The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 369 Throwing her into the sea to feed the fish

Chapter 369 Throwing her into the sea to feed the fish

Xiyou's face was full of anger. When she came in just now, she saw a figure from the back who looked very similar to Tong Li, but because she was in a foreign country, she thought she was wrong and didn't care too much.

Now she could see clearly with both eyes that the person she met before was Tong Li.

Her cousin was going crazy looking for her, but this woman was here leisurely shopping with others, which really pissed her off.

She's going to curse her, even if she can't beat her, this bad woman.

However, before she could get close to the door of the jewelry store, two big men suddenly walked out beside her.

Without further ado, they picked her up like a chicken, covering her mouth for fear of her shouting, and then took her away from the scene as quickly as possible.

Jing Beichen inside looked out, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, winking at the people outside.

The people outside took orders, and her best friend was also taken away the next moment.

It's really a death before the master.


The night was dark and windy, when others were sleeping soundly, the lights in a villa were brightly lit, and the two girls in the room were tied to the seats, motionless.

With a bang, a basin of ice water poured down.

Grapefruit shivered from the cold, she tried to open her eyes, maybe because she inhaled too much hallucinogen, even if she opened her eyes, she couldn't see the scene in front of her very clearly.

She shook her head to regain consciousness.

But when she saw Jing Beichen in front of her, the hairs all over her body were frightened, and she subconsciously stood up and fled.

The man didn't stand up, and almost fell to the ground, only to realize that he was tied up.

She looked at her hand in a daze, wondering in her heart: What happened?Why was he tied up?

Thinking of the person in front of her, she belatedly looked at Jing Beichen who was smiling very sinisterly, this smile almost scared her heart to stop beating.

"You you you... woo woo woo." Xiyou said for a long time, but didn't say a word, but scared herself to tears.

The quiet room was filled with the sound of grapefruit wailing.

Jing Beichen picked his ears, and said unhurriedly: "If you cry again, I'll take a needle and thread and sew your mouth shut stitch by stitch."

Hoo hoo hoo... The curtains outside the window moved gently with the wind, and when the wind that was blowing in was about to pass by them, the wind suddenly turned. This man was too scary, even the wind didn't dare to blow on him.

Grapefruit was also frightened and immediately shut his mouth.

She doesn't know about others, but Jing Beichen will do what he says.

"Stop crying?" Jing Beichen looked at her suspiciously.

Xiyou's face turned pale with fright, and he opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only shake his head heavily to show that he would stop crying.

Jing Beichen leaned on the sofa, leisurely took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, the bodyguard immediately brought him a lighter and lit it.

"Then let's get down to business."

Xiyou looked at him anxiously, not knowing what he was talking about.

"What did you see today?"

"Huh?" Xiyou didn't know why.

Jing Beichen looked at Grapefruit like a fool, and kindly reminded her: "What did you see in the mall today?"

Xiyou sucked her nasal cavity twice, and thought for a while: "I saw Tong Li with you."

Jing Beichen smiled, and looked at her meaningfully: "That's really troublesome."

"What do you mean?" Xiyou didn't understand, she just saw Tong Li and wanted to go up and reason with her, why did she get into trouble.

And "why did you tie me up?"

"I didn't do anything."

Jing Beichen: "You didn't do anything, but you saw it."

Xiyou still didn't understand what he meant: "What did I see?"

Jing Beichen snorted coldly, I really don't know if she is really stupid or pretending to be stupid, talking to her is exhausting.

"Hey, let me go soon, I have no grievances with you, if you don't let me go be careful..." Grapefruit's words became softer and softer.

The devil in front of him had a cold look in his eyes, and without even saying a word, he could make people tremble with fright.

Jing Beichen let out a puff of smoke: "It's impossible to let you go."

When Xiyou heard this, she immediately became excited, "Why is it impossible? I can tell you that kidnapping is against the law. You'd better release me quickly. I don't need to pursue this matter, or I will tell my mother, she will not let it go." yours."

Xiyou's stubborn and frightened appearance made Jing Beichen laugh out loud: "Breaking the law?"

"Do you know that in foreign countries, people are thrown into the sea every day to feed sharks. It's normal for a little girl like you to meet a robber or something and feed the fish. There is no bones left of this person. How can you break the law?"

"Hey fish..." Grapefruit's pupils trembled in fright.

Mouth deflated, want to cry but dare not cry.

Jing Beichen couldn't help shaking his head in his heart, this little girl is too careless, he hasn't said anything, and she doesn't look scary, no matter how casually he said a few words, she could scare her into the urine.

As women, why did the one at home just ignore him.


"If you don't want to feed the fish, then keep your mouth shut. When I'm happy someday, maybe I'll let you out."

Grapefruit howled up to the sky: "I don't want it, I want to find my mother, I want to find my cousin, they know I'm missing, they will definitely come to rescue me."

"Brother Qu Rui, come and save me."

Hearing that she was looking for her cousin, Jing Beichen looked as if someone stepped on his tail, his eyes instantly became gloomy: "Oh, I think you want to feed the fish."

Grapefruit: No, she doesn't want to, and she doesn't dare to howl anymore.

"I... I, when will you be happy?"

Jing Beichen moved his body and found a comfortable position for himself: "I remember you did things by Tong Li's side, what she likes to do, what hobbies she has, you should know better than anyone else, tell me what you know Tell the truth, if you dare to play tricks, I will chop off your hand."

The back of Xiyou's hands tightened in fright, and she secretly cursed this man as a devil, a pervert, and a lunatic, but no matter how much she cursed, she couldn't change the current situation.

She didn't know why Jing Beichen asked Tong Li about it, but she didn't dare to talk nonsense, but she really didn't know what Tong Li liked, that woman was usually bored to death, so she didn't have any hobbies.

But if he didn't say one, two, three, Jing Beichen would definitely not believe it, what if he wants to cut off her hand later.

"Hmm... her? She likes it... I don't have much time with her. I only know that she likes to catch ghosts, fight monsters, draw all kinds of talismans, and talk like a witch."

Jing Beichen rubbed his chin, thinking seriously: "What else?"

"and also?"

Tong Li continued to think deeply: "She prefers to collect medicinal materials. I have seen it several times. She always goes to Brother Qu Rui to buy a lot of expensive medicinal materials, and then makes a lot of medicines."

Jing Beichen nodded, motioning for her to continue.

Xiyou swallowed her saliva, and didn't know whether she was right or wrong, but it shouldn't be too serious to say something about Tong Li, and these things are well known, and it's not a secret.

(End of this chapter)

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