"This woman is very evil. She made Qu Manman stand up in just a few months. You must know that Manman has been paralyzed for so long, and there is no possibility of standing up."

"Auntie, think about it, if you use normal means, how can you stand up in such a short time?"

"Think about what kind of person Jiu Ge is. Ever since we came into contact with Tong Li, we have changed so much that we almost don't know each other, and besides her, no woman can get close to Jiu Ge. If she said she didn't use any tricks, who Believe."

Qu Lanxin swears, as if it is true, Guan Shangyi also thinks of something when listening to her words.

That time she went to Tong Li to speak harshly, and not long after she left, a series of accidents happened, which almost cost her half her life, and then she was unlucky for a long time, and everything went wrong.

Now that I think about it, I'm afraid it wasn't that woman's fault.

Seeing the anger on Guan Shangyi's face, Qu Lanxin knew that she had won half the battle.

She continued: "Auntie, look at how Brother Jiu has been harmed by her now. I heard that my brother said something happened to Tong Li. Brother Jiu sends people to inquire about those evil spirits and heretics every day."

The more Qu Lanxin talked about it, the more she felt that this was the case, and she continued to analyze to Guan Shangyi: "I didn't think Brother Jiu treated you like this before, but after this Tong Li came, the relationship between the two of you became more and more..."

Qu Lan's heart was on point, even if she didn't say it, Guan Shangyi knew what she meant.

Isn't it because of Tong Li's appearance that the relationship between her and her son has become more and more rigid?


"And Tong Li will definitely come back again. By then, the relationship between you and Brother Jiu may become more and more serious."

Guan Shangyi's palms were slightly closed, she didn't know that if her son was younger, she could still control him, but now his wings are hardened, it's amazing, the two of them had already started a war last time, and the relationship couldn't be more rigid, no matter whether there is Tong Li or not, There is no possibility of relaxation in the future.

Guan Shangyi glanced at Qu Lanxin hesitantly: "What are you talking about?"

Qu Lanxin raised her eyes and smiled, her voice was not loud, but her words were sonorous and forceful: "Auntie, I have a way to undo Tong Li's ghost tricks."

"What do you mean?"

Qu Lanxin took out the only bottle of medicine and put it on the glass table.

"As long as Brother Jiu drinks this thing, the name Tong Li will be erased from his brain forever."

Guan Shangyi's pupils shrank, picked up the plain bottle on the table, and asked hesitantly, "Are you sure?"

"Sure." Qu Lanxin was actually not sure in her heart, this was just sent back by Jing Beichen, she didn't even know what the ingredients were in it, she only paid attention to the results of this medicine.

She has no way out now, as long as there is any hope, she will desperately grab it.

She believes that as long as Brother Jiu doesn't have the name Tong Li in his mind, everything can start over and everything will be fine.

Guan Shangyi frowned slightly, she was really moved, but: "Will this damage Jiuyin's brain nerves?"

She valued her son's ingenuity, and if it caused damage to his brain nerves or a genetic mutation, it would definitely not work.

Tong Li rolled her eyes at her in her heart, and said to her decisively: "Don't worry, Auntie is just a targeted medicine. Only by getting Tong Li out of Brother Jiu's mind can your plan be realized, right? .”

The cool wind blew, and the pink petals intertwined in mid-air. Under the action of the wind, they tried their best to fly to the farthest place. Perhaps even they were afraid of the vicious thoughts of these two women.

Guan Shangyi didn't agree immediately, maybe she also had her own scruples, she was born cold and had no concept of family affection, what she valued was only the genes in Pei Jiuyin's body, if this medicine had an effect on the genes, then all her plans would come to naught.

But if Tong Li was there, her son would definitely not be able to have children, and recently she heard from the old man's people that Tong Li could not have children due to physical reasons.

If this is the case, then her son's genius gene will come to an end here.

So she has no choice now.

She glanced at the bottle on the table, and said hard in her heart: "Okay."

Qu Lanxin let out a sigh of relief when she heard the answer, as if she had completed an earth-shattering event.

She smiled slightly and stated her purpose for today: "Auntie, you also know my relationship with Brother Nine. It's hard for me to even meet him now. I'll trouble you to think of a way to do this."

Guan Shangyi nodded slightly at her, and the two of them met their eyes, reaching an ulterior agreement between them.

The matter has been finished, Qu Lanxin excused himself to go to work first.

Guan Shangyi in the garden began to figure out how to get his son to drink the bottle of medicine.


the other side.

When Qu Rui thought of being kidnapped, he kept holding his breath. He didn't take much ecstasy. When he woke up, the car was still shaking. It seemed that he hadn't reached his destination yet.

He moved his hands and found that his hands and feet were tied with cable ties. He tried to struggle, but the more you struggle with this thing, the tighter it will be tied.

Suddenly the car stopped, Qu Rui quickly adjusted his breathing, closed his eyes and pretended to be dizzy.

After these people stopped the car, they took out their mobile phones and made a call, and said a word to that side.

Then it didn't take long to hear the roar of the nose and the sound of splashing water.

It seems that these people are very cautious. His car has a positioning system, and he can be located with a little search. If he is on a boat and wants to find him again, the difficulty will increase exponentially.

But now he was tied up again, and he couldn't escape at all.

Just as he was thinking about what to do, a steady and powerful voice came from outside.

"How are people?"


"Okay, the big boss told me, don't kill me."


Qu Rui wanted to listen more, and wanted to know who the big boss they were talking about was, but the person who came was too cautious and sprayed him with medicine. He, who was already unconscious, passed out completely.

When he woke up again, he had already been locked in a small room, and everything on his body was taken away. Except for the two people guarding him here, there were no other living beings, and he couldn't notify the outsiders if he wanted to. , now he can do calmly and wait.

Pray that people outside will find out that he has been hijacked in time.

Those people came in several times during the period, the two just looked at each other, they put down their food and left without saying anything, it was very weird.

After those people left, Qu Rui began to think about who was going to kidnap him?

If he was a rival in business, he should be tortured or killed after hijacking him, but these people provided him with food and drink, never abused him, and never said a word to him, so it shouldn't be extortion.

Soon he thought of a possibility.

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