Qu Lanxin heard from him again that she was forbidden to come to this villa, her body seemed to be soaked in icy water, it was so cold that there was almost no temperature, she staggered two steps and almost lost her footing.

"Brother Jiujiu, I really didn't mean to."

She ran to the kitchen and took out the chicken soup that was made today and put it in front of him.

"Brother Nine, look, I got up at four o'clock to cook this. I boiled it for seven or eight hours. I also put some herbs that are suitable for you. I carefully selected everything, so I fell asleep when I was tired. on."

After finishing speaking, she took a few steps back quickly: "If you don't like me here, I, I, I will leave right away. Brother Jiu, don't be angry with me."

Then he left the villa with messy steps.

After Qu Lanxin left, the huge house returned to calm.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the house, walking step by step, looking at it one by one, as if checking whether anyone had touched anything in his house, but also seemed to be looking for some kind of non-existent fantasy

After leaving Pei's house, Qu Lanxin's face became extremely gloomy. She didn't expect that Brother Jiu would still refuse to accept her without Tong Li. What's wrong with her?

No, she can't just be defeated like this, there must be other ways.


In a certain foreign villa, Tong Li sat alone on the sofa with a very indifferent expression.

Jing Beichen covered his face tightly with the magazine, in order to distract the murderous eyes from the opposite side.

The reason for all this is that Jing Beichen said that he would take Tong Li back in a few days, but now a week has passed, they are still here, and there is no sign of going back.

Tong Li didn't want to stay in this place for a moment, but she had to rely on the man in front of her if she wanted to go back.

Jing Beichen can't do anything about it, Qu Rui hasn't been found there yet, as long as he doesn't find him for a day, Qu Rui is a time bomb, and they spent so much effort, they can't be ruined by this unknown factor.

"Little Li'er, it's not that I don't want to go back. I didn't expect things to become so difficult. Wait two more days, wait two more days. If it doesn't work, I'll fire them all. I don't want the company anymore. Shall I take you home?"

What Jing Beichen said was so sincere that he almost raised three fingers to swear.

Tong Li moved his mouth, but did not speak. The words that came out of this man's mouth were never true. How many times have he said these two words, and he still stays here.

Jing Beichen smiled, and hid his face in the magazine again.

However, at the moment when they were emotional, Qu Rui came back.

back home,
Qu Lanxin came down from upstairs and saw her brother who had disappeared for a long time, his clothes were in rags and a mess, she was scared to stay where she was, and did not come forward to recognize him for a long time.

With a bearded face and a dirty body, it's her: "Brother?"

"Lan Xin." Qu Rui's voice was calm and powerful, except for being dirty, it was still quite healthy.

When Qu Lanxin heard her brother's voice, her eyes blushed, she trotted over, and was about to throw herself into his arms, but was stopped by Qu Rui.


Qu Lanxin withdrew her hand: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Qu Lanxin naturally knew what was going on with her brother, and it was precisely because she knew that she couldn't show her feet.

"It's okay, just a little problem." Qu Rui didn't want his sister to worry about it, and didn't want to elaborate on the twists and turns.

"Give me your phone."

Qu Lanxin tightened her fingers on the phone, looked left and said to him: "Brother, go take a shower and change your clothes first, when mom comes back and sees you like this, she should be worried."

Qu Rui looked at himself in a state of embarrassment, and thought about it, anyway, he came back, and it was not too late.

The moment Qu Rui's room door was closed, Qu Lanxin put away her worried face and immediately called Guan Shangyi. Her brother came back so suddenly that she really couldn't think of anyone who could help her.

Now there is only Guan Shangyi.

Guan Shangyi didn't know about Tong Li's return from amnesia at all, she was only responsible for removing Tong Li's place in her son's heart.

So when she received a call from Qu Lanxin, after hearing what she said, she couldn't help being angry, and angrily reprimanded the person opposite: "Why didn't you say such an important thing before?"

Qu Lan was jumping up and down anxiously, but she couldn't remember why: "Auntie, I didn't know about this for a long time. Now my brother has come back. He will definitely call Brother Nine later. Brother Nine believes in my brother's words the most. Now, everything will be exposed by then."

Guan Shangyi lay down gently on the rocking chair, and snorted softly: "Now you know you are in a hurry? What did you do before?"

Qu Lanxin was so angry that she heard her sarcastic remarks, but now no one can help her except Guan Shangyi.

"Auntie, my brother will come out later, you should think of a way."

Guan Shangyi stretched out her extremely delicate fingers and looked at it: "Idiot."


After hanging up the phone, Qu Lanxin was really angry and anxious, she didn't ask for anything but her brother to come out slowly.

Guan Shangyi started to contact her, Qu Lanxin was like an ant on a hot pot, neither sitting nor standing, all her mind was on her mobile phone.

She waited and waited, and the seconds felt like years. It felt like half a century had passed in just 10 minutes, and there were still no calls or messages coming in from the mobile phone.

"Blue Heart."

Qu Lanxin was startled by the voice behind her: "Ha, brother, you finished washing so quickly."

"Yeah." Qu Rui looked at his eccentric sister.

"Give me your phone."

Qu Lanxin held her mobile phone tightly with both hands, her face turning green and pale for a while: "Mobile phone."

Her eyes rolled uncontrollably: "My phone is out of battery."

Qu Rui frowned: "Then I'll use the landline."

Only then did Qu Lanxin remember that there was still a landline available at home, and she felt regretful, why didn't she just throw away this landline.

Qu Rui passed Qu Lanxin, walked to the edge of the sofa and sat down, picked up the microphone, and dialed Pei Jiuyin's number.

Just after pressing the number, before dialing out, a hand came over and hung up the phone.

Qu Rui looked at Qu Lanxin with an unhappy expression: "Lan Xin, what are you doing?"

"Brother, me, me, what happened during the time you disappeared?" Qu Lan's heart was in a mess, and she asked whatever came to her mind.

"Lan Xin, let go, I'll make a phone call first, and I'll talk to you later."

How could Qu Lanxin dare to let go, she would know nothing after making this phone call.

"Brother, Mom and Dad couldn't contact you during this time, and they were very worried. They couldn't eat or sleep all day long, and they lost a lot of weight. You didn't care about Mom and Dad after you came back for so long."

When Qu Rui saw his younger sister who was still making trouble, he felt a little angry, and his face turned cold: "Lan Xin, let go, don't be so ignorant."

Qu Lanxin looked at her brother's cold eyes, and knew that he was angry. His brother was different from others. Others always stared when they were angry, but her brother was rarely angry, but when he got angry, it was definitely a big deal.

Qu Rui looked at Qu Lanxin and was still pressing the phone. He no longer had the patience to talk to her there, so he stretched out his hand to grab her wrist, and picked up her hand little by little.

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