As for who it was, she didn't know.

What made her even more annoyed was that she didn't know what kind of life she had lived in the past?Why after returning here, except for her little employee, there is basically no one who knows her.

Maybe the girl just now knew her?

Tong Li thought for a while, stood up and left the chaotic banquet hall.

She walked aimlessly on the path, turned a few turns, and came to a swimming pool. She saw the girl just now, cursing something towards the swimming pool.

Tong Li quietly walked behind her, Xiyou, a big-headed shrimp, didn't notice it at all, and just kept cursing Jing Beichen there.

When she scolded her mouth dry, her anger subsided a lot, and she was about to go back to the hall, but when she turned her head, she saw a person standing behind her.

Unprepared, when she saw Tong Li, she was so frightened that she exploded on the spot, her left foot accidentally tripped over her right foot, and she staggered back a few steps.

But behind is the swimming pool, and if she retreats, she will retreat into the water. She has half of her foot in the air, and her body is instantly out of balance. She can only keep throwing her hands to balance her body.

But no matter how hard she thumped, she couldn't balance her body. Seeing that she was about to fall, she reached out to ask the person in front to give her a hand.

But the people in front just looked at her indifferently.

Just like when they first met, they had very indifferent eyes.

Grapefruit's body fell inertially, and she closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the moment to enter the water.

Just a second before she touched the water, the person in front finally showed mercy and reached out to hold her hand.

With all her strength, Tong Li pulled up the grapefruit that was about to fall into the water.

The grapefruit changed from falling down to jumping forward.

"Ah." With a plop, there was a scream, and she escaped the fate of falling into the water but not falling over.

The grapefruit was thrown to the ground.

"555~" Xiyou got up from the ground with both hands and feet, her palms were blushed, her face was angry and frightened, she pointed her finger at Tong Li: "Did you do it on purpose?"

Obviously she could hold her back immediately, but she didn't. She could hold her steady, but she had to fall, this bad woman.

Tong Li said lightly: "No."

"You're only half hanging in the air. I didn't expect you to be unsteady. I pulled you up, but you still couldn't stand."


Why did she feel like Tong Li was saying that she was stupid.


Xiyou took a deep breath to calm down, and looked left and right like a thief. She was relieved when she didn't see the big bad guy.

Then he patted the dust on his hands and complained in a low voice: "The clothes are all dirty, this is my favorite piece of clothing."

The dinner party will start in a while, where can she find such a beautiful dress.

"What's your name?"

When Xiyou heard Tong Li's question, she clapped her hands for a moment, and was stunned: "Me?"

Oh, she remembered, this woman lost her memory.

Well, seeing her in such a pitiful situation, she forgave her for what happened just now.

"My name is Grapefruit."

Tong Li: "Grapefruit?"

"Have we known each other before?"

"We..." Xiyou hesitated, how would she answer?

If she knew each other, would she ask about brother Jiu?If you say you don't know each other...but they really know each other.

Xiyou frowned, not knowing how to answer her.

"Tong Li..."

Just when Xiyou and I were in a dilemma, a clear and surprised voice came from behind.

The two looked back.

Seeing that it was Qu Rui, Xiyou ran over to grab his arm as if seeing a savior: "Brother Qu Rui, you are here."

Qu Rui and Yi Shun stared at Tong Li unsatisfactorily, and tore Xiyou's hand off with the other hand.

He walked quickly in front of Tong Li, both surprised and happy, as if he couldn't believe that the person who had disappeared for a long time appeared in front of his eyes.

She's fine and fine.

That's good, that's good.

Tong Li carefully looked at the man who called his name. If he could call her name, he knew her. She thought about it carefully in her mind, but she didn't have any impression.

"you know me?"

Tong Li asked this sentence again.

Qu Rui's smile slowly disappeared, and the light in her eyes gradually dimmed, yes, she forgot everything, not only Jiu Yin and him, but also the little things they used to get along with.

He smiled bitterly: "Well, we are good friends, are you okay? What's going on with you?"


Tong Li continued to ask, "What's your name?"

"Qu Rui."

"Do you still remember?" Qu Rui had a little hope in his eyes, if Tong Li could remember him a little...

"I have no impression." Tong Li shook her head, telling the truth.

Qu Rui couldn't help feeling disappointed when he heard this answer.

Suddenly thought of something, and frowned: "Why are you here?"

not saying…….

"Jing Beichen brought me here."

When Qu Rui heard this person's name, he, who has always been good-tempered, couldn't help feeling angry.

It's because of that man.


"Master Qu, the banquet inside has begun."

Just as Qu Rui was about to say something, a servant hurried out of the room and told them to go back.

Xiyou also stood up at this time: "Brother Qu Rui, why don't you go in first, I'll talk about it later if you have anything to say."

The silent night was a little depressing, Qu Rui sighed, and after calming down, he didn't have the courage to say something again.

"Let's go."

The four of them walked back, and the people inside all found their seats, waiting for the arrival of the master.

Just as Qu Rui brought Tong Li in, Jing Beichen appeared in front of them.

Qu Rui frowned, and the disgust flashed in his eyes.

Jing Beichen knew that one day they would meet again, looking at the eyes of this man in front of him like a fighting cock, he wanted to bite him but couldn't.


"Little Li'er, why do you disappear when I'm not by your side for a while?"

Then he slightly nodded towards Qu Rui in a hypocritical way: "Mr. Qu, please take care of me..."


Bang... The word fiancee was thrown in front of the two of them like a bomb, making them dizzy.

The strong smell of gunpowder gradually permeated the surroundings.

"you say……"

Grapefruit hugged Qu Rui's arm, and she could feel the muscles on Qu Rui's body tense and his fist clenched tightly. If she hadn't hugged him in time, the fist would have gone out.

He lowered his voice and said anxiously: "Brother Qu Rui, today is Grandpa Pei's birthday, what's the matter to wait until after the birthday?"

Although she is usually confused, she still knows what to do and what not to do at critical times.

Jing Beichen is certainly hateful, but today is Grandpa Pei's birthday, so we must not fight on such an important occasion.

Qu Rui pushed his teeth with the tip of his tongue, tightened and loosened his fists, and after a few back and forth, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Little Li'er, the banquet is about to start, let's go." Jing Beichen looked at Tong Li with a smile, and reached out to pick her up.

Tong Li turned a blind eye to his hand and glanced around. There was no one sitting in the corner where she was sitting just now.

This kind of position that can't be seen with a magnifying glass, no one really competes with her. People who come here are all famous people. Who doesn't want to stand in the most obvious place, get acquainted with each other, and have a good relationship.

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