With tears in her eyes, Qu Lanxin pressed down with all her strength, but the difference in strength between men and women, she was no match for strength, so she could only watch helplessly as her brother raised her hand.

Seeing that the gap between the two was getting bigger and bigger, she shook her head gently, with a plea in her eyes: "Don't..."

Qu Rui looked at each other coldly, ignored her begging, pushed her back with the microphone, and pressed the redial button.

Beep beep beep, the phone is being dialed...

Qu Lanxin listened to the blunt beeps, and closed her eyes in despair.

At the moment of her despair, suddenly, her phone vibrated and the screen lit up.

For her, it's not just a bright screen, it's the dawn of her life, her hope for the future.

Qu Lanxin answered the phone against the clock.

When Qu Rui's phone was connected, Qu Lanxin couldn't control his excitement and kicked the plane away.

The poor landline just fell to the ground alone.

Qu Rui looked at the broken landline, with a thick layer of haze under his eyes, his cold eyes met Qu Lanxin, and he called out her name through gritted teeth: "Lanxin."

Qu Lanxin was frightened by the aura in Qu Rui's eyes, and her feet went limp. She exhausted all her strength to keep herself from falling down: "Brother, listen to me, it's Grandpa looking for you, it's Grandpa Pei looking for you."

Qu Rui stood up abruptly. His younger sister's behavior was very strange from the very beginning, and she repeatedly prevented him from calling Jiu Yin. He asked calmly, "What does Grandpa Pei want me to do? Know that I will be back today."

Qu Lanxin's eyes dodged, he hesitated for a long time, unable to say a word.

"You told him?"

Smart as him: "What are you hiding from me?"

Qu Lanxin lowered her head even lower, her shoulders trembled slightly, and she picked at her little fingers uneasily.

Qu Rui is too aware of her sister's habit, she definitely has something to hide from him.

In the living room, there was only the sound of Qu Lanxin sobbing softly, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Qu Lanxin raised her head and begged bitterly with tears in her eyes: "Brother, you should go to Grandpa Pei first. After you find Grandpa Pei, do you want to call Brother Nine before making a decision?"

Qu Rui frowned, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. Although he didn't know what they were hiding, he felt that it was definitely not a small matter.

It was late at night, and Qu Rui drove Qu Lanxin to Pei's old house.

Along the way, Qu Rui didn't say a word, but had a cold face: he tried his best to escape from the enemy camp, but when he came back here, he found that things were not as simple as he imagined.

Moreover, Mr. Pei and his younger sister were also involved.

What are these people trying to do?
The car soon arrived at Pei's house, and the guard saw that it was Qu Rui's license plate, and immediately let him go.

They arrived at the single-family building belonging to the old man unimpeded.

The small building was brightly lit and extremely bright, and the butler was already waiting at the door.

Seeing the housekeeper waiting at the door, Qu Rui felt that the matter could no longer be explained as serious.

The two of them followed the butler to the study room. Mr. Pei was sitting upright at the desk, his eyes were tired and lifeless, bags under his eyes were bruised, his pupils were bloodshot, and he obviously hadn't slept well for several days.

When Mr. Pei saw Qu Rui, he didn't know what expression to use to face him. After deliberation, he finally said dully, "Qu Rui is here."

Then she looked at Qu Lanxin at the side: "Lan Xin, you go out first."

Qu Lan looked timidly and guiltyly at Qu Rui, then at Mr. Pei.

"Grandpa, brother, then I'll go out first."

No one responded to her, the old man didn't bother to answer, and Qu Rui simply didn't want to talk to her.

Qu Lanxin pursed her red lips lightly, and left the study step by step.

As soon as the door was closed, I heard the old man sighing.

Qu Lanxin went downstairs, hesitantly walking up and down in the living room.

Her brother looked as gentle as jade, but only those who really knew him would know that he was a man of one mind, and what he believed in would not change. What if Grandpa Pei couldn't convince her brother.

Their last trump card is Grandpa Pei, if...

Qu Lanxin looked at the door above without blinking.

10 minutes passed.

10 minutes passed.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and there was no sign of the people inside coming out.

Just such a little thing, why did it take so long?

She waited for more than ten minutes, and the upper door finally opened.

Qu Rui's face was sullen, his eyes looked calm, but in fact, he was suppressing the raging anger under his eyes.

He came down from upstairs, passed by Qu Lanxin, and looked at her sideways, with deep disappointment in his eyes.

Is it a disappointment to her?
Qu Lanxin looked at her brother's eyes and felt a little bit in her heart.

Mr. Pei did not come out.

She looked back at Qu Rui who was walking further and further away, and ran after her: "Brother, how are you talking?"

Qu Rui ignored her, walked straight to the door, went to his car, opened the door, got in the car, and started the ignition.

Qu Lanxin stood by and watched, and got into the car a second before Qu Rui drove.

Before she could close the door, the car rushed out.

Feeling guilty, Qu Lanxin carefully looked at Qu Rui's expression, with a forced smile on his face: "Brother, Grandpa, what did you tell me?"

Qu Rui pursed his lips, recalling what the old man said just now, his face was gloomy and terrifying.

Qu Lanxin shrank her neck, but she still wanted to know what was going on.

Qu Rui's deep eyes were fixed on the road ahead, and after the car left the old house, the speed of the car began to soar.

Qu Lan was startled, and she held the seat belt with both hands, feeling unsafe, and then tightly held the handle above the window instead.

The light outside the window is receding rapidly, and looking at the speed of the dashboard, it has already reached 150, and there is still a rising trend.

Qu Lanxin swallowed her saliva, trembling, found her voice, and shouted in horror: "Brother, brother, what are you doing, it's too fast, slow down."

Qu Rui had a cold face, turned a deaf ear to her words, and continued to slam on the accelerator.

These people are all selfish and do whatever they can to achieve their own goals. The most difficult thing for him to accept is that the culprit in this incident is actually his sister.

How ridiculous.

He always thought that the well-behaved and beautiful younger sister is a sensible person, even if she is a little ignorant, she will not do anything wrong, but what is she doing now?

"Brother, slow down, we have something to talk about." Qu Lanxin was so frightened that she was about to cry, the speed was too fast, if the steering wheel moved a little, both of them would be smashed to pieces.

Qu Lanxin kept begging Qu Rui to stop and drive slowly, but Qu Rui was stimulated today.

One is his best brother and one is his... best... friend.

But now, because of her younger sister's selfish interests, she joined forces with outsiders to break them up.

He felt extremely humiliated.

"Brother, what on earth are you trying to do? Don't do anything stupid. Think about your parents. If something happens to us, what will your parents do?" Qu Lanxin looked at the speed of the car like a shooting star, her soul was almost frightened, He could only move his parents out to make his brother sober.

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