The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 427 You Are Not Worthy To Lift Her Shoes

Chapter 427 You Are Not Worthy To Lift Her Shoes
As soon as the door was opened, she could smell a strong smell of tobacco and alcohol. There were countless empty bottles piled up on the table and on the ground, and she didn't know how much the people inside had drunk.

Looking inside, I saw Jing Beichen holding a wine bottle in his hand, taking a sip for himself from time to time.

Qu Lanxin frowned slightly with disgust on her face, she walked up to Jing Beichen, and asked him directly: "Jing Beichen, what do you mean, you were the one who came to me, and you said you could help me get Brother Jiu back, I put all my eggs in one basket to cooperate with you."


Jing Beichen hiccupped, raised his head slightly, and looked at the woman in front of him coldly.

Qu Lanxin was so frightened by his eyes that her legs softened, and she took a few steps back, but thinking of the purpose of coming today, she forced herself to look at his gaze calmly, and kept telling herself in her heart that she was not afraid of him.

"You, you." Although she pretended to be fearless on her face, her intermittent voice still betrayed her nakedly, and she was very afraid of this man.

"Tong... Tong Li is pregnant now, and the two of them are together again."

There was a bang. Jing Beichen threw the wine bottle in his hand forcefully, the sound of the explosion shocked Qu Lanxin, and swallowed all the words of accusation abruptly. If he wasn't wearing sunglasses, he could have You could clearly see the panic in her eyes.

Jing Beichen was lying on his back, rubbing his temples vigorously with both hands, he had a headache, for some reason these few days, his headache was about to burst.

He did all the tests he could do, but he still couldn't find out the cause of the pain. Even taking painkillers couldn't stop the pain. Only under the paralysis of alcohol, he could relieve it a little.

But when the woman in front of him mentioned Tong Li's name, his head started to hurt again.

The word Tong Li played repeatedly in his mind like a curse, no matter how he tried to drive it away, it would be of no avail.

After pressing for a long time, the headache didn't get any less, but it became more and more painful. He angrily swept the wine glasses and bottles on the table to the ground, and roared angrily, "None of my business."

What Tongli, what pregnancy, he doesn't want to care about anything now, he just wants to stop the headache.

Qu Lanxin had never seen such a situation before, she was used to seeing polite men, so she thought that all men would treat her mildly.

correct!How could she have forgotten, Jing Beichen... how could a cancer in the upper class be so easy to talk to.

But she has already come here, if she doesn't have an answer today, she won't leave, anyway, she has nothing now, she is not afraid of anything.

"Don't you like Tong Li? Are you saying that Tong Li is your fiancee? Now everyone outside is saying that your woman was robbed by Pei Jiuyin, that you are incompetent, that you..."

Qu Lanxin couldn't help but take two steps back.

"You came here to tell me these things?" Jing Beichen clenched his molars and grinded them several times before suppressing the pain a little.

He knew that this woman wanted to piss him off with such a despicable means: "Oh, idiot."

He picked up the cigarette on the sofa and stuffed it into his mouth, picked up the lighter on the ground and lit it for himself, took a deep breath and exhaled a cloud of mist into the air, looking at Qu Lanxin's eyes with incomparable contempt: "To create such a good condition for you, You can’t even look at a man.”


"A woman like you..." Suddenly his face changed, and he said instead, "You are not worthy to carry her shoes."

Qu Lan's eyes were full of anger, and she gritted her teeth resentfully: "That's not because you brought Tong Li back, otherwise I would have succeeded long ago."

As for some words, she chose not to hear them.

She could have gotten her wish that night, but if it wasn't for Tong Li, how could she have ended up like this.

Jing Beichen stopped smoking, and when he heard the word Tong Li, his head began to throb again, and his face became grim. He never knew that this name had such a great influence on him.

He glanced at the table, looking for something to throw to vent, but he swept everything to the ground, and simply threw the cigarette in his hand at Qu Lanxin.

The cigarette with the sparks flew directly towards her at high speed.

Qu Lanxin obviously didn't think that this person would be so vile, even throwing cigarettes at her, still with sparks.

She was so frightened that she couldn't react for a while, and could only dodge to the side by her body's conditioned reflex.

The sparkling cigarette brushed against her face, she felt a slight pain, and there seemed to be a burnt smell on her face.

A bad premonition welled up in Qu Lanxin's heart, she raised her hand in horror to touch her hot face, "It hurts..."

Her face appeared to be scalded.

In a panic, Qu Lan took out the makeup mirror from her bag and took a picture: "Ah!"

What did she see, her face was burnt with a deep red mark.

Her face, disfigured?
She cherishes her face the most.

"You" she glared at Jing Beichen angrily.
"Get out." Jing Beichen's eyes turned violently red.

At this moment, he is like a raging lion, with frightening anger gushing out from his body, whoever dares to say a word, he can immediately launch an attack and bite the enemy to death bite by bite.

Qu Lanxin was really scared this time, and she kept stepping back!

Suddenly his left foot tripped over his right foot, his body lost balance instantly, and he sat down on the ground directly: "You you."

Jing Beichen's terrifying appearance was too terrifying, her body trembling, regardless of her own embarrassment, she rolled and crawled out of the private room.

The bodyguards guarding both sides of the door couldn't help shrinking their bodies, trying to minimize their presence. It wasn't long before the first two brothers were carried out, and they didn't want to be the next one.

Fortunately, their boss didn't continue to go crazy, so they were relieved.

Jing Beichen was the only one left in Nuo Da's private room, he became more angry when he saw the mess all over the place, and beat his head desperately: "Tong Li, Tong Li, this woman, get out of my mind."

He angrily overturned the table, kicked everything that could be kicked, dropped everything that could be dropped, and smashed everything that could be smashed until he was too tired to move, and then he stopped.


Pei Jiuyin's fight with the Guan family was in full swing, and the others were looking forward to it, watching the two families fight to the death, and it would be best if they could reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Faced with the powerful Pei family, the Guan family could only go all out.

Originally, the two families were in-laws. Although they were divorced, Pei Jiuyin kept half of their Guan family's blood. Even if they couldn't cooperate, they shouldn't confront each other.

Some time ago there was a little conflict, but it has been resolved. I don't know why Pei Jiuyin suddenly went crazy and bit them to death, and seeing their posture, it was definitely not a temporary intention.

The Pei family intends to engulf them in one fell swoop and attack them indiscriminately. If this continues, even if they win, their vitality will be severely damaged. Those who are watching the show just need to use a little tricks, and their end will not be the same how nice.

The Guan family was full of gloom, and Guan Shangyi was also called back urgently. They felt that the problem might be on Guan Shangyi. She provoked the last incident, and this time it cannot be ruled out. Therefore, if they want to quell this vicious fight, they must Get Guan Shangyi back and ask clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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