The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 388 Chinese medicine, India, China and India, all broke out

But Guan Shangyi didn't know what was going on, the medicine couldn't be effective, he did drink the water, and she didn't know why there was no reaction, and now they could only wait and see.

When the banquet was over, Pei Jiuyin sent all the guests away. He was still alive and well, his face didn't change, and his eyes didn't show the slightest tiredness.

He even became more energetic.

The two looked at each other, wondering if the medicine really had failed.

Pei Jiuyin came out of the shower, lying on the bed with his hair still half dry.

I thought that I would be very tired after a busy day today, but it was strange that this meeting was getting closer, and he didn't feel sleepy at all, instead he felt a little hot.

He thought he had just come out of the bathroom, so he lowered the temperature of the air conditioner.

The temperature has come down, but it still can't relieve the heat on the body.

And he glanced at the reaction under his body. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he decided to take another bath.

And Tong Li was not feeling well either, she tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't sleep, her mind was full of what the man looked like today.

I cried out in my heart to hell.

She was thinking of a man?

Tong Li closed her eyes and recited the mantra for herself to calm down her restless mood, trying to drive the man out of her mind.

Ten minutes passed... The man's face became clearer.

She sat up abruptly from the bed, touched her forehead, sweating all over her head.

Seeing the situation, she couldn't sleep anymore. She turned on the light, and saw a long red line inexplicably appearing on her arm.

Shocked, her heart tightened, and she lifted her sleeves up, but she couldn't see her head when she lifted her sleeves to her shoulders.

He simply tore off his shirt, only to see that the source of the red line came from his heart.

this thing?Where did it come from?
Thinking about her own reaction, she realized that something big was wrong.

Tong Li immediately sat cross-legged, closed her eyes, held her breath, and adjusted her breath.

She mobilized a trace of spiritual energy in her body to swim towards the heart, and when the spiritual energy swam through the heart, a curse mark that had been hidden in the heart exploded instantly with a buzzing sound.

The invisible light immediately formed a circle, and the invisible matter began to increase to the whole body.

Her body temperature began to rise rapidly, and her fair face flushed abnormally.

She seemed to know why she lost her Yuan Yin.

Is it this curse seal?Why didn't she notice it before?Who put the curse on her.

She soon realized that only Lu Tianxue would be able to impress her with this kind of sorcery.

That demon fox... Tong Li resented in her heart, letting her die like this last time, it was too cheap for her.

She began to mobilize a large amount of spiritual energy. She wanted to undo the curse seal in one fell swoop, but found that no matter where she undid the curse seal, it could be fused together intact.

There is no way to solve it.

what happened?

Tong Li thought for a few seconds, then decided to suppress it, and try to solve it later.

Ten minutes later, she wondered if the curse had been deeply ingrained in her body, and she couldn't suppress it, a strange and strange feeling swept over her body.

"Hmm..." Tong Li snorted from the nasal cavity.

She needs it now... The following words are a bit difficult for her to say.

But where should I find that man?

Suddenly, the face at the banquet flashed in her mind again.

that man?

She stared at the red thread in her hand for a long time, and then looked out the window. It was already late at night outside, and it was the time when Wan Lai was silent, and everyone had fallen asleep.

The breath on her body became more and more unstable, and she had to find a way to appease the curse seal.

He...she wasn't sure.

Tong Li withdrew her spiritual power, landed on both feet, and went to the balcony to look at the stars and moon in the deep sky. After some consideration, she cast an invisibility spell, jumped from the window, landed safely, and left the villa without anyone else. .

Pei Jiuyin's face was ugly. He came out of the bathroom with heavy steps. He had been in the cold water for nearly an hour just now, but the heat on his body didn't dissipate. Instead, it tended to get worse.

All kinds of abnormalities on his body all showed that he had been drugged.

He began to think about what he ate today. At the banquet, he only drank some wine and didn't touch anything. Where did the medicine come from?

Is there a problem with wine?
Who can escape multiple inspections and drug him?

No, besides the wine, there is also the glass of water brought up by the servant. Could it be that someone teamed up with the servant to give him medicine?

Before he could figure out what was going on, a woman's perfume suddenly entered his nostrils, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the woman beside the bed.

'is her. '

Qu Lanxin has removed her delicate makeup, but her face is still so beautiful, her hair is held up in a clip, and she is wearing a sexy suspender pajamas, exuding the uniqueness of a mature woman from the inside out. charm.

A woman dressed like this in the middle of the night and appeared in a man's room, what does she want to do?
Can be imagined.

Pei Jiuyin frowned, looking at her made his own eyes dirty, he looked away, suppressed the restlessness in his body, and shouted loudly at the person in front: "Get out."

It seems that he guessed who did what happened today.

Qu Lanxin's moist face was flushed like a crystal-clear ruby, and there was a shyness in her eyes that belonged to her daughter, which looked even more alluring under the warm light.

The moment she saw Pei Jiuyin come out, she couldn't help but feel nervous, but the next second she heard Pei Jiuyin drive her out, her shyness disappeared instantly.
"Brother Jiujiu..."

"I told you to get out." Pei Jiuyin's voice was quiet but unusually stern. In those few words, he wished he could bring a knife and chop the people in front of him into pieces.

He didn't expect this woman to be so bold as to put something in his water, no wonder she behaved so strangely behind him today, it turned out that she was waiting for him here.

Qu Lan's heart is full of grievances, but she will not back down, she is a daughter, put down her figure, and use such a despicable method, if she didn't really go all out, how could she do such a thing.

So instead of going out, she walked forward step by step.

She stood five meters away from Pei Jiuyin, took a deep breath, and tried to force a smile on her face: "Brother Jiu, don't blame me, I have no other choice."

"I can help you."

Today's scene was what they discussed just now.

Tong Li came back to break their step-by-step plan. Mr. Pei and Guan Shangyi want children, and she wants someone. As long as they give birth to the eldest grandson of the Pei family, Mrs. Pei's position is none other than her.

She only has this one chance, and she must not back down.

Pei Jiuyin's breathing became short of breath, sweat poured down his face, and everything in front of him became blurred. He staggered a few times, leaning on the wall, panting, "What did you eat for me?"

Qu Lanxin took two steps closer to him. Seeing Pei Jiuyin who was exhausted, she felt a lot more relaxed, and casually sold the person who planned this matter: "If my aunt finds this, I don't know what kind of medicine it is. , Ninth Brother. She said that only women can help you solve it."

"So, Brother Nine, stop making unnecessary struggles and let me help you, okay?"

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