The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 393 Let me be a pigeon woman, she has taken a fancy to my house

Pei Jiuyin turned his eyes coldly, the cold expression in his eyes was elusive.

"Make arrangements."

This time, he wants to uproot the forces behind Guan Shangyi. She can act so arrogantly because of the backing of Guan Shangyi.

The Guan family has been unruly and domineering for the past few years, so it should disappear.

He wants them to pay for what they did.

Seeing his calm expression, Lu'an sighed, forget it, he can't control the matter of the two mothers and sons: "Yes, but I suggest a later date, some of the above evidence is not sufficient, they have too much foreign capital and property, want to To devour them completely, we must be fully prepared, otherwise it will be easy to backfire."

Pei Jiuyin nodded: "You do it first, and then tell me if you need anything."

"Okay." The two chatted about some more things, and after everything was finalized, Lu'an left.

Pei Jiuyin was reclining on the chair with a slightly lazy posture. He rubbed the corners of his tired eyes and let out a heavy sigh of relief.

After thinking about it, he said to Secretary Qiao below: "Calculate the assets under my name, and bring them to me in the next two days."

"Ah!" Secretary Qiao was dumbfounded.

This... Boss, this is not good, you don't have much assets under your name anymore.

Pei Jiuyin stared at him coldly: "Why is there a problem?"

Secretary Qiao stood upright, and quickly shook her head: "No problem."

I silently added another sentence in my heart, the problem is big.

Secretary Qiao thought about it after going out, and still felt that he should tell Mr. Pei about this and let him make his own decision.

After all, it is easy to check the data, but the beneficiary is not the boss. It can be seen from this that if the documents are falsified, he will be the one who will be punished in the end. He is not willing to take the blame.

That night, he called Mr. Pei to ask for instructions, but Mr. Pei was being annoyed by his grandson's threats, so he didn't have time to take care of these trivial matters and let him handle it himself.

Secretary Qiao's head suddenly became dizzy. He can do whatever he wants, can he do whatever he wants?

He wants to tell the whole truth, okay?
On the other side, Pei Jiuyin was waiting at the agreed hotel. He held a red wine glass and swayed gently under the bright light. His leisurely posture was tinged with laziness, and he was so sexy that people couldn't take their eyes off.

The well-regarded suit was changed into a light-colored casual clothes when going out. Depending on the situation, I still attach great importance to this appointment.

He was already 10 minutes earlier than the agreed time, and half an hour past the agreed time, the other party was still late.

What happened?Or temporary repentance?
Looking at the pile of cold ceramic knives and forks, Pei Jiuyin felt indescribably depressed. No one dared to make him wait at such a big age. This woman is brave enough.

Originally, he could leave directly, but for some reason, these two feet couldn't stand up.

Every time I want to leave, but feel that she will arrive in the next second, if he leaves and she arrives, the two of them will miss it.

But the fact is that he waited for an hour and Tong Li didn't show up.

Pei Jiuyin's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and a terrible storm was brewing under his black eyes, and the dark guard who had been secretly protecting him didn't even feel a step back.

"It's really good." Although the two of them did something they shouldn't have done that night, and this time he invited her to come and talk very sincerely.


It was the first time in my life that I had an appointment with someone, and it was the first time that I was sent a pigeon.

Pei Jiuyin sat up from the chair and left the restaurant full of resentment.

Before getting in the car, I looked around the periphery, and I always had some expectations in my heart, hoping to see someone rushing over in the next second, and then as much as I expected, I would be as disappointed.

He got into the car, closed the door heavily, and said to the people in front of him in an aggressive tone, "Go back."

"Yes." The driver in front shook his shoulders.

The air pressure in the car was extremely depressed along the way, Pei Jiuyin kept thinking about being released as a pigeon, and he couldn't calm down until he got home.

He didn't know why he was so angry, anyway, he felt that the woman shouldn't let him go.

So let him go back to the house and sit on the sofa, and he didn't find that there was an extra person in the room until he calmed down a little, and slowly returned to his senses.

Suddenly, he frowned and looked around.

An aura that doesn't belong to him reverberates in the air.

A little familiar and a little strange.

Whether familiar or unfamiliar, yet another woman dared to enter his house.


He stood up and wanted to go up to see who was so bold and dared to enter his house, but the next second, he saw a delicate figure standing on the third floor.

This person was none other than the woman he had been waiting for all night.

"Why are you here?" The two asked in unison, obviously neither knew of the other's existence.


"This is my home, I'm not here, where is it?"

"It's you, did you forget something?" Let him wait all night.

Tong Li stared at him condescendingly with cold eyes. She originally wanted to be invited, but when she returned to Jing Beichen's house, she found an unknown dark and evil aura.

She followed her breath and chased them out. She injured a few people along the way, but failed to catch them. Later, when she came across such a good place on her way back, she wanted to come in and take a look.

I didn't expect it to be this man's home.

"Sorry for the delay."

╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮

No explanations are accepted.

Hearing her apology, Pei Jiuyin calmed down a bit: "Come down, I have something to tell you."

Tong Li looked at the displeased Pei Jiuyin, hesitated for a moment, and walked down.

The two sat on the sofa facing each other, looking at each other with piercing eyes.

Everyone didn't speak, and they all pouted there, as if whoever spoke first would lose.

In the end, Pei Jiuyin couldn't hold back.

Thinking of what happened that day, his eyes dodged unnaturally: "You...why did you appear there that day?"

Tong Li blinked her eyelashes twice, thought for a while before saying: "Because you can affect my emotions."

Pei Jiuyin: "?"

That was the first time they met.

"So I'm here to make sure."

Then rolled together uncontrollably.

Of course she wouldn't say those words.

Pei Jiuyin didn't expect it to be because of this reason: "So have you confirmed it?"

Tong Li: "Yes."

A trace of nervousness appeared on Pei Jiuyin's face: "How?"

Tong Li frowned, and an image quickly flashed in her mind, but the speed was too fast for her to see anything clearly.

If you want to ask how, she doesn't know how to describe this feeling.

She looked at the man in front of her thoughtfully, and shook her head: "Not really."

Pei Jiuyin sweated: What kind of answer is this?


"What happened that do you plan to deal with it."

Pei Jiuyin faltered for a long time, and asked this sentence with red ears.

Tong Li remained silent on this matter, she hadn't figured out some things yet, so she couldn't make a conclusion prematurely.

"You really don't know me?" Tong Li confirmed again, maybe he didn't understand that day in a daze.

Pei Jiuyin saw her serious face, is this an important question?She has asked him twice.

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