The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 430 Can't bear these two children

Chapter 430 Can't bear these two children

Tong Li came to the downstairs of the building, looked up at the tall building in front of her, frowned slightly, and raised her hand to press her eyelids.

For some reason, her eyelids kept twitching and her mood became restless as soon as she got here, as if she was foretelling something bad was going to happen in front of her.

She stretched out her fingers and counted, but it was nothing.

Tong Li just hesitated for a moment, entered the lobby as usual, and waited in front of the elevator.

Today's hall is unusually cold, she is alone, she looks around the hall as if feeling something.

Ding... The elevator door opened slowly, and she had to look away.

The elevator was still empty.

Tong Li stepped into the elevator, and she watched the elevator door slowly close.

Suddenly there was a bang, and there was a sound outside the elevator door, Tong Li's eyes fell on the door, and the eyes instantly became cold.

The elevator door was slowly and forcibly opened a crack, and two black-gloved hands slowly reached in and stuck on the door crack until the elevator door was violently opened.

Tong Li also saw the person who forcibly entered. The other party was a tall man wearing a half-face mask. His eyes were very cold, without any warmth. They were not like the eyes of normal people, but more like a dead man.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air, sending out a dangerous signal.

Probably because the evil spirit emanating from the man on the opposite side was too strong, Tong Li squinted slightly, subconsciously tightened her body, moved her feet half an inch away, put her hands behind her back, and made a defensive posture.

The man stood at the door and stared at Tong Li for a while before stepping into the elevator.

Tong Li lowered her eyes, and a trace of doubt flashed in the corner of her eyes. She seemed to see the corner of the man's mouth twitched just now, as if he was laughing at her?

She glanced at the man again, and there was nothing unusual.

The two stood side by side, and neither of them pressed the elevator button. After the door closed automatically, the elevator began to slowly ascend.

The atmosphere in the small elevator suddenly became tense at the moment the door was closed, and a few flickering sparks flew back and forth in front of the two of them.

The elevator seemed to be going up, but it didn't seem to be moving at the same time. Tong Li held her breath and kept an eye on the actions next to her.

The man put his hands in his pockets, as if he was groping for something, and just when Tong Li thought he was about to make a move, the other party made a sound.

"Miss, can you listen to me?" The man's voice was very soft, but his tone was as cold as a millennium, making one's scalp numb.

it's too cold.

Tong Li's fingers moved slightly, and she would only put herself into an emergency state when facing the opponent's powerful oppression.

It can arouse her vigilance, and it is obvious that the person in front of her is not an ordinary person.

Tong Li replied in a cold voice, her momentum cannot be lost to others: "What?"

"Something will occur if it belongs to your life, if not, do not push it."

Tong Li tilted her head and glanced at him: "."

The man continued: "Looking at the girl's fate, you are a lucky person, but seeing the abnormal changes in your face and nose palace, there must be dangers in the near future. If you can make a safe transition, your future prospects will be limitless."

Tong Li scoffed at his words: "So?"

These days, someone's fortune-telling is on her head.


"Girls know their own situation. Unexpected joy often requires a heavy price. After great joy comes great sorrow."

The man paused for a moment and then said: "Girl, a single thread does not form a thread, and things that are not good for you should be broken if you stop, and if you don't stop, you will be chaotic."

"What if I say no?" Tong Li put her hands on her chest, touching Ying Qianzhu in her hand, ready to do it at any time.

The man glanced at the bead on her hand, didn't take it seriously, and continued to say like death: "With the girl's current body, she can't bear these two children. The most sensible choice is to get rid of them in time. Stay safe."

"Girl don't need to be angry, you are young now, but you should feel that what these two children need to grow up, and you are far from being able to provide it now."

Tong Li frowned deeply, grabbed Ying Qianzhu with her hand, and moved her feet.

The man groped his body again, after groping for a long time, he took out half a piece of paper and handed it to Tong Li: "Don't worry... within a month, if you need me, the girl can come to me."

"After a month, if the girl doesn't look for me, then I can only resign myself to fate."

Tong Li naturally didn't go to pick it up, she already wanted to beat someone up.

Suddenly she lost her mind, and when she regained her senses, she was the only one left in the cold elevator, and the man just now disappeared.

Tong Li scanned the elevator room, not knowing who this person was, but he didn't leave any breath behind, as if the scene just now was imagined by her.

She looked at the note in her hand, which was left by the man just now. In this way, it was not a fantasy just now, it was real.

Tong Li took the note, didn't even look at the contents inside, tore up the note, and finally burned it completely, and the pure white note instantly turned into a pile of ashes and fell to the ground.


She should have done it sooner.

Ding. After a long ascent, the elevator finally reached the floor where it was located. Tong Li stepped out of the elevator with a calm face.

After the elevator door slowly closed, the man who disappeared just now suddenly appeared in the elevator again, and there was another person beside him.

"Master, you scared His Highness just now." The servant next to him was very dissatisfied with his behavior, the aurora blue flames on his face kept flashing, although he was dissatisfied, he couldn't do anything to him.

The man slightly hooked his lips and smiled: "Really? Didn't you see that she drew her knife and wanted to hit me just now?"

Who is scaring whom?

"That's because your evil spirit threatened her." The servant rolled his eyes in his heart.

"And, you can't meddle in her affairs, otherwise you"

The man patted his clothes and said with a smile: "So what if you intervene, let him come here if you have the ability."

Rumbling... There was a thunderbolt outside, and the two people in the elevator subconsciously looked up.

"Master." The man called the master very helplessly.

"Okay, shut up if you can't speak." The man snorted softly, then disappeared into the elevator in a wisp of smoke, and the male servant followed helplessly.

The elevator started working normally again.

When Tong Li arrived at the company, he saw two people sitting on the sofa, one was worried, and the other had dull eyes and dull pupils, sitting there like a wooden man, motionless.

Seeing Tong Li coming, the older middle-aged woman immediately got up and shouted in surprise: "Master Tong, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for several days. Thank God I finally let me wait today."

"What's the matter?" Tong Li was suffocated because of what happened just now, and her tone of voice was not very good.

The middle-aged woman was taken aback, feeling that she hadn't said anything yet, why is Master Tong so angry?She looked at Tong Li cautiously, and said, "That's... that's right, I want you to take a look at my daughter-in-law."

Tong Li glanced at the woman on the sofa.

The woman was wearing a big red dress, her head was drooping, and she was lifeless and lifeless.

According to the size of her stomach, it should be about eight or nine months old.
(End of this chapter)

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