The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 426 Men's Anxiety During Pregnancy

Chapter 426 Men's Anxiety During Pregnancy

The little ice silkworm danced around Tong Li a few times, sniffing and sniffing her body, seemed to find a different aura on her body, her eyes were wide open.

Tong Li squatted down and pinched the little bug and put it on the palm of his hand: "What are you doing out here?"

Little Bingcan blinked her big eyes a few times, then suddenly shook her head in panic.

"What?" Tong Li didn't understand what it meant.

The little ice silkworm was twirling anxiously in her hand, suddenly it had an idea, jumped onto her stomach twice, then jumped back to her hand, shaking its head desperately at her.

Tong Li seemed to understand what it meant, and her face, which was still warm just now, immediately turned cold.

Throw it to the ground, turn around and leave without looking back.

Little Youbao was caught off guard by being thrown, howled, and rolled on the ground a few times, but the matter was very important, it got up from the ground and jumped towards Tong Li regardless of its dirty self.

Tong Li stopped and didn't even turn her head, letting the insects behind her feel her killing intent.

Shocked by her aura, Xiaoyoubao stopped jumping and looked at her in a daze. It didn't know why Tong Li released killing intent on it?Are you trying to kill it?
Obviously he was doing it for her own good.

Xiao Youbao pursed his mouth, silently raised his head and looked up at the sky, his eyes were a little lonely, it seemed to be rejected by the owner, what should I do?
After being decadent for a few seconds, it remembered one thing, and then its chunky body left the temple and jumped in a certain direction.


Tong Li took a shower after returning home, then lay on the bed and waited for Pei Jiuyin.

But it didn't take long before her eyelids drooped like cement, and she fell asleep within a few breaths.

Pei Jiuyin didn't come back until nearly 3 in the morning, and when he came back, he saw Tong Li sleeping soundly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, feeling inexplicably satisfied in his heart, this cold and cold home will have his lover, his children in the future, Waiting for him to come back at home.

Pei Jiuyin walked to the bed, wanting to go up and hug her, but thinking of the dirt all over his body when he just came back from outside, he decided to wash it first.

In 5 minutes to 5 minutes, he came out of the bathroom, which was the fastest shower he had ever taken.

Pei Jiuyin dried his hair and crept onto the bed, trying not to make too much noise. Although it was more convenient for him to sleep in another room at this time, who could refuse to sleep with his wife in his arms?

He is not stupid.

Sensing movement, Tong Li turned over and knew who was back without opening her eyes. She murmured softly, "You're back."

"En." Pei Jiuyin responded softly, then hugged her in his arms, greedily sucked the breath of the girl in his arms, and gently stroked her back: "Go to sleep."

Sure enough, sleeping with your wife in your arms is the best.


When Tong Li woke up the next day, she was alone on the bed, and the man next to her had long since disappeared.

Tong Li turned over and changed into a comfortable position, not intending to get up.

until the door is opened
She was pulled into his arms together with the quilt, and a magnetic and pleasant voice came from her ear.

"Not yet, are you hungry?"

"Yeah." Tong Li closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, sniffing his breath vigorously. She didn't know why she had this habit, but she felt that the smell on his body seemed to have magical powers, which could soothe her heart. All the irritability, even the nausea that had just arisen was suppressed.

"You smell so good."

"Huh?" Tong Li said without beginning or end, making him a little confused.

"Are you fainted from hunger?"

Tong Li looked up at him, saw his laughing eyes, raised his hand and slapped him on the chest: "Relax, I'm going to brush my teeth."

"Yeah." Pei Jiuyin tore off the quilt from her body, did not put her down, but carried her into the bathroom, filled her with water and squeezed toothpaste, and served her well.

In the end, he stood by and stared at her.

Tong Li was very unaccustomed to such delicate service, and even said and pushed people out, and only after locking the door could they have a quiet environment to brush their teeth.

After washing up, Pei Jiuyin guarded the door worriedly.

"Tongtong, let me find a servant to accompany you, okay? You are pregnant now, and it is inconvenient for you to be alone. Just let them do some miscellaneous things for you."

"No." She was just pregnant, not having difficulty moving, and she didn't need anyone to follow her.

Pei Jiuyin doesn't know much about Tong Li's strength now, and he always feels that everything is in danger. If he takes a step, he is afraid that she will fall, and if he takes a step back, he would rather be guarded by her 24 hours a day.

Tong Li sensed the anxiety of the man in front of her, but she was the one who was pregnant, so why did this man react more than she did.

She held his hand and comforted him: "Don't worry, I'm not a three-year-old child, I will take care of myself."

Although Pei Jiuyin listened to what he said, his expression was somewhat unwilling.

Ever since he knew she was pregnant, no matter what he was doing, he always thought about whether there would be any problems with her at home, whether she was running around, and no one knew what to do if something happened?
The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, now is the critical period with the Guan family, what if they do something to Tong Li?
The more Pei Jiuyin thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case. He thought that he would upgrade the security at home later, and that Tong Li would have to send twice as many people for his trips.

But this has to be done secretly.

"Let's go, go down and eat."


The two walked out holding hands, during which Pei Jiuyin kept telling her to be careful of her steps, look to the side, and be careful of her stomach like an old lady.

Tong Li was directly speechless.


On the other side, Qu Lanxin Chuan appeared in front of a club, and when she found out that Jing Beichen was here, she hurried over to find someone.

These clubs are usually open at night, but now it is broad daylight and there are no people there. As soon as she entered, someone came to tell him that they were not open yet.

"I'm looking for Jing Beichen." Qu Lanxin arrogantly took off her sunglasses, and stared at the bar member coldly.

The bar clerk saw that the lady in front of him had an extraordinary temperament, and the visitor was even more hostile. He was just a small bar clerk, and when he asked for the boss by name, the first thing he thought of might be a relationship with a mistress or mistress. He didn't dare to offend, but I dare not put it directly.

"Wait a moment, I will report to our manager."

The barman returned to the bar and made a phone call, and brought Qu Lanxin up after hanging up.

Qu Lanxin stepped on Hentian Gao and followed the bar staff to the seventh floor.

"Miss, here we are."

"Okay, let's go!"

After the bar staff left, Qu Lanxin's face changed, and she stared angrily at the door in front of her, the person inside was playing tricks on her.

He was the one who contacted her, he was the one who gave her the medicine, he was the one who said he would help her get Pei Jiuyin back, and the matter was already half done, why did he bring Tong Li back.

The more Qu Lan thought about it, the more angry she became, and she tried to take a deep breath to calm down the anger in her heart.

After 2 minutes, she knocked on the door.

The door swung open.

(End of this chapter)

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