The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 394 She asked me how I feel?Is this love at first sight?

He carefully looked at this peach-cheeked apricot face, turning over every face in his mind.

The woman in front of her was very beautiful, with exquisite facial features and a good face. Her face was so delicate that even the pores could not be seen.

He really didn't know him.

But she felt very familiar to him.

This caused him to be quite conflicted.

Tong Li stood up and walked slowly in front of him, their eyes met.

She leaned over at a 45-degree angle, her beautiful eyes staring intently at his face.

The earnest look seemed to want to see a flower in his face.

Tong Li pressed lower and lower, and the two got closer and closer, their noses entangled with each other.

A hazy and ambiguous atmosphere slowly rose.

Pei Jiuyin clenched his hands tightly, trying to adjust his breath so that he didn't look so nervous, but the more he wanted to relax, the tighter his nerves became.

In my own impression, there are very few girls who can get so close to him, and the key point is that there are no girls who can get close to him.

But just standing there in front of this person can make him scratch his head, especially when he meets her eyes, he is prone to restlessness in body and mind, and it is easy to dream about things.

Pei Jiuyin secretly spurned herself in her heart.

For some reason, his throat was a little itchy, and his lips felt a little dry. He pursed his lips and made a swallowing motion: "You..."

The voice of questioning in the next second was swallowed into his stomach, and the feeling of making the scalp stand on end came again.

The moment his lips and lips touched, a stormy sea rose up in his mind, and waves rolled violently in his mind, and the huge impact made his head dizzy.

Especially in a waking state, this feeling of closeness gave him a kind of sublimation that had been baptized in his soul.

I have to say that he likes this feeling very much in his heart. If he had a pair of wings behind him, he would definitely flicker and flap non-stop to express his excitement.

Pei Jiuyin slowly closed his eyes, just as he was about to reach out and take the initiative, the tenderness above him suddenly left.

"How do you feel?" Tong Li asked him sincerely.

There are black lines on Pei Jiuyin's face, no one would ask how it feels right after kissing, whether he is ashamed or not.

However, he still thought about it seriously: "So soft and glutinous, fragrant and sweet..."

Tong Li: "..."

She didn't seem to ask him if it was good.

Pei Jiuyin felt that something was wrong with his description. He raised his fist and put it to his lips and coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment: "It's just good, I don't hate it, I like it a little bit, and my heart will be pounding."

It seemed as if it would jump out of my chest in the next second.

"What about you?"

Tong Li didn't answer him, but took his hand, and rested his slender and tender fingers on his pulse: the pulse was steady, strong and powerful, and he was in good health, without any heart problems.

It is different from what I suspect.

"Do you have heart disease?" She asked the question in her heart.

Pei Jiuyin looked at her eyes in a daze: "It is possible, but as long as you take the medicine, you will be fine."

Tong Li grasped the key point: "What medicine?"

Pei Jiuyin sat upright, felt in his pocket, took out a bottle and handed it to her.


Tong Li took the bottle and just sniffed it briefly, and she knew that the medicine was made by her.

It turned out that the prescription she engraved in her mind was for him.

Tong Li returned the bottle to him.

Pei Jiuyin looked at her strange expression: "Is there any problem?"

"No." Tong Li turned around and sat back in her seat, without telling him the result of her guess.

Pei Jiuyin was confused by her.

Tong Li took off her shoes and crossed her legs: "I'm resting here today, and I'll leave tomorrow. You go about your business and just pretend I don't exist."

Pei Jiuyin: "..."

What's the matter?that's it?It's over without talking about anything?

But he saw that it was too late tonight, forget it, and talk about it tomorrow: "There are still rooms upstairs, you can..."

"No need." Tong Li refused his kindness.

She just wants to use the aura here to practice, this position is very good, it won't disturb anyone.

This woman... Pei Jiuyin frowned into a Sichuan pattern, kindly treating her as a donkey's liver and lungs, if she doesn't want it, she won't.

He hummed a few words and went upstairs.

After Pei Jiuyin went upstairs, he sat on the bed in a daze for half an hour. He pressed his hand to his heart, recalling the feeling downstairs.

That is the feeling of the heart.

is it?

He was a little confused with no emotional experience.

If yes, is it love at first sight?

so suddenly?

Pei Jiuyin fell powerlessly on the bed, raised his hand to cover his eyes, and couldn't help but curl up his mouth, continuing to think about the question just now.

Before he knew it, he fell asleep. This was the fastest time he had ever fallen asleep.

It was broad daylight when he woke up, and more than that, he also found himself waking up on the sofa.

He obviously went back to his room last night, why did he sleep outside?
Pei Jiuyin got up from the sofa in a jerk, looking around for something.

I couldn't find it in the living room, and ran upstairs to search all the rooms, but still didn't see the figure.

For some reason, I felt a little empty and uncomfortable.

It's the kind of feeling that every time I go back to this house, I feel blocked and panicked.

He was in a panic here, but he had already had breakfast at Jing's house there.

Tong Li ate, observing Jing Beichen without any trace.

This man has always been cunning in his dealings, she wondered if the group of people yesterday were sent by Lu Tianxue.

However, seeing that Jing Beichen was clean and not contaminated with any evil spirits, those people probably didn't find Jing Beichen.

But even if you don't find him this time, what about next time?

She can't be with him 24 hours a day.


"Jing Beichen, I want to eat that sour plum cake, pass it over."

Tong Li suddenly called him with kind words, but her kind tone made Jing Beichen's hairs stand on end.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the red dish in front of him.

Although it felt a bit strange, he obediently passed the plate of sour plum cakes.

At this moment, Tong Li's fingers kept shaking left and right under the table, and soon a trace was completed.

Tong Li reached out to pick it up, then calmly tapped the back of his hand with two fingers, and the tracing mark was printed directly on the back of his hand before he could react.

Jing Beichen froze for a moment, touched the back of the hand that Tong Li touched just now, looked at Tong Li suspiciously, did she touch him just now?
But seeing Tong Li's incomparably calm expression, he felt that he was thinking too much.

He couldn't help laughing at himself in his heart, it was just a small touch, why was he surprised.

After Tong Li finished eating the plate of sour plum cakes, she didn't eat any more. After purifying the turbid air last night, her body was really tired.

After going upstairs, she lay directly on the bed and fell asleep, sleeping all afternoon.

At eight o'clock, Jing Beichen drove back and said that he would take her to meet his friend.

Originally, he didn't want to, but he was too bored recently and always wanted to do something to relieve boredom.

He's tired of playing around in the capital city, but it's Tong Li who... recently heard the news that Pei Jiuyin moved Qu Lanxin.

Tsk tut, then he shouldn't stop.

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