The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 400 An acquaintance visits the door, revealing the secret

Pei Jiuyin went to work normally after washing up.

After arriving at the company, Secretary Qiao immediately handed in the statistics of Pei Jiuyin's personal property.

He was satisfied to see the numbers above that rose across the board.

Secretary Qiao stood beside her, not daring to breathe, for fear that the big boss would notice anything unusual.

Pei Jiuyin's attention was all on the numbers, and he didn't pay much attention to the signature of the assets, but he saw that there was nothing there...

"Why is the information not filled in completely?"

Secretary Qiao's chrysanthemum tightened in fright: "Huh?"

"is it?"

Secretary Qiao stretched her head over to take a look, and began to pretend to be crazy: "It may be that the staff below are not rigorous. I must talk to them later and deduct their bonuses."

"Ha ha……"

"Be careful next time." Pei Jiuyin was in a good mood today, and didn't care too much about such a small mistake, so that he missed an important message.

Seeing that he survived the disaster safely, Secretary Qiao quietly wiped off his cold sweat.

It was too thrilling, almost scared his half life


At Capital International Airport, a civil aviation plane landed safely.

Ning Xuesheng, who had disappeared for several months, appeared in the airport lobby.

Different from Ning Xuesheng before, now he is more airy, defiant, his eyes want to grow to the top of his head.

Because his cultivation base has increased by half a block in the past few months, which is the fastest increase in history, and the clan elders have recorded him in the annals of history.

These credits are also due to the information the elders got from those few people.

In addition, they also got an important news.

He had to tell Tong Li immediately.

Ning Xuesheng looked cold, and rushed to Pei's manor without stopping, dragging his luggage.

It was only after arriving that I realized that the manor, which was supposed to be accessible, was now prohibited from entering.

Ning Xuesheng was puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, why didn't he let him in?

You can get in just by registering before.

And what did they say?There is no such person as Tong Li, it is they who have seen the devil, or he has seen the devil.

Such a big person, actually said that there is no such person?

Ning Xuesheng left Pei's manor with countless questions. He couldn't figure out what the guard said just now in the car, so he decided to go to Tong Li's company first.

Fortunately, the company is still there, and there is Tong Li, it's not him.

It's just that he wasn't there, so he couldn't ask for any results.

He saw that it was still early, so he went to the temple first to see if Tong Heng's condition was better.

When he went to the temple, he saw Tong Heng sweeping the floor with a broom. He was so shocked that he thought he had really seen a ghost this time.

In his lifetime, he saw this delicate young master sweeping the floor with his hands. When will his hands be able to hold the broom?

Tsk tsk tsk... terrific, terrific.

He took out his phone and snapped a photo, and sent it back to his father sometime to see how promising his son is now, he would sweep the floor.

Tong Heng scanned and noticed a piercing gaze staring at him, he stopped what he was doing, and looked back.

Then I saw Ning Xuesheng with a joking face.

"Brother Xuesheng?"

"That's right, you still remember me." If this person didn't know him, he would wonder if he came to another world.

Tong Heng: "?"

Ning Xuesheng walked up to him, grabbed the broom in his hand, threw it aside, and went straight to the topic: "You've been here for so long, have you seen Tong Li?"

Tong Heng shook his head, not knowing what he meant by asking: "I haven't been out since I came here."

Naturally, it also cut off any news from the outside world.

The place of Buddhism is very good. Every day when he wakes up, eats, eats and sleeps, he listens to the scriptures, sweeps the floor, and wipes the table when he is free. Say, enough.

Ning Xuesheng stroked his chin and looked at him carefully. He was indeed well-raised. The flesh on his face had grown a lot, his complexion was good, and he had grown taller. However, he was still a teenager after all. Let him stay in the This, really wronged him.

"You really want to stay here."

"I have something to look for Tong Li. I just came back from Pei Jiuyin's house, do you know? They won't let me in, saying that there is no such person as Tong Li."

"Do you think it's strange?"

Tong Heng was taken aback: "No way."

They lived in Pei's house at that time, so how could they not know each other.

"Are you sure you're going to the right door?" Tong Heng looked at him suspiciously.

Ning Xuesheng rolled his eyes at him: "Do you think I'm a fool? I can't tell if it's the Pei family or not?"

Tong Heng thinks about it too.

So why is this happening.

No one knows.

"Did you go to her company to look for it?"

"I went, I didn't meet anyone."

Tong Heng looked at the floor and pondered for a few seconds: "Is there something wrong with the relationship between Pei Lao and Tong Li?"

While talking, he admitted his mistake in his heart. After all, he was afraid of being struck by lightning when he called his ancestor by his first name.

Ning Xuesheng also thought about this possibility, and there was indeed that possibility, and if so, he could understand why the group of people said they didn't know Tong Li.


It's best.

Ning Xuesheng clapped his hands together: "Let's go, let's go to her company to look for it."

Tong Heng only thought about it for a few seconds, and chose to follow. There is nothing bigger than looking for an old ancestor.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to get something."

A few minutes later, Tong Heng came out empty-handed. Ning Xuesheng looked at him and felt that something had changed in him, his spirit?No, the momentum is not right?

Why does it feel different as soon as you enter and exit?

"Let's go." Tong Heng ignored his surprise, patted his pocket, and smiled.

After Tong Heng came out, he looked at the tall buildings outside, and suddenly felt a sense of admiration. He hadn't been out for just a few months, and the outside world seemed to him like a lifetime away.

But now he is even rarer to live a peaceful life, carefree every day, free from illness and pain.

When they came to Tong Li's building, Xiao Lingling looked at Ning Xuesheng who had gone and returned, and then glanced at the office in a vague way: "Mr. Ning, you are here again."

"Has Tong Li come over?"

Xiao Lingling nodded blankly.

The two walked straight to the door of Fafa, Xiao Lingling watched the two hesitate to speak, and finally could only watch the two go in helplessly.

Tong Li was drawing talismans at this time, when suddenly the door was opened from the outside, and when she heard the strange movement, she raised her eyes and saw two strange men standing at the door.

The three of them met each other with six eyes, and for some reason no one spoke.

Tong Li's eyes were slightly cold. After all, two strangers broke in suddenly without even knocking on the door. Who wouldn't be angry when they saw it?
The other two were taken aback by Tong Li's strange eyes. After all, they were old acquaintances, and they looked at them with such strange eyes. It was very sudden, and they didn't know how to deal with themselves for a while.

"What's the matter?" Tong Li asked indifferently, completely speaking to a stranger.

When the two heard this, they looked at each other in amazement, and everyone's eyes revealed a blank look.

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