Ning Xuesheng was the first to squeeze in. He came to Tong Li's table and sat down familiarly. He looked at her with suspicious and tangled eyes: "Tong Li, are you okay?"

Why doesn't she look right?
Tong Li frowned slightly, looked at Ning Xuesheng, and then glanced at the boy who was still standing outside the door. The two obviously knew her, but she had no impression at all.

It's true that no one knew her when she first came back, but now a lot of people who know her have come out one after another.

Ning Xuesheng continued to ask: "What's the matter with you and Pei Jiuyin? I went to your house to look for you just now, and the people there actually said that there is no one like you."

"What's wrong with you two."

"broke up?"

So this explanation makes sense, often only when two people break up unhappy, the other party will try to do some stupid behaviors to erase the existence of the other party.

When Tong Li heard his words, his pupils froze for a moment, but he recovered quickly.

Seeing that the eyes of these two people have become sharper, these two people not only know her, but also have a good understanding of her affairs. Just relying on the words of the man in front of him, it can be concluded that she was really with her before. The surname Pei has something to do with it.

"You said me and Pei Jiuyin are a couple?" Tong Li confirmed again.

"Dang" Ning Xuesheng's voice stopped abruptly, and then she realized that Tong Li asked why this sentence was an interrogative sentence?

"Tong Li, are you really alright?"

Ning Xuesheng pointed to his nose and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

Although he felt this question was idiotic, he felt it necessary to ask about Tong Li's various performances.

Tong Heng didn't know when he was standing next to Ning Xuesheng, he was also surprised by Tong Li's reaction, he looked at her fixedly, this answer was also very important to him.

The atmosphere in the office suddenly became tense. Besides the two people inside, there was another person outside the door who was lying on the door and trying to eavesdrop.

Then, under the astonished eyes of the two, Tong Li shook his head slowly, it was shaking his head.

The two looked at each other, still shocked, and their eyes fell back on Tong Li: "Have you lost your memory?"

I have to say that Ning Xuesheng spoke the truth.

Tong Li pursed her lips and nodded slightly: "You can say that."

Now the two of them can't be straightened out.

He has only been back for a few months, why did he lose his memory?With her ability, who can move her?
"Don't be joking, Tong Li."

Tong Li remained silent.

Ning Xuesheng calmed down quickly, and his expression became serious involuntarily: "What happened to you during this time?"

Tong Li glanced at the blue sky outside: "I don't know."

She's been thinking about it too.

Ning Xuesheng was silent, not knowing what to say.

Tong Heng took out a small box from his pocket and put it in front of her, opened the lid, revealing a round, chubby bug inside: "Then do you remember it?"

Tong Li gave it to him before. Although he didn't explain the reason, he knew that the ancestor must be afraid that something would happen to him during the treatment, so he kept it just in case.

Because of the existence of this worm, he took the medicine for treatment very smoothly and did not suffer any pain. He also wanted to come over to thank her.

I didn't expect to meet again, but this is the situation now.

Ning Xuesheng thought for a while and felt something was wrong: "But you have lost your memory, shouldn't that person named Pei be with you? Why did the people inside say they didn't know you when I went to his house?"

Thinking of this, Tong Li's mood gradually sank: "He doesn't remember me either."

"Huh?" The two were even more shocked now.

Two people lost their memory together?What's the situation?
"But it's not right. Even if he loses his memory, the people around him don't. Didn't anyone tell you about the past?"

"Looking at your situation, do you know? Didn't the people around you tell you?"

"Besides, are you cleared from his house because of his amnesia?"

"I don't think it's right. If you say that Pei Jiuyin doesn't remember you, then it's impossible that his servants don't know you, unless..."

Ning Xuesheng condensed Tong Li: "Unless someone tells them not to promote you."

That thing doesn't seem so simple.

Tong Li frowned even deeper, after his analysis, it really was the same thing.

Before Tong Li could speak, Ning Xuesheng thought angrily, "Hmph, that Pei guy is going too far."

"I used to think he was not easy to get along with. He had a stinky face all day long. I don't know who I thought owed him 800 million." non-stop.

Gradually, the air temperature became lower and lower, Ning Xuesheng rubbed his arms, and turned his gaze to the source of the cold air.

The little bug seemed very angry because no one paid attention to it.

Tong Li lowered her eyes, stretched out two fingers, and gently pinched the bug out, looking left and right.

"Ice silkworm?"

Xiao Youbao looked at Tong Li and blinked her eyes, and seemed to see that something was wrong with her.

Suddenly it felt itchy nose and wanted to sneeze, but just as it opened its mouth, there was a pop in the air.

The bug in Tong Li's hand disappeared.

It turned out that she thought that Youbao was going to attack her, so in order to avoid causing damage, she had to kill the insect first and threw it out heavily.

Poor little Youbao was slapped on the wall, his head was dizzy, and he couldn't figure out why his master threw it away.

Tong Heng felt distressed and went to pick You Bao off the wall.

Gently help it to pat off the dust on its body, and quickly explain to it: "It's all right, your master just forgot you temporarily, she didn't mean to hurt you."

You Bao was holding back his strength and wanted to cry at the moment, but when he heard Tong Heng's words, he forced his tears back.

Instead, she looked at Tong Li pitifully, feeling that she had suffered an indiscriminate disaster.


It doesn't matter.

Tong Li heard what they meant, and it turned out that the little thing belonged to her.

She coughed twice to hide her embarrassment.

"This, mine?"

"Yeah." The two nodded heavily, and they all complained about Xiaoyoubao's grievances. After all, he worked hard for her. Before he could take credit for the meeting, he was slapped away mercilessly. Can he not be wronged? ?
Tong Li: "..."

Immediately change the subject: "Tell me about my past."

Speaking of this, Ning Xuesheng became excited, and just about to open her mouth, Tong Li pointed to Tong Heng at the side: "You tell me."

Ning Xuesheng: "?"

What do you mean?
Don't let him talk?

Tong Li really didn't want him to move his mouth. She felt that this man spoke with prejudice, and kept saying that Pei Jiuyin was wrong.

She didn't want to hear him talk.

"Ah?" Tong Heng was a little dazed, what should he say about this?
He didn't know Tong Li well, and he knew only a few things.

Tong Heng looked at Tong Li with a embarrassed face: "I, I, in fact, it would be better for you to ask Qu Rui."

"After all, you have a good relationship. He should know more about you and Brother Pei."

Tong Li: "Qu Rui?"

She remembered that at the dinner party that day, Qu Rui was there.

Does he know?Why didn't you tell her then?

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