautiful boat, made all kinds of small surprises for her, gave her romantic flowers in public, and took her to watch a movie he sneered at.

Anyway, he did all the little tricks of chasing girls, and he did it willingly, but the people around him always put on a cold face.

If he hadn't seen Tong Li's charming appearance in front of Pei Jiuyin, he would have really felt that this woman had such a face.

On the first day, Jing Beichen failed.

After being treated coldly for several days in a row, Jing Beichen was not discouraged, but became more and more frustrated.

He took Tong Li to play around, and gave her all kinds of expensive gifts in different ways. After Tong Li accepted them, he would give him a nod at most, and he would not give him any more expressions.

A certain Tianjing Beichen took Tong Li to Paris on the pretext of work.

This is a unique and romantic city, and it is also a shopping paradise and a mecca for every girl.

However, he took Tong Li to play for a few days, and she still had that cold face. The only change was that she spoke a little more to him, and her attitude was a little bit better. Although the progress was not much, but at least there was progress, right?

This day he took Tong Li to the shopping mall, he was particularly keen on buying all kinds of jewelry and clothes for Tong Li, and he seemed to want to use money to knock Tong Li unconscious.

After all, he didn't know what else to do besides spending money.

Tong Li refused several times, but after the rejection, Jing Beichen would still buy a lot according to her own preferences, so in the end she didn't care, and let him do whatever he wanted.

Tong Li sat on the sofa and looked at several blonde women holding a pile of jewels, and introduced them there with a few mouthfuls.

That woman's Mandarin is very poor, but fortunately she can understand it.

She has no feelings for these things now, and she wants to go back, but as soon as she tells Jing Beichen about it, he will have a reason to shirk.

This made her feel that the man was hiding something from her.

Jing Beichen showed her a box of sparkling diamond necklaces, and said with great wealth: "Little Li'er, let's see which one you like? As long as you like it, it doesn't matter, I have plenty of money."

Tong Li frowned: "Whatever."

When the cabinet sister heard Jing Beichen's words, she secretly rejoiced in her heart, and introduced to Tong Li even harder. After all, Jing Beichen's tone is not something that everyone dares to say. If they really bought it, their legs would be broken for the rest of their lives. Don't worry anymore.

The introduction here was full of enthusiasm, but on the opposite side of the jewelry store, a familiar face stared at the person inside the glass window with wide eyes.

Xiyou thought she was wrong, so she blinked vigorously, but the face inside still didn't change, so she just wasn't dazzled.

She threw a few bags in her hand on her best friend, and ran over with her high heels thumping.

"Hey, grapefruit, why are you going?" My best friend didn't know what was going on with her, but she threw all the things over and almost killed her.

The moment she bent down to pick up something, Xiyou had already run to the opposite side.

(End of this chapter)

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