The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 372 Their Conspiracy, Tong Li's Suspicion

Chapter 372 Their Conspiracy, Tong Li's Suspicion

After Tong Li found all the medicinal materials, she was intoxicated in refining medicine. Jing Beichen said many times that she would take her to play, but she refused to go.

After a few rounds of stalking, Tong Li still had that indifferent look, and Jing Beichen lost his patience.

Seeing his impatient face, Tong Li ignored him and was still busy with her own affairs.

Jing Beichen kept telling himself in his heart to be patient and to be a good person in front of Tong Li, but when had he ever been so humble and dared to slap him coldly again and again
No, he left quickly, otherwise he would get angry in a while.

Jing Beichen returned to the room, angrily smashed the things on the room, no matter how expensive the things were, if they caught his eyes, none escaped the fate of being broken.

After he had vented his emotions, he took out the bottle of potion from the drawer.

Such procrastination is really not an option. Qu Rui's disappearance can make people create an excuse, making everyone think that he will go out for an exchange meeting, and people will definitely find out after a long time.

Pei Jiuyin must be completely resolved in order to cut off the source of it.

He looked at the bottle of medicine, and didn't care whether there was an antidote, let him forget Tong Li first.

Then began to study a series of plans.

Prescribing medicine must be 100% successful. The eyeliner he planted in Pei's house has been removed because his traces were exposed last time. If he is re-inserted again, it is impossible to touch Pei Jiuyin's diet in a short time .

But this matter is imminent, so who should this matter be handed over to?
After much deliberation, Jing Beichen couldn't find a suitable person.

No, there is one more person.

This night, he racked his brains and conceived a perfect plan.

On the second day, Jing Beichen was in high spirits whenever there was a happy event, even if he didn't sleep all night, he was still in high spirits the next day.

After breakfast, he called his favorite partner, and she was the only one who was the most suitable candidate.

When Qu Lanxin received Jing Beichen's call, she was quite surprised.

When the other side told his plan, she was startled suddenly, and she was in a state of joy and fear.

She was happy that she had the opportunity to return to Pei Jiuyin's side, but what she was afraid of was that once this matter was discovered, it would be a land of eternal doom.

But the relationship between myself and Pei Jiuyin has become like this, what is more terrifying than the loss of doom?

If she misses this opportunity, it will be her lifelong regret.

And now that Tong Li has disappeared, isn't God paving the way for her?
So it was imperative for her to do this.

After Qu Lanxin discussed the matter with Jing Beichen, she started to work on it.

Under the current situation, it is very difficult for her to get close to Pei Jiuyin.

Although difficult, it is not impossible.


In the hall, Tong Li held the newly refined medicine in her hand and was lost in thought. She racked her brains and couldn't figure out why she had practiced this medicine.

Moreover, she is very familiar with the dosage and preparation of this medicine, and it is definitely not the first time she has touched this medicine.

Who is this medicine for?

Tong Li was still thinking, when suddenly a hand stretched out directly from behind, just when that hand was about to touch her, Tong Li dodged sideways without a trace.

Without looking back, he knew who the person behind him was: "What's the matter?"

Jing Beichen withdrew his empty hand, was silent for a while, and smiled, "It's okay."

But in fact, his heart is about to explode. He has done so much for Tong Li, and everything is close to her, but this woman's attitude towards him is still lukewarm. Even after so long, he hasn't even touched her. arrive.

Jing Beichen walked to the sofa next to her and sat down, and casually brought up a topic: "Seeing you sitting here not moving, what are you thinking?"

Tong Li looked directly at him, and asked the question in his heart: "Do you have heart disease?"

Jing Beichen: "?"

He didn't know what Tong Li meant when he asked, but he answered honestly: "No."

Tong Li frowned slightly, 'No? '

That's a little strange, I don't know if it's her illusion, she always feels that there is something wrong with the man who has been by his side.

But Jing Beichen said no.

Tong Li suppressed the doubts in her heart, and did not continue to talk about this matter.

"When can we go back?"

Tong Li's topic changed too quickly, and Jing Beichen was taken aback for a moment, especially for this question, he couldn't give an accurate answer.

I just said a few perfunctory words impatiently: "Come on, we'll go back after I finish dealing with things here."

Tong Li frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with the answer.

He didn't want to entangle her with this issue, so he found an excuse and slipped away.

Tong Li looked at the walking figure and shook his head.

After Qu Lanxin received the potion from Jing Beichen, she started to plan to get close to Pei Jiuyin.

She thought that Pei Jiuyin would have a chance to get close to him without Tong Li by his side, but she was wrong.

Not to mention getting close to him, she couldn't even find a chance to meet him. Whether it was at home or in the company, it was no longer a place for her to set foot.

Pei Jiuyin gave her all the bans.

So it was impossible for her to put this medicine on Pei Jiuyin's food, and even if he put it in his food, it was impossible for Pei Jiuyin to eat her food.

Is this plan going to die?


Must go on, must go on.

Qu Lanxin suppressed the impatience in her heart, and thought carefully about who else could help her, and after a while, she really thought of someone.

That afternoon, Qu Lanxin went to find Guan Shangyi.

Apart from her, there is another person in this world who doesn't want the two of them to be together, and this person can be of great help in this matter.

When Qu Lanxin arrived, Guan Shangyi was enjoying a leisurely time in the back garden.

Especially during this period of time, Tong Li's inexplicable disappearance made her feel more relaxed.

Qu Lanxin came to the back garden with a gentle smile on her face.


Guan Shangyi saw that it was her, glanced at her, then withdrew her eyes, and asked slowly: "Miss Qu is here."

Listening to her address, Qu Lanxin's eyes darkened, and her hand holding the bag tightened.

She came to sit in front of her with a suppressed smile, and chatted with her: "Auntie looks really good, did you encounter something happy?"

Guan Shangyi raised her hand to touch her face, and smiled with satisfaction: "Indeed, there is no such thing as Tong's eyesore, and I am really in a good mood."

"I heard that you have been looking for Jiuyin again in the past few days."

Qu Lanxin smiled awkwardly, her every move still did not escape the woman's eyes.

"Hmph, you can't even see a person, useless thing."

Qu Lan's heart froze, she lowered her eyes, listening to Guan Shangyi's eccentric words, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes.

She knew that Guan Shangyi looked down on her and had already given up on her, but...

Qu Lan endured the resentment in her heart, lowered her posture, and said with a humble manner: "Auntie, don't be angry with me. It was my fault before, and I can't help it."

"Brother Jiu became like this because of that Tong Li of unknown origin."

"My aunt has also fought against her, so she knows how powerful she is."

(End of this chapter)

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