The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 384 Participate in the Pei Family Dinner Party

The next morning, Jing Beichen came down from upstairs humming a ditty, seeing his happy face, he knew how good he was.

Thinking about it, he tried his best to convince the most difficult Jing Beiyan last night, not to mention how happy he was.

As long as Jing Beiyan doesn't come and ruin his good deed, everything will be fine.

In the afternoon, someone sent an invitation to Jing Beichen.

At first he thought it was an ordinary invitation and didn't pay much attention.

But when he saw the protagonist in the invitation, he smiled very strangely, and the dark aura on his body was constantly wafting back and forth along the air.

I don't know what to think about it again.

Jing Beichen put away the invitation carefully, and said with anticipation: "I hope everyone's expressions won't be too ugly by then."

That night, Tong Li received a gradient starry sky dress and some jewelry carefully selected by Jing Beichen.

When Tong Li received the skirt and jewelry, she just glanced at them lightly. She was used to Jing Beichen sending clothes and jewelry for a long time, so naturally she would not make any announcements.

Jing Beichen played with the wine glass, and smiled meaningfully: "Little Li'er, I will take you to a banquet in a few days, and I will take you to learn a lot. "

Tong Li rolled his eyes at him and said coldly, "No."

When she was abroad, Jing Beichen took her to a so-called banquet, where a group of people cuddled and twisted, either drinking or...


Jing Beichen knew that she had misunderstood, so he quickly explained: "Don't, this is a serious banquet, you will regret it if you don't go."

Tong Li ignored him and went back to her room.

Jing Beichen looked at her back, the corners of his mouth gradually turned up.

This is a wicked devil smile.


a few days later.

Tong Li agreed to go after being pestered by many parties from Jing Beichen.

She also put on the starry sky dress that Jing Beichen prepared for her, and wore the most dazzling and expensive jewelry on her body, becoming a walking million RMB.

Tong Li was originally a beauty, with fair skin and long legs.

Today she is wearing a white and blue long dress. The off-shoulder backless design reveals her smooth and flawless back skin. Her charming face is painted with exquisite makeup, and her hair is slightly curled. There is beauty in the chaos that makes people unable to move their eyes.

Moreover, this skirt has a unique design. Every time she takes a step, the diamonds on the skirt will emit star-shaped flashes, just like blinking eyes, twinkling and twinkling, and it looks even more beautiful under the light. Dreamy, like a fairy descending to earth, the beauty is thrilling.

So she received a lot of attention when she appeared.

Her beauty is second to none, the key is the man standing beside her.

This son, today, is wearing a white dress with a black vest inside. The slim vest outlines his fit figure, and his noble temperament adds to his handsomeness.

No, his coat has also been specially treated. Under the strong light, his clothes seem to be shining like stars, and they can echo with her female partner's skirt.

What is even more surprising is that this young master has never brought a female companion on a formal occasion.

On such an important occasion today, he brought people here, coupled with this couple outfit, is he proclaiming some message to others?

Everyone sighed in their hearts, has this young master been subdued at last?
They didn't know whether to lament the luck of the fairy next to her, or her misfortune to find such a lunatic.

Although this person lacks temperament, but his family background is there, except for this person, his family background is still very good.

Jing Beichen slowly approached Tong Li, he reached out to hold Tong Li's hand, but Tong Li moved his hand away.

Quite shameless.

Jing Beichen snorted coldly in his heart, gritted his teeth and put his arms around her waist.

Tong Li's footsteps paused, her back tensed, she turned her head to look at Jing Beichen, and said softly and sharply, "Take your hands away from me."

Jing Beichen remained unmoved, and nodded with others while pursing his lips and smiling.

"Then I can't, you are my fiancée, we don't hold hands, we don't touch waists, and there is a train track between us, so people who walk in like this will think they are strangers without knowing it."

Jing Beichen tightened his arms around her waist, and whispered in her ear: "Little Li'er is so beautiful, if I don't declare my sovereignty to them, they keep staring at you, I will be jealous , You should also save face, restrain yourself in front of outsiders, and it will not be too late to beat me back if you want to beat me."

Tong Li didn't care about the scoundrel, she reached out and took off the hands on her waist, and then walked straight in by herself.

Jing Beichen looked at the empty hands, and gave a soft gesture, a man came over and patted him on the shoulder: "Jing Beichen is fine, Yan Fu is good, that beauty is..."

Jing Beichen pulled the man's hand off his shoulder and sneered: "My fiancee."

The man was obviously stunned for a moment, and laughed: "Ah, are you getting engaged so soon? Why didn't I hear the news?"

Jing Beichen looked at the man in front of him with a very unhappy expression, which may be related to Tong Li's rejection just now.

"When will I report to you about my business?"

That man: "..."

It was fine just now, so I turned my face when I said it.

Well, this young and old can say a few words when he is happy, and stay as far away as he can when he is unhappy.

Jing Beichen put his hands in his pockets, ignoring the people behind him, and walked in swaggeringly. Although he usually went in and out of these places alone, it was inexplicably irritating to be humiliated in public.

After Tong Li went in, she found a hidden corner and sat down alone.

Right now, this occasion is indeed more normal than in foreign countries. The men are all dressed up as adults, talking about work matters, while the women are wearing heavy makeup, and the elderly are talking about their own investment careers. Yidian was talking about all kinds of famous brand bags, what kind of male star has a good figure, etc., and there were small bursts of laughter from time to time.

Only she was sitting in the corner like a different kind, staying quietly. Of course, some men's eyes would fall on her from time to time.

This is the self-contained aperture effect, even standing in the darkest corner, it is impossible to ignore.

Tong Li looked a little depressed. She might not even be able to figure out why she came to such an unfamiliar banquet.

But besides the bunch of men, there was another woman who was watching her.

From the moment she came in, her eyes were on her.

Xiyou hesitated on the spot and wanted to go up, but he hesitated again when he saw Jing Beichen not far away.

The fact that she was kidnapped by this man is still vivid in her mind, and now she is terrified to death when she sees this man.

Jing Beichen glanced over inadvertently, Xiyou immediately looked away timidly, and ran away in a panic, she was really afraid that that person would suddenly come up and bite her.

Tong Li glanced at Xiyou who ran away, then at Jing Beichen, Jing Beichen smiled at her, Tong Li gave him a boring look back.

The communication between the two became more and more out of harmony, mainly because Tong Li became more and more sure that this man was not the man she used to be.

Not at all.

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