Chapter 425 Seeking Help
Tong Li drank the soup in the bowl and looked up at him. She heard what was on the phone just now, it was about his business game with the Guan family.

Listening to the contents, this is not a petty contest. If you lose this battle, it will be equivalent to losing the entire Pei family, which shows the seriousness of the matter.

"If you are busy, do it first." This man has been around her all day today, and his business is at a critical moment, so there is no delay
"Not busy, let's eat first." Pei Jiuyin spooned out another bowl of soup to cool down.

The phone on the table rang again.

He just glanced at it lightly, but didn't answer, but it seemed that there was something urgent there, and he kept calling persistently.

Tong Li sighed, put down the chopsticks: "Go, don't accompany me, I want to sleep for a while after eating."

Pei Jiuyin lowered his head, pondered for a while before saying, "Okay, when you're full, go upstairs to rest, and call me if you need anything."


Pei Jiuyin stood up and kissed her lightly on the forehead, his eyes were extremely gentle: "Wait for me to come back."

Then he left in a hurry.

Tong Li was the only one left in the living room, and she lost her appetite seeing half of the food left.

She doesn't know anything about Pei Jiuyin's business, and she doesn't know much about the Guan family, but her ability to make Pei Jiuyin such a headache must not be underestimated.

Tong Li tapped her fingers on the table, narrowing her eyes slightly. She couldn't help, but there was one person who could.

She went back to the room and changed her clothes. Just after changing her clothes, her eyes suddenly went dark, and the world was spinning for a while. She helped the cabinet in time to avoid falling, and some images suddenly flashed in her mind.

It's a room, to be precise, it's Pei Jiuyin's room.

There were two people lying on the wide bed, one was her and the other was Pei Jiuyin.

She likes to be quiet, lying on the bed and just want to sleep peacefully, but that man is obviously not, he always likes to stick up to trap her, treat her as his own, even if she beats her, he still begs for nothing Posting it up, it's kissing and hugging, very clingy.

Tong Li's head was getting more and more painful, and her abdomen was throbbing. She tried to empty herself and calm down her thoughts, and the pain was quickly relieved.

Looking at the situation, her memory began to recover.

Tong Li took a deep breath, went to the bathroom to wash her face, and asked the driver to take her to the temple when she came out.

The driver wanted to call and report to the big boss, but Tong Li gave him a wide-eyed stare, and was instantly cowardly.

In Tong Li's eyes, Pei Jiuyin was already busy enough, and to bother him with such a trivial matter, wouldn't he deserve a beating?

Later, the driver called two cars to accompany her. After all, Tong Li's safety index is no less than that of the young master, so she must be careful. She has the future of Pei's family in her stomach. Any of them can have an accident, but she can't.

Tong Li did not go to Tong Heng immediately after arriving at the temple, but lit two safety lamps for the children in her belly, drew special runes on them, and then blessed them with magic power, so that they could be born safely.

It was also the first thing she did for them as a mother.

As soon as the peace lamps were put on, they became the two brightest lights inside.

Tong Li was relieved to see it.

It's just that she just walked away when the two lights suddenly flickered on and off.

A Taoist priest came out from the small door in the corner and walked to the place where Tong Li was standing just now, looking at the two peace lamps with eyes like a mirror. After a long silence, he clasped his hands together and bowed reverently to the peace lamps.

Tong Li came to Tong Heng's yard, Tong Heng sat on the stone table and read a book, and saw that it was the Daoist book that Tong Li had given him before, Ning Xuesheng read it next to Tong Heng, it was a rare book for him, Tong Li couldn't help it. If he is willing to teach him, he can only be cheeky if he wants to learn.

The two were addicted to watching, and they discussed quietly from time to time, until a shadow fell in front of them, and when they looked up, they saw Tong Li standing in front of them.

Ning Xuesheng felt guilty: "Tong Li, why are you here?"

Tong Li sat across from them, and glanced at the book in Tong Heng's hand: "How are you doing?"

Tong Heng blushed slightly, and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment: "My comprehension is relatively low, and I only comprehend half of it."

Tong Li nodded: "Your foundation is relatively weak, so it will indeed be more difficult."

She glanced at Ning Xuesheng: "Find some introductory books for him to read."

"Ah? Oh!" Ning Xuesheng's face twitched, he thought that peeking at Tong Li just now would scold him to death...

Tong Li's eyes fell on Tong Heng, she rarely asked for help, looking at the little boy in front of her, she didn't know how to speak for a while.

Facing Tong Li's scrutiny, Tong Heng stretched his body nervously, not daring to blink his eyes.

She did mental work for a long time before she decided to ask: "How is your father's business?"

"Ah?" There was a trace of confusion in Tong Heng's eyes. He felt that Tong Heng had something to say, but he didn't expect her to ask about family matters.

"It's okay, I don't often ask about family business."

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his expression became tense: "Is something going to happen to my dad?"

Tong Li shook her head: "No."

" look at me like that..." He felt guilty.

Tong Li shifted her gaze to the books on the table, and said slowly: "Something happened to Pei Jiuyin's company, see if your dad can help."

Tong Heng was startled: "What happened to Brother Pei?"

As far as he knew, the Pei family was very powerful in the capital, and ordinary people would not be able to touch him.

"Some business wars are related to the Guan family. You can check the details."

"The Guan family?" Tong Heng frowned. The Guan family is also a big family in the capital. The relationship between the two families is not shallow, but people die for money, and birds die for food. Business matters are really uncertain.

"I see. I'll call my dad later." Since the ancestor opened his mouth, there was no reason to refuse.

Tong Li breathed a sigh of relief, and then helped him check his body. After everything was done, she went to the group of people.

Tong Li came to the courtyard where they were, and these people sat in groups of three or four in front of several tables, and there were some strange things on the table, and everyone's fingers were dyed colorful by dyes.

Seeing Tong Li's arrival, everyone put down their things one after another, stood up together, and respectfully called Miss Tong.

Tong Li nodded slightly, walked around their table, picked up a disc woven from bamboo on the table, and asked, "What is this?"

The person standing in front glanced at it: "It's a nest plate, it will be useful when the time comes."

Tong Li was not interested in the so-called sealing plate, and threw the thing back on the table: "The half-month period is approaching, can things go on as scheduled."

The man lowered his head and thought for a while: "It shouldn't be a big problem. Dusi has already gone to find the rest of the things. If he can come back on time, there will be no problem."

Tong Li nodded and asked some more questions before preparing to go back.

When she went out to the door, it was already sunset.

Standing on the mountain to watch the sunset, you can have a panoramic view of the whole city.

The sky is full of colorful clouds, the ground is full of lush greenery, and the breeze is blowing. People can't help but close their eyes and enjoy this refreshing moment.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw Xiao Youbao jumping out of it.

(End of this chapter)

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