Not far away, Guan Shangyi and Qu Lanxin glanced at each other across the table. They understood, and after greeting the people around them, they got up and left the hall.

Jing Beichen also stood up at this time, patted the non-existing dust on his body, and said with a deep meaning: "Little Li'er, the play is over, let's go back."

"So fast?" Tong Li didn't really want to leave now, she still wanted to ask something about the man just now.

"Well, the ceremony is over and the ceremony is here. The rest is just commercial flattery. It's boring. I don't want to go back and have another drink."

Jing Beichen chuckled: "Why, you don't want to go back?"

Tong Li looked at the direction Pei Jiuyin was going up just now, thought for a few seconds, and stood up from the chair: "No."


The two walked out one after the other.

Qu Rui was held back by an elder who insisted on introducing him to a few girls, but he couldn't refuse many times, and finally was dragged by a few people to the center of a bunch of beauties.

This is something to enjoy the blessings of beauty, and others can't even think about it.

Qu Rui, who was in the middle of the beauties, was in great pain, his ears were filled with high-pitched high-pitched voices, making his head hurt from the noise.

He still remembers Tong Li in his heart.

When he turned his head and saw Tong Li being taken away by Jing Beichen, he was startled, no matter what elder beauties in front of him, he pushed his hands hard, squeezed out of the crowd, and chased outside without hesitation.

When he chased to the door, he saw Jing Beichen open the car door for Tong Li.

"Tong Li."

When the two heard the movement behind them, Qiqi looked back and saw Qu Rui who was chasing after him anxiously.

Jing Beichen turned slightly to block Tong Li, and looked at the person in front of him with a smile: "I don't know why Young Master Qu is looking for my fiancee?"

Qu Rui heard the harsh three words, and the anger in his heart was ignited again.

Just now, in order to keep the overall situation in mind, he didn't make a move. Now there are only a few guards left besides them. He no longer has any scruples, and he raised his fist to strike hard.

Qu Rui is a normal man, so the strength of his fists is naturally not small, but Jing Beichen has undergone professional training, and when Qu Rui raised his hand, he had already seen through his actions.

No, Qu Rui's fist was grabbed by him before it even got close.

"Heh, does Young Master Qu want to compete with me?"

"I'm really sorry, it's getting late, I have to rush my girlfriend home to sleep."

"If Young Master Qu insists on competing with me, you can make an appointment with my housekeeper, and I will accompany you to the end."

Qu Rui's force value is really not good, except for the most basic exercise is medicine, so now Jing Beichen easily grabs him, but he can't fight back.

For the first time in his heart, he regretted that he did not practice martial arts, so that he suffered a big loss today.

"Jing Beichen." Tong Li's indifferent voice was threatening.

Jing Beichen looked at Qu Rui's weak body and sneered.

He shook his hand away heavily, with a sarcasm: "But I think Master Qu is more suitable for facing your pile of broken herbs. As for the sparring, I'm afraid I can break you with a little force. At that time, I couldn't afford to give Uncle Qu a son."

People can't be beaten, insulting words still have to be said, otherwise how can he be worthy of the title of bad guy.

"Go in." Tong Li turned her face slightly, motioning for him to go in.

Jing Beichen hummed softly, unwilling to go in, walked to the front of the car, took out a cigarette and smoked it on his own.

"What's the matter with you?" Although the two of them knew each other, Qu Rui was a stranger to her now, and she couldn't get to know him well.

Qu Rui took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and asked softly, "Why did you leave so early? I still have a friend who introduced you."

Jing Beichen's ears moved, of course he knew who the friend Qu Rui was talking about.

But in his plan, today they were not talking, he just brought someone over to stimulate those two women.

If you want to do things, hurry up, dilly-dally, and waste time.

Tong Li's eyes blinked slightly, thinking of the man just now: "Next time."

Qu Rui's eyes became a little lonely: "What's the matter with you?"

'You can tell me, and I can help you too. ’ He added these words silently in his mind.


"Hey, are you finished?" Jing Beichen's impatient voice came from the front.

Tong Li glared, Jing Beichen didn't dare to do anything, and sat in the car boringly.

"Go back first, I'll find you when I'm free."

Qu Rui pursed his lips and could only nod slightly.

"Remember to go to Shengde Road Yunhui Pharmacy." Qu Rui reminded her because she was afraid that she would forget the address of the pharmacy.

"Yeah." Tong Li remembered.

"Be careful yourself, what's the matter..." Qu Rui touched his pocket, took out a business card from the card case and handed it to her.

"Call me if you have anything to do, don't be afraid of trouble, I will be there on call, and don't trust other people's words too much, you have to distinguish whether the words are good or bad..."

Qu Rui was like a father sending off his daughter, telling her to be careful outside, and to speak up if something happened, lest she would be wronged outside.

But Tong Li really didn't understand, she nodded, bent down and got into the car, and Qu Rui probably would have to say something if she didn't leave.

She can't stand such a nagging man.

As soon as the door of the car was closed, the driver in front immediately started the car and drove away.

Qu Rui stood where he was, looking at the car going away, with a sense of decadence permeating his whole body: he still failed to tell her the truth.

He can't afford to bet on the Qu family, and he can't ignore the Qu family.

He said silently in his heart: I'm sorry Tong Li, I can't help you, please quickly remember all your memories.

"Master Qu, please go up, old man." The butler came behind Qu Rui at some point.

When Qu Rui heard that Mr. Pei was only looking for him, he frowned and said in a harsh tone, "Got it."

After Pei Jiuyin returned to the room, he searched the drawers for the medicine bottle, and finally found the medicine in the middle drawer, but there was no water.

He pressed the inside line and asked the servant to bring him a glass of water.

After a while, the servant brought the water up.

Pei Jiuyin swallowed the medicine directly with water.

As soon as the medicine is taken in, the effect of the medicine is immediately distributed to the whole body, and the pain in the heart begins to gradually relieve, and finally disappears.

He sat on the bed and looked through the medicine bottle on the table in his hand.

The effect of this medicine is very good, without any explanation, and Qu Rui didn't make it, even if he asked him, he couldn't tell, so who gave him this medicine?

Why did he have no impression at all.

Pei Jiuyin stayed in the room for about ten minutes before going down to greet the guests.

Qu Lanxin cheekily followed behind Pei Jiuyin, on the surface she wanted everyone to know that she was the woman behind Pei Jiuyin, but secretly she was observing Pei Jiuyin's reaction.

She felt very strange why he didn't respond at all after taking the medicine for so long.

Qu Lanxin cast a questioning look at Guan Shangyi.

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